Nutzis. New Zealand Nutzis.

This weekend a mob of Nutzis calling themselves the ‘Nationalist Alliance’ (NA) is holding a rally outside the Parliament building in Wellington. Among the dignitaries attending this momentous event are local Nutzis Kyle Chapman and Kerry Bolton, and from Australia Dr. James Saleam. (There will also be a surprise guest or two from Australia — stay tuned for more details!) Saleam’s expected visit was preceded last year by Chapman’s address to Saleam’s Sydney Forum, and in April of this year by the announcement of a declaration of common understanding by ‘nationalist’ (fascist) groups in the two countries.

The three key participants named above are funny old fellows. As a yoof, Kyle Chapman burned down the meeting house of a Southland marae and placed a fake bomb on the doors of a girls’ school in Invercargill. As an ‘adult’ bonehead, he helped form the Fascist Union in the late ’90s, and later was the ‘director’ of the National Front. He’s also notorious for his ongoing battles with the English language. On the subject of this weekend’s rally, on the Jew-hating Stormfront website he wrote: “Les than a week to go. Anyone out there who has their testies growing enough to come along and has not made plans yet need to contact us ASAP”. Kerry Bolton is a Satanist and veteran fascist activist, whose voodoo recently resulted in the withdrawal of a student’s paper that he disagreed with from Waikato University. Like Bolton, James Saleam is also a veteran fascist, and has criminal convictions for insurance fraud and organising a shotgun attack on ANC representative Eddie Funde in the late ’80s.

As was the case in 2006, in 2008 the Nutzis are assembling at Top 10 Hutt Park Holiday Park.

    Head office
    [email protected]
    0800 867 836 (Toll-free within NZ)
    1800 121 010 (Toll-free within Australia)

    Maxwell Sinclair Hand (Director for Top 10 Holiday Park)
    6 Littlejohn St
    09 625 9099

    Hutt Valley Holiday Park
    95 Hutt Park Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ph: +64-4-568 5913
    Fax: +64-4-568 5914
    Reservations Freephone: 0800 488 872
    Email: [email protected]

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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