Ah men

The Age, October 12, 2008:

In one of the worst cases to pass through the courts recently, Whittlesea man Michael Kyriackou [who now lives in South Australia], 40, was convicted and fined $10,000 in Heidelberg Court last month on 43 counts of animal cruelty, after investigators discovered 11 emaciated calves — suffering dehydration, diarrhoea and intestinal worms — buried alive underneath cow carcasses on his property…

“We know that in 50% of all cases of domestic violence where women leave a violent partner, the pets that are left behind are either killed or tortured,” Mr Holland said.

Roast pork loin with horseradish. Serve sliced thinly, with warm potato salad, beans or creamed spinach.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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2 Responses to Ah men

  1. Dean T says:

    What are trying to say, exactly? The kid in the above photo looks rather pleased that he has a good feed coming…the cruel and heartless bastard starving his animals ought to be flogged. What has one got to do with the other? As a kid that grew up in the bush, I understand the argument that city folks are removed from the process of death that supplies them their meat, I never willingly harmed any animals, unless I shot them for food to supply me or my dogs. I reckon that most city folk couldn’t kill their own meat, so that they shouldn’t necessarily eat it…but the kid in the above pic looks like he’s living in a rural setting, and is comfortable with eating the family pig. Should he NOT eat the farm pig, and go hungry?

  2. @ndy says:

    I’m not trying to say anything exactly: just throwing together references to pork (in particular) and animals (in general) as a food source. I’m sure that the kid in the picture is very happy — and good for him/her. (For the record, I don’t eat meat, and I was born in the city.)

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