- More disco, links, and craptastic commentary @ Blabbermouth/Roadrunner : Australian Teenager Charged For Wearing ‘Blasphemous’ CRADLE OF FILTH T-Shirt – June 24, 2008 : “Australia’s Herald Sun reports that a Gold Coast teenager has been charged by police for wearing a blasphemous t-shirt degrading Jesus. The boy, 16, was stopped by police in Biggera Waters after he was spotted wearing a t-shirt which claims “Jesus is a C…
Good old Cradle of Filth. Long-abandoned by metal purists, seven years after first coming to the attention of The Man for a naughty t-shirt, the same t-shirt has irked the normally happy-go-lucky, footloose and fancy-free Queensland police.
Teen arrested for ‘blasphemous T-shirt’
Ben Dillaway
June 25, 2008
A GOLD Coast teenager who wore a T-shirt by English extreme metal band Cradle of Filth that reads ‘Jesus is a c**t’ has been charged with offensive behaviour.
Above the offensive slogan a nun is depicted masturbating.
A 16-year-old was arrested on Monday for wearing the shirt and was charged with offensive behaviour under the Summary Offences Act 2005 for public nuisance.
Senior Sergeant Arron Ottaway said the teen was walking along Hollywell Road, in Biggera Waters, when a officer saw him.
Police conducted inquiries at Australia Fair, where the teen said he bought the shirt, to find any shops selling it…
Cradle of Filth merchandise has got plenty of form. Prior to this latest arrest:
Shopkeeper who sold ‘obscene’ Jesus T-shirt escapes trial for prejudice
Lauren Crooks
The Scotsman
November 9, 2007
A SHOP owner charged with religious prejudice after selling an obscene T-shirt will not face trial.
Daniel Moore, 45, sold the T-shirt – which features the slogan “Jesus is a c***” and a pornographic picture of a nun – to an undercover policeman.
Minutes later a team of ten police officers raided his Edinburgh shop and he was charged with selling obscene material aggravated by religious prejudice…
And prior to this incident:
Nicholas Barker, their former drummer, was arrested in Dover in May 2005 and charged with “creating a public disorder” for wearing the garment. There were no further proceedings against him.
In 2004, Dale Wilson was arrested in Norwich after he was spotted wearing the T-shirt as he walked to his local shop.
He walked away from court without a conviction, but magistrates told him to “grow up”.
In 2005, Adam Shepherd, 19, was fined £40 and sentenced to 80 hours community service after a member of the public complained to police over the T-shirt.
In 2001 the then Lord Provost of Glasgow, Alex Mosson, campaigned to stop the T-shirt from being sold at Tower Records. The record shop was raided on two occasions by police, and eventually agreed to stop stocking the garment.
The band’s singer, Dani Filth, has said of the T-shirt: “It was going against the usual mediocre statement of ‘Jesus Loves You’. I mean, what does it mean?”
(Vestal Masturbation is also available in Australia via Metal Mayhem, for the low low price of $55.)
In a completely awesome, utterly macabre and like, totally related note, it’s World Yoof Day (sic) soon, and to celebrate the Catholic Church is arranging for a coupla blokes to come visit. About 125,000, in fact. The first off the plane is some German fella by the name of Ratso; the second is some Italian fella by the name of Pier. And while Ratso was born in 1927, Pier died just two years earlier.
As a result, it’s expected that Ratso will do most of the talking.
Whether or not he’ll apologise for years of abuse by members of his priesthood in Australia remains to be seen. Sydney Catholic Archbishop George Pell has courageously left the door open for Ratso to walk through, while The Mad Monk reckons Ratso should do more reaching out before apologising on behalf of those clergy who went too far.
See also:
1) Marduk, ‘Fuck Me Jesus’ (Demo, 1991):
2) ‘Jesus is Cumming’:
3) Move over Paul Whicker! Stand aside Gordon Ramsay! Here’s Geoff Baron!
haha what a crock. whats next? they’ll be banning Dead Kennedy’s Nazi punks fuck off tshirts? tshirt censorship gotta love it.
T-shirts hit a nerve online
June 26, 2008
RELIGION and politics may be taboo subjects at the dinner table but yesterday they yielded goldcoast.com.au its most read story of the year.
Last night more than 10,000 people had read ‘Band T-shirt draws charge’ — an article about a 16-year-old who was arrested in Biggera Waters for wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Jesus is a (expletive deleted)’.
It’s the most read article goldcoast.com.au has had and sparked a debate about free speech, the marginalisation of Christians and atheism v religion with posts from as far as Florida.
By 9pm yesterday 265 people had posted messages with some saying the arrest was only a step away from a police state and others congratulating Senior Sergeant Arron Ottaway for his ‘moral stance’.
“To all of you God botherers, brides of Christ. This is a fantastic shirt … ” was just one of the many posts, written by Dangerous Dan of North Brisbane.
The story was almost the third most-read article on the national News Ltd website http://www.news.com.au/.
Y en Español…
Adolescente detenido por llevar una camiseta con “Jesús es un coñazo”
Publicado por nekrodomus | 25 de June de 2008
El que te guste la música heavy puede causarte algunos problemas en ciertos países como por ejemplo Australia, donde un joven adolescente fue detenido por llevar una camiseta que la policía consideró ofensiva o blasfema, detención que ha originado en debate en Australia.
Todo comenzó cuando la banda de Black Metal/Goth Extremo Cradle Of Filth, tocó por esas tierras y a uno de sus seguidores se le ocurrió comprar una de sus camisetas en la que se podía leer en su espalda Jesus is a Cunt (Jesús es un coñazo) y en la que también se podía ver a una monja masturbándose.
Llevar esta camiseta a supuesto a este joven de 16 años de edad, una detención el pasado lunes al ser acusado de comportamiento ofensivo en virtud de la Ley de Delitos del 2005 por disturbios públicos.
Arron Ottaway sargento de policía dijo que el adolescente estaba caminando a lo largo de Hollywell Road, en Biggera Waters, cuando un oficial lo vio. Comenzando de esta forma el calvario para este chico.
Es demencial que es un país que siempre hemos considerado democrático puedan ocurrir cosas como esta. Lo peor de todo es que no es la primera vez que ocurre algo similar ya que hace pocas semanas un joven fue “invitado” a bajar de un avión por llevar una camiseta de los Transformer donde se podía ver una pistola. Poco a poco los derechos individuales chocan más con leyes absurdas y se impone a la fuerza ser políticamente correctos. Pues señores desde aquí me niego a serlo.
And what I assume to be Romanian…
Un tanar fan Cradle Of Filth acuzat de blasfemie
Un adolescent australian fan al formatiei britanice Cradle Of Filth a fost acuzat de autoritatile din Biggera Waters de blasfemie.
Tanarul in varsta de 16 ani purta celebrul tricou cu Cradle Of Filth pe care este inscriptionat Jesus is a Cunt, pe cealalta parte fiind imaginea unei calugarite masturbandu-se.
Incidentul a dat nastere unor discutii aprinse prinvind Legea Drepturilor Omului din Australia.
Sen-Sgt Arron Ottaway, cel care l-a arestat pe adolescent, spune ca atat imaginea cat si inscriptia l-a lezat, cu toate ca nu este o persoana religioasa.
Nu este prima data cand acest model de tricou cauzeaza neplaceri de acest gen purtatorilor. In octombrie 2005, un adolescent britanic a fost arestat si condamnat la munca in folosul comunitatii din pricina aceluiasi tricou.
Mai mult, nimeni altul decat Nicholas Barker, bateristul Cradle Of Filth a fost la randul sau arestat pentru ca purta acest model de tricou, dar a fost eliberat la scurt timp dupa ce a demonstrat ca purta tricoul formatiei din care face parte.
Hungary for more?
Kereszténysértegető pólója miatt fogtak perbe egy kamaszt
2008. június 25
“Jézus egy picsa” hirdette a Cradle of Filth zenekart népszerűsítő pólóján egy ausztrál kamasz. A rendőrök eljárást indítottak ellene, a jogvédők a szólásszabadságért aggódnak.
Jesus is a cunt (Jézus egy picsa), hirdette pólóján egy 16 éves kamasz Ausztráliában. A Cradle of Filth metálzenekar pólójában sétáló fiút a rendőrök előállították és vádat emeltek ellene sértő viselkedés miatt.
“Jómagam nem vagyok vallásos, de ez [a felirat] egyszerűen felháborító” – indokolta a szigort a Herald Sun című azusztrál napilapnak Arron Ottaway rendőrőrmester.
Az ausztrál jogvédők szerint a döntés a szólásszabadságot fenyegeti, egyben rávilágít az ausztrál jogrend nagy hiányosságára, az alapjogok védelmének hiányára…
See also : Noble Front vs. ZOG :
Hot Cross Buns
Cardinal Ratzinger in charge of undermining liberation theology resulting in dead children… 20 years later… time to host world youth festival.
The fact that they stung, raided and charged the shop owner pisses me off more than anything. If that was my shop I would’ve been charged with assault on an officer to boot.
Mambo ‘crucifixion’ shirt withdrawn from Big W after dressing down
Leesha McKenny
The Age
September 3, 2010
MORE than 20 years after it first appeared, a classic Mambo design has proved too controversial to sell on a department store T-shirt…