First Muslim objector unites people of different ideologies
Özgür Öğret and Sevim Songün
Hürriyet Daily News
January 11, 2010Anti-military groups are supporting Enver Aydemir, who is under arrest for refusing to perform military service, which he says would be in conflict with his Islamic beliefs. Though he does not want to be called a conscientious objector, Aydemir’s refusal to serve is bringing together supporters of different ideologies who share an anti-war stance.
Enver Aydemir, the 87th conscientious objector to military service in Turkey and the first known to refuse to take up arms due to his Islamic beliefs, has been arrested again.
Aydemir, 33, is refusing to wear a Turkish military uniform, saying he does not want to serve a secular army…
A rally was held in Ankara in solidarity with Aydemir on January 6. Police arrested many of those who attended, including Volkan Sevinç. Sevinç remains incarcerated. For more infos, please see: To all The Earth And The Comrades Of Conscience (January 10, 2010).
See also:
War Resisters’ International
Courage to Refuse
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Peace Action Wellington
Refuser Solidarity Network
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Obama, the Middle East, and the Prospects for Peace, December 8, 2009:
“In a lecture reaching far beyond the designated topic of Middle East peace prospects, Noam Chomsky is sharply critical of Israel, India, Pakistan, President Obama, and the United States—which he calls a “rogue nation” and “the Godfather.” He accuses the U.S. of controlling Israel and undermining the two-state solution that would establish a Palestinian state.”