Bloggy February

Neo-Nazis? Shut up already!

Here’s some non-neo-Nazi related blogs:

1) Andrew Norton : is a barking mad reactionary, or in his words, ‘Carlton’s lone classic liberal’. A little dull, occasionally worthy, but about the most coherent bloggy defence of privilege I’ve found.

2) Austrolabe: Australian Muslims : a blog containing writings by a number of local Muslims on current affairs, politics and life in general. And in general, it’s an interesting and well-written read.

3) Barista : a relatively long-standing and again very well-written blog run by David Tiley, an Australian film writer from Melbourne. His thoughts on the recent death of Pip Starr are of particular interest.

4) BibliOdyssey : a popular blog what contains huge numbers of prints reproduced form historical texts ‘n’ that. Today’s text: “‘Mausoleum Potentissimorum ac Gloriosissimorum Regni Apostolici Regum et Primorum Militantis Ungariae Ducum’ (Mausoleum of the Most Powerful Kings and Dukes of Hungary) by Ferenc Nádasdy, 1664. The book appears to cover the rulers of Hungary from the tenth century up until the time of publication… Just by the by, the author happens to be the son of the infamous mass murderer, Elizabeth Báthory.”

5) Blogger on the Cast Iron Balcony : “A blog by an opinionated mother of two, which might lie idle for a while sometimes. The blog, that is.” Ho ho ho. Another blog on the sprawling media empire that is Sam’s, this Blogger appears to be a Feminist of some kind — possibly even a Communist — and should naturally be approached with extreme caution.

6) Cyclic Defrost Magazine (The Blog) : “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in”, said Michael Corleone, which pretty sums up my recurring bouts with music and music journalism. I don’t know how much great music I’ve read about and never heard — sometimes I just like to look at all them pretty pictures. I’m also constantly promised new horizons in sound, but usually musicians just take an existing product and put a clock on it or something… This blog focusses on “interesting” music.

7) Television Advert’s at Duncan’s TV Ad Land : the art form of extremely-late capitalism. Submit.

EIGHT) where’s the beef? : two vegetarians eat. Food. In Melbourne. A recent discovery, looks neat.

9) Nourish Me : Ha! Another vegetarian food blog. Pornilicious. Speaking of which, it’s time for a musical interlude, and what better way to introduce one than by way of Poison Idea* with their #1 hit single ‘Punish Me’:

10) : “ originated as an informal space for communicating with researchers in a collaborative project on local governance and community planning in Melbourne’s northern fringe” but don’t let that put you off. Sample sentence: “Sinthome from Larval Subjects has a very nice post up today, reviewing and improvising around Kenneth Burke’s A Grammar of Motives.” If I were a philosophical Geraldine Doogue I’d smile and say “Fascinating!”.

11) Talking Squid : A token effort on my part to imply knowledge of other scientisitical things than Marxism! Science of Revolution.

12) radio waves from space : or: The Machine That Goes “Ping!” is all grown up and releasing musick.

    * “ARA, SHARP and members of the punk music community, including members of CHD, began to drive the boneheads out of the clubs and the culture. Bands that had huge local followings, such as Poison Idea or Sweaty Nipples, stopped concerts to speak against boneheads and vowed not to play if they congregated at their shows. Some bands changed their names, such as Wehrmacht or took on confrontational anti-racist names, such as Crackerbash…” ~ Anti-fascist organizing in Portland 1988-1993, Little Beirut, Winter/Spring 2004… Bah! Nazi schmazi.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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15 Responses to Bloggy February

  1. Dr. Cam says:

    Where’s my blog on your little list, suckah?

  2. @ndy says:

    Sorry Doctor, but that’s attributable to the fact that, with one inadvertent exception, none of the blogs listed are contained in my blogroll — and yours is. Nevertheless, I now offer you the unique* opportunity to kindly write a guest post on my blog, in which you will be free to proclaim your genius to the world.**

    **Or at least several hundred or possibly even several thousand of its English-speaking inhabitants with access to the Internet and the ability and willingness to read my blog and your post.

  3. PF says:

    So what’s happened to FDB? Has been offline for a day or two. Also, Cam, where’s your blog? I’m writing up a PhD so need some serious fucking procrastination material.


  4. @ndy says:

    FDB! is up and running as far as I can tell. Try:

    Cam’s blog:

  5. Asher says:

    I have a one-time offer for you, @ndy. I’m willing to let you guest-write my guest-post for your blog. What do you say?

  6. @ndy says:

    Are the police corrupt?

  7. Asher says:

    Awesome. I look forward to seeing my guest post soon!

  8. KinkyBoy says:

    Access to this webpage is restricted at this time.

    The Websense category “Racism and Hate” is filtered.


  9. KinkyBoy says:

    FYI (No need to publish)

    WebSense banning of the Bad Boy Dr Bubbies website above is legit. It must be a mistake.

    Anything, blogs etc, even remotely “Anti-Semitic” is banned, probably a function of hitrate to.

  10. Dr. Cam says:

    That is awesome but fair.

  11. Asher says:

    I’m still waiting, @ndy!


    Yay let’s support propaganda blogs from muslims and hope they that even though they espouse THE most backwards,racist,hateful,warmongering,lying,homophobic,racist and sexist idealogoy known to man that somehow we can be freinds with them!!

    I mean after all if a white kid with a shaven head says he hates Jews we’re all going to fight the evil nazis (all of about maybe 4 of them in Melbourne I believe) but if a lebanese kid says he hates jews,wants too spread an totaliteran oppressive doctrine full fo hate and violence towards women and Jews that’s AOK

  13. @ndy says:


    Honey, you sound all upset.

    Is it because of your spelling difficulties?

    Or is there a Muslim in your soup?

    Drink plenty of water when you take these.

  14. Dr. Cam says:


    Please make note of the mis-spelling ‘idealogoy’ and incorporate it into your work.

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