How excitement!
Initial results indicate that the people of Queenscliffe are not allying themselves with socialism, SA candidate Chris Johnson coming last of nine candidates with 102 votes. In Maribyrnong (Stony Creek Ward), SA candidate Stuart Martin got 811 votes, and came second of three candidates: Sel Sanli (ALP) gaining 2888 votes and Steven Curry (Greens) 587. Unfortunately, there was only one vacancy, so for Stuart it’s better luck next time. Also in Maribyrnong (Wattle Creek Ward), Margarita Windisch has come third. Results:
1) CLARKE, Michael 2870
2) PURNELL, Ingrid 893
3) WINDISCH, Margarita 607
4) SALLMAN, Leon 344
5) BRAY, Garth 168
Although again, with only the one vacancy, SA has been unsuccessful on this attempt.
In Greater Geelong, SA stood two candidates: Lisa Gleeson (Brownbill) and Bronwyn Jennings (Cowie). Results:
1) ABLEY, Barbara 3613
2) SULLIVAN, Paul 2493
3) MONTGOMERY, Nick 1499
4) GLEESON, Lisa M. 1060
5) BAYLISS, James 329
1) SAUNDERSON, David 4285
2) KONTELJ, Eddy 3334
3) LJUBANOVIC, Vinko 1263
4) JENNINGS, Bronwyn 1144
5) STOJANOVSKI, Robert 547
Each Ward had one winning candidate.
In Moreland, results are through for South Ward. Here SA stood three candidates: Vannessa Hearman, Turan Ertekin and Sue Bolton. Unsurprisingly, the ALP retained its stranglehold on the council — helped, allegedly, by the use of feeder tickets. (An oldie but a goodie.) Congratulations to Josephine Connellan (Greens), Lambros Tapinos (ALP), Alice Pryor (ALP), Samantha Bassegio (ALP), Nicholas Porfyris (ALP) and all the other squawking hacks at ALP HQ.
1) CONNELLAN, Josephine 5003
2) TAPINOS, Lambros 4018
3) PRYOR, Alice 2710
4) ANDERSON, Christopher 1411
5) BOLTON, Sue 834
6) SALIBA, Raghida 654
7) KHODER, Faddela 619
8 ) HEARMAN, Vannessa 548
9) BASEGGIO, Samantha 462
10) ELGOOD, Peter John 386
11) MALIGNAGGI, Adrian 182
12) ERTEKIN, Turan 148
For the Socialist Party, the news is a little better. In Yarra City (Langridge) Stephen Jolly got himself re-elect. Results:
1) JOLLY, Stephen 3141
2) STONE, Amanda 2830
3) BARBOUR, Geoff 1735
4) FARRAR, Jenny Maree 1064
5) LONG, Michael 791
6) McFEELY, Tom 660
7) MILLS, Lindy 545
Less good news for the SP in the neighbouring Ward of Melba however: Denise Dudley coming second-last (eighth) with just 246 votes.
In the Mulgrave Ward of Monash City Council, too-racist-for-One-Nation-Party candidate Neil Henry Smith got 604 votes. Presumably — Alas! — ratepayers will now “be forced to pick up the tab for those overseas cot cases transported to Monash by Kevin Rudd and his merry politicians”.
1) KLISARIS, Paul 7352
2) BAINES, Charlotte 5110
3) DRIEBERG, Micaela 2863
4) SHIELL, Craig 2840
5) O’CONNOR, Sharon 1140
6) BAKER, John 1037
7) TUNG, Li Chuan 1022
8 ) DOYLE, Michael 706
9) KOCHHAR, Shashi 627
10) SMITH, Neil Henry 604
11) ANTONIAZZI, Ilaria 471
In Shepparton, bitter disappointment for Diane. On the bright side, the President of the Australia First Party out-polled five of her political rivals. On the dark side, she in turn was out-polled by thirteen others…
Well, Joe at any rate.
Melbourne City Council Leadership Team votes are finally in (12:14AM), and it appears ex-Tory Party Leader Robert Doyle will be replacing Businessman John So as Lord Mayor of Melbourne.
1) DOYLE, Robert (Lord Mayor) / RILEY, Susan (Deputy Lord Mayor) ACTIVATE MELBOURNE 15135
2) BANDT, Adam (Lord Mayor) / MALTZAHN, Kathleen (Deputy Lord Mayor) THE GREENS 8729
3) McMULLIN, Peter (Lord Mayor) / WILSON, Tim (Deputy Lord Mayor) McMULLIN-WILSON FOR MELBOURNE’S FUTURE 7267
4) NG, Catherine (Lord Mayor) / MAKINGS, Terry (Deputy Lord Mayor) C MELBOURNE GROW – CATHERINE NG 6315
5) SINGER, Gary (Lord Mayor) / PAINTER, Joanne (Deputy Lord Mayor) TEAM MELBOURNE 6056
6) FOWLES, Will (Lord Mayor) / WILSON, David (Deputy Lord Mayor) FOWLES A FRESH VISION 5004
7) MORGAN, Gary (Lord Mayor) / ANDERSON, Michele (Deputy Lord Mayor) MORGAN CLARKE – OUR CITY – YOUR COUNCIL 4526
8 ) COLUMB, Nick (Lord Mayor) / CALWELL, Sue (Deputy Lord Mayor) PASSION FOR MELBOURNE 2712
9) TOSCANO, Joseph (Lord Mayor) / ELY, Margaret (Deputy Lord Mayor) SHIFTING THE BURDEN 815
10) ROBERTS, Shelley (Lord Mayor) / FARAH, Abdiaziz (Deputy Lord Mayor) RESIDENTS EQUITY – AFFORDABLE RESIDENT RATES 719
11) CRAWFORD, Robert King (Lord Mayor) / KENNEDY, Michael (Deputy Lord Mayor) MELBOURNE SUPERCITY. WORLD 684
More exciting results as they come through!
- Uncle Joe For Mayor? Dare to dream! (October 28, 2008)
Victorian local council elections : far left and far right (November 9, 2008)
Go Diane! For petunias, the Queen and clean toilets (November 12, 2008)
Hi All
How is Steve Jolly winning only a “a little better” than coming last?
How did Joe Toscano go? Does he count as the anarchist vote?
rebel love
“How is Steve Jolly winning only a “a little better” than coming last?”
I wrote:
“For the Socialist Party, the news is a little better. In Yarra City (Langridge) Stephen Jolly got himself re-elect.”
That is, SA candidates did not get elected; at least one SP candidate did. Being elected is better than not being elected.
“How did Joe Toscano go? Does he count as the anarchist vote?”
The results for the Melbourne City Council Leadership Team are not yet available, so I’ve no idea how many votes Joe got. “Last updated: Sunday, 30 November 2008 11:09 PM”; the next update may not be ’til Monday morning. I dunno if he counts as the anarchist vote; I think he counts as the Joe vote.*
*The initial results have since come through. Joe and his running-mate Margaret got 804 votes.
Hey @ndy
I thought you were comparing Steve’s results to SA’s and saying that they were “a little better”. They were a lot better! Maybe I am reading it with the wrong emphasis…
rebel love
You’re right. I was making a comparison. And yes, Steve’s being elected is indeed a lot better than any of SA’s results. (When I wrote “a little better”, I was being “a little facetious”.) As it stands, Steve remains Australia’s only (arguably) elected socialist (that is, outside of the ALP, and perhaps the Greens). Certainly, the only candidate belonging to an explicitly ‘socialist’ party to be elected on a specifically ‘socialist’ platform. Further, SA’s results varied: Chris Johnson may have come last in Queenscliffe, but Stuart Martin came second (of three), Margarita Windisch third (of five) and so on. The results for SA candidates in Moreland have yet to be published; so too, the results for two other SP candidates in Yarra.
PS. Australia First promised (September 27) to have a candidate run in Maroondah, but failed to do so. It’s possible that candidates linked to the party ran in other contests, but if so I’m unaware of their identities.
They also vowed to have completed their efforts at Federal registration by Wednesday (December 3). To this end, on Saturday and Sunday they held a party gathering in Sydney. If they do succeed at registering, it will be somewhat surprising, seeing as they require 500+ members to be so registered.
The other major difference between Jolly and any SA candidate you care to name is Jolly actually attempts to engage with his electorate beyond posters with vague demands to stop things – please don’t take that as support for the Socialist party, though you can count me as impressed that an authoritarian like Steve Jolly actually goes and talks to people in the commission flats.
With Doyle winning Smellbourne (and declaring war on “bogans” within hours of his victory), the only worse result will be Lambros Tapinos winning in Moreland. Some are already proclaiming him victorious. Pleasebewrong, pleasebewrong, pleasebewrong, pleasebewrong, pleasebewrong, pleasebewrong, pleasebewrong.
With a prodigious number of feeder tickets in the Moreland electorate, it was a numbers game to begin with. Ah, I love the smell of democracy after an election. No doubt it’s part of the Right faction’s attempt to undermine the Left of the ALP which was beginning to eclipse the dominant Unity faction – Lambros is a long-time member of Unity. I’ll be paying much closer attention to local politics if Lambros is elected, particularly on such a patently corrupt basis. He has a history of utilising feeder tickets to secure election results. I wonder if the same tactics (along with his history of incompetence and wastage) will work out for him on a Council level?
Lambros is also particularly stupid, from memory. A friend was telling me yesterday of seeing Lambros, some time ago, trying to hide from the Returning Officer behind a potplant, as he was a Vic Uni student campaigning for the Right at Monash Uni. It’s funnier when you realise that the plant was solitary and small and Lambros is quite fat.
Go Lambros! Sounds like the dude has all the makings to become the next Darren Ray…
Successful: CONNELLAN, Josephine (1st successful)
Successful: TAPINOS, Lambros (2nd successful)
Successful: PRYOR, Alice (3rd successful)
At a guess, and this is a total theory at this point, I’d say that Unity are pulling out the war chest to re-secure total dominance of the Victorian ALP, to the extent that they are making inroads into traditionally Left heartlands like Moreland. You need to remember that that it’s actually very expensive to set up a candidate, and the amount set up by the ALP in Moreland alone is impressive, if the numbers cited by the Greens are accurate.
This would seem to reflect the strategy of the Young Liberals (the Uglies) in NSW, and Unity (well, student Unity anyway – student Unity are more of a fanclub for the adult Unity than a youth wing I think, although they often go on to work for the ALP Right) have a long sordid history of collaboration with the truly lunar right elements of the Young Libs to the extent of running joint tickets.
My other theory is that this might just constitute the usual churning that goes on in political parties, and the ascendancy of someone as laughable as Lambros in a hotly contested ALP council is part of the competition that goes on and not broadly significant. He has been conspicuously active in the local branch for some time now, falling over himself to be put on the telly as the (pudgy) face of today’s youth at every opportunity. I truly have no idea how strong Lambros’s links to the ALP Right are anymore. Actual policy from Lambros was thin on the ground and I was actively looking.
I suppose it could be he was the 2nd most competent ALP candidate. LOL.
My prediction: Lambros will be embroiled in some sort of property development controversy within the next two years. Those young Unity kids all seem to harbour fantasies of becoming mega-landlords.
Oh, and I saw Darren Ray yesterday in the city by weird coincidence. I thought he was in gaol or summink.
The ALP isn’t exactly teeming with brains or backbones; plenty of yes-men and lickspittles but.
As for Darren…
LOL and I say again LOL. Is that BCC as in Beechworth? He can’t have been there for very long. Not likely it’s fucking Barwon.
Back to the train spotting in Moreland, Lambros got enough primaries to secure a seat, so I think I stand corrected on my feeder ticket conspiracy theory. Although if that many of the tickets really were feeders, and preferences were directed away from genuine candidates, that could possibly mean that Lambros only secured second place through feeder preferences. I’m not that great a psephologist to read the numbers, especially as I don’t know which candidates were real. Therein lies the rub, I suppose. Sam Bessegio, the accused feeder ticket, got a significant 462 primary votes, for example.
Jo Connellan (Greens, 1st successful) won an impressive 5003 minus the more obvious shenanigans, though I don’t doubt much goes on behind the scenes. Lambros seems to have secured the support of the local Chamber of Commerce in any case; his large lumpy head was posted in lots of shop windows.
Not really giving a shit about the elections other than the campaigns, I didn’t look into what Connellan’s policies are versus Tapinos’. Not entirely sure I can be bothered now it’s all over with. Maybe if someone else asks in the comments I will.
Alice Pryor, the other winner in the same ward, trailed by quite some votes. I don’t know what her politics or allegiances are. I suspect she is in the Left of the ALP as her policies range from the benign to the nice. Also her preferences seem to suggest that Lambros might not have been her ideal ALP comrade. Even as an incumbent, she seems to have been outmaneuvered by Team Tapinos – or else Team Tapinos seemed to spend more money on flashier propaganda. Interesting.
Oh, and for the record, I didn’t vote. I’m as anarchist as fuck, don’t-you-know.
Dave: Joe Toscano is viewed as a bit of a crank, at least among the anarchist milieu that I rub shoulders with, though I’m sure his friends think he’s great. Most of the younger people involved have no idea who he is, and in the 7 or so years I’ve been involved in anarchist activity, I’ve never seen him. He’s ran in a fucking election. This should speak volumes about his grasp of anarchist practice which, as you know, is the only definite expression of anarchist ideas (or “policy”, I guess). I view him as an embarrassment. He should probably be challenged publicly about this but, you know, it’s not really high on the list of priorities for me personally. I guess I can always call his radio show if I get really upset about it. So no, votes for Joe were not votes for anarchy. No. No. Seriously: no. No.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Gatto.
Strong surge in socialist vote in Victorian council elections
Socialist Alliance press release
December 2, 2008
“The surge in the vote for socialist candidates in the weekend Victorian local government elections shows that increasing numbers of working people are looking for candidates whom they trust to defend their interests as economic crisis looms”, Socialist Alliance Victorian State Convener Sue Bolton said today.
Noting that the socialist vote had grown most in Labor heartlands Bolton said that it largely came from working people who were fed up with being taken for granted by the ALP, but didn´t trust the Greens to take a forthright pro-worker stance.
“The vote is also an expression of trust in socialists who are active fighters for people’s rights, and known as organisers against developer and Brumby government plans to close or privatise essential services as well as bulldoze the urban environment.”
Bolton congratulated Socialist Party Yarra City Councillor Steve Jolly on his re-election with 29.2% of the formal vote. “Steve Jolly’s vote is testimony to all the work he has done in defence of the community and the workers of Yarra City Council”, she said.
The Socialist Alliance spokesperson said that the socialist vote also showed that the Brumby government would have a very hard time driving ahead with the cross-city tunnel and the freeway extensions envisaged in the Eddington plan. “Votes like the 18.9% for the Socialist Alliance’s Stuart Martin in Maribyrnong City Council indicate that a lot of the community is dead against the Victorian ALP model of urban vandalism.”
The Socialist Alliance campaign also struck a strong response in Geelong, where candidates Bronwyn Jennings and Lisa Gleeson won 10.8% and 11.8% of the vote on a platform of “making Geelong a climate action council”, with a strong emphasis on improving public transport and housing and residents’ democratic participation in council decision-making.
Bolton added that the increase in the socialist vote was part of a progressive swing in politics, as the increased vote for the Greens confirmed.
“People are increasingly voting against mainstream Lib-Lab politics. The Socialist Alliance will build on these results to strengthen real worker and community resistance to the economic crisis, destruction of services and degradation of the environment. We look forward to collaborating with all other political forces that support those goals.”
The Socialist Vote in the November 29 Victorian Local Government Elections
% of formal vote
Steve Jolly
Socialist Party
Yarra City
Stuart Martin
Socialist Alliance
Margarita Windisch
Socialist Alliance
Lisa Gleeson
Socialist Alliance
Greater Geelong
Bronwyn Jennings
Socialist Alliance
Greater Geelong
Sue Bolton, Vannessa Hearman, Turan Ertekin
Socialist Alliance
Anthony Main
Socialist Party
Yarra City
Chris Johnson
Socialist Alliance
Denise Dudley
Socialist Party
Yarra City