Ciaron O’Reilly Questioned by ASIO After Landing in Brisbane on Friday Night
Monday February 06, 2006
Ciaron O’Reilly arrived in Brisbane, Australia on Friday February 3 after a 30-hour flight from Ireland. He was immediately met by two ASIO agents on disembarking.
Brisbane-born Ciaron is one of the [5] Pit Stop Ploughshares defendants awaiting a third trial in Dublin, Ireland on July 5. Defendants have been allowed to leave the country but are required to return to Ireland a week before the July trial. Ciaron has returned home to Brisbane, Australia to visit family.
Ciaron was placed in a secure room in the airport during the interview. When asked if he had previous dealings with ASIO, he replied “Well, you’re a secret organisation. You tell me if I’ve had dealings with ASIO agents before.”
Ciaron was questioned about his plans during his 3 month stay in Australia [and] the civil disobedience that occured during the Shoalwater “Operation Talisman Sabre” joint US/Australia military exercises in 2005. Ciaron was questioned as to whether he planned to accompany his brother Sean to his Alice Springs late February court date arising from his arrest following a peace demonstration at the CIA/NSA outback base Pine Gap.
References were made to the Pit Stop Ploughshares case in Ireland. Ciaron assured the agents both he and his brother were innocent of all charges awaiting hearing.
After a few jet lagged attempts to tease out the meaning of “security”, “violence/nonviolence”, “terrorism” and “war”, the interview ended.
O’Reilly stated: “We believe security is built on the pursuit of peace and justice through nonviolent action. Security is not secured by shrinking freedoms, crushing civil liberties and harassing peace activists! If ASIO is serious about addressing violence and terrorism it should have investigated the role and arms of the USS Ronald Reagan in Brisbane last week and the ongoing targetting carried out by Pine Gap!”
ASIO = Australian Security Intelligence Organisation: spooks, in other words. If that sounds like your kind of thing — any why wouldn’t it be every loyal citizen’s dream? — they’re recruiting like mad at the moment. Better yet: “ASIO is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications for employment from all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, marital status, disability or sexual orientation. Selection is on merit and your application must address the relevant selection criteria.” But ssshhh, don’t tell anyone: “If you wish to seek employment with ASIO please note we do not accept unsolicited applications or resumes. Your application must be in response to a specific vacancy advertisement.” Like this one for a ‘Generalist Intelligence Officer’. The winners?
Those who have successfully made it through our recruitment process and become GIOs have a variety of life and work experience. They have included:* Those in the workforce with several years of work experience, including Teachers, Managers, Marine Biologists, Lawyers, Psychologists, Analysts, Investigators, Engineers, Scientists, Nurses, and Social Workers (just to name a few).
* Recent graduates with a couple of years work experience.
* Students in their final year of study at university from a variety of disciplines.
Yes, it’s brains like these that were responsible for deporting Scott Parkin on the basis that he posed a “national security risk”… which suggests to me that if you’re either stupid and/or happy to toe the Government line, you’ll be welcomed into ASIO with open arms.
Oh, and don’t worry too much about having well-developed infiltration skills: the blokes who monitored Subplot in Sydney last August stuck out like dog’s balls. On the other hand… Here’s some advice on ‘What to do if ASIO visit’.