Gold Coast Nazis endure sun, surf, seafood, steak, racist muzak and flogging by wet lettuce

“Neo-Nazi white supremacists” — a group which, one assumes, frequently clashes with neo-Nazi black supremacists — have had to endure almost two weeks’ worth of solid, investigative journalism. Despite these efforts — and the fact that copious amounts have been written about them for over two decades, most of which is easily available online — Blood & Honour and the Hammerskins remain as enigmatic at the end of this period as they were before it. Thus, although subjected to a barrage of questioning, the boneheads have kept stumm and, sadly, no reporter, even the most intrepid, has been able to penetrate the many layers of protection the swastika-lickers have been able to construct around their mighty redoubt on the Gold Coast.


Neo-Nazi festival outrages Gold Coast locals
Charlotte Glennie
April 20, 2010

Residents on the Gold Coast are furious after a group of neo-Nazi white supremacists were allowed to hold a gathering on the Queensland tourist strip over the weekend.

Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke condemned the gathering, organised by a group calling themselves the Southern Cross Hammerskins, but said he was powerless to stop it.

The boneheads organised the gathering alongside the international hate groups Blood and Honour and Crew 38 but very little else was known about it.

Anyone who was interested in going was merely told to email an organiser named Tattooed Aryan.

That person would then arrange to pick them up and take them to a secret location.

Gold Coast police monitored the weekend event and say it past [sic] without incident but they wouldn’t be interviewed about it and they would not say exactly where it took place.

They also would not comment on how many people turned up.

Councillor Clarke says while he was absolutely opposed to it happening, there was nothing he could do to stop it because it was held on private property.

“You can’t account for people’s political leanings, tastes, or stupidity, can you?” he said.

The gathering started about 7:00pm on Friday when a group of about 30 boneheads turned up at a suburban restaurant in Ashmore on the Gold Coast.

Some of the heavily tattooed and shaven-headed men displayed swastikas. Others were wearing t-shirts with the slogan “Blood and Honour”.

Blood and Honour is a global bonehead network which was banned in Germany in 2000 for spreading Nazi messages.

    The name ‘Blood and Honour’ is derived from the slogan ‘Blut und Ehre’, employed by members of the Hitler Yoof. The organisation B&H was established in 1987 by two dead English boneheads, Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane.

Sociologist Alec Pemberton from the University of Sydney says Australians should be worried about the group’s activities here.

“These are white supremacists and they’ve actually been engaged in other countries in real acts of terror,” he said.

“[Oklahoma bomber] Timothy McVeigh and people like that, they’re along those lines.

“My point would always be, you are better off knowing about them, knowing where they are, what’s going on, than having them undercover and underground.”

    Oddly enough, the boneheads’ merchandising arm, 9 percent productions, sells copies of dead neo-Nazi William Pierce‘s The Turner Diaries, the fictional account of a bloody White uprising in the US said to have ‘inspired’ McVeigh’s attack upon the FBI building 15 years ago. (McVeigh was also ‘inspired’ by the FBI’s destruction of a compound belonging to the religious bizarros of the Branch Davidian sect at Waco, Texas, in 1993.) See also : Post-Hutaree: How Glenn Beck and Fox News spread the militia message, Eric Boehlert, April 6, 2010.

The so-called Hammered Music Festival was promoted as the first event of its kind on the Gold Coast in fliers and over the internet.

Promoters touted it as a weekend of “sun, surf and racialist musical mayhem”.

“These events aren’t just about music – they’re about networking and meeting new comrades – so we look forward to seeing ya [sic] and hopefully many other good white folk there,” one promoter said.

The ABC tried to contact a number of members of the bonehead groups who organised the event, but all requests were ignored.

However Blood and Honour’s online radio stream reveals that members often get together “to build a strong, white community”.

Queensland Deputy Premier Paul Lucas is unimpressed.

“Those sort of attitudes of that sort of people are disgraceful and disgusting,” he said.

But the president of the Gold Coast North Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tony White, says there could be a case for the state government to go further if bonehead groups continue to meet on the Gold Coast and cause trouble.

“If it escalates, I think something maybe has got to be put to law by the State Government,” he said.

“We know that they can bring in these laws – they ban bikie gangs, so if they can ban bikie gangs, they can ban these outlaw Nazi gangs … if they start causing problems that is.”


Neo-Nazi music festival goes ahead without incident
Amelia Bentlay
Brisbane Times
April 19, 2010

A music festival held by a white supremacist group went ahead without incident on the Gold Coast at the weekend, police say.

Local police expressed concern prior to the event, which was held at an unannounced location on Saturday.

Officers planned to patrol the area near the festival, but a police spokesperson said there were no incidents reported in relation to the event.

The Queensland chapter of the Southern Cross Hammer Skinheads had distributed flyers for the white pride gathering, Hammered, sponsored by Gold Coast neo-Nazi groups Crew 38 and Blood and Honour.

Advertising did not name the venue, but interested festival-goers were asked to email the organiser, known only as Tattooed Aryan.

The organiser would then give interested parties details of a “meet and greet” gathering at which the festival’s exact location would be disclosed, it said.

Tattooed Aryan promoted the event as a week of “sun, surf and racialist music” on the SCHS website.

SCHS claims its goals can be summed up by its mission: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children”.

    “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children” is a phrase coined by dead neo-Nazi David Lane. The slogan is usually referred to as ‘The 14 Words’, and is in usage by groups across the White nationalist spectrum. Lane, who died in prison in May 2007, will be remembered for his role in forming the Bruders Schweigen / Silent Brotherhood / The Order; ‘The Order’ is remembered for its assassination of radio DJ Alan Berg in 1984 (his crime was being loud-mouthed and Jewish). On a superbly bizarre note, David Lane’s ashes were divided into 14 after his death, and one portion was sent to Perth. Here, plasterer Paul Innes — currently moderator of the Australasian section of the Stormfront website — helped to oversee its dispersal.

Gold Coast City Council or police could not prevent the event, held on private property, from taking place.

An anti-racism protest was held on Saturday at The Spit on the Gold Coast, in protest of the SCHS festival.

The Gold Coast Bulletin reported a group of about 30 men and women wearing clothing with the slogan ‘Blood and Honour’ had dined at suburban restaurant Ashmore Steak and Seafood Restaurant on Friday night.

Staff reportedly seated other patrons away from the group, whose clothing bore swastikas.

The German branch of Blood and Honour was banned in Germany 10 years ago for spreading Nazi messages.

At that time, the German government said members of the group had been arrested after a series of attacks on foreigners inspired by music played at concerts organised by the group.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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62 Responses to Gold Coast Nazis endure sun, surf, seafood, steak, racist muzak and flogging by wet lettuce

  1. grebo says:

    anyone know where it was?

  2. Jeronimus says:

    The far right doesn’t abuse the police like the lefties do. We generally believe in law and order, so good luck banning us the way they ban the “bikie gangs.”

  3. (A)dam says:

    Apr 21st, 2010 at 3:21 am

    The far right doesn’t abuse the police like the lefties do. We generally believe in law and order, so good luck banning us the way they ban the “bikie gangs.””

    yeah cause the bikie gangs are so left wing… jack ass

  4. Paul Justo says:

    Isn’t Qld the ‘Smart State’?

    My favourite nutty Queenslander (along with Peter Watson…where are ya Peter?) –

  5. @ndy says:

    Peter is busy campaigning on behalf of the Australia First Party.

  6. gnwp says:

    hey andy, cool article from NZ:

  7. (A)dam says:

    hey gnwp,

    where can i get a larger size of that picture? i don’t wanna go blind trying to read the thing


  8. @ndy says:

    Check yr email (A)dam.

  9. Eric says:

    Choice, ay bro!
    Can I have too please?

  10. Andrew says:

    Well it seems like the event went ahead without disruption, and a good time was had by all. No “ethnic minorities” were harmed during this presentation.

    So suck shit you little “anarchist” dweebs!

  11. gnwp says:

    Eric, right click on the photo and select “view image”, if you are using mozilla.

  12. Lumpen says:

    So suck shit you little “anarchist” dweebs!

    Ah, the good old scare quotes around the word ‘anarchist’. Almost as good as the “self-confessed anarchist” chestnut. And the fash seem to be taking their insults from 1980s sitcoms now.

    “Andrew”, you’re a “fucking” “bumbeclaart” “wanker” “piece” of “shit”.

  13. Andrew says:

    No they weren’t “scare” quotes… they were “lame” quotes I guess you could say. Think about it, dude…

  14. Andrew says:

    PS – if by “fash” you mean “fascist”, that’s a description that best describes the denizens of this blog. After all, you’re the people who want to suppress people with alternative points of view, by violence if necessary. But I wouldn’t really expect you to be smart enough to see the multiple ironies here, so whatever, I won’t waste my time any further…

  15. (A)dam says:

    Andrew you seem to have no clue, so here is one to start you off

    “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

    Benito Mussolini

  16. inglourious basterd says:

    Poor little Andrew. Clueless ain’t he.

    Racism is against the law, or didn’t you know that? Racism isn’t an opinion any more than murder is, or didn’t you know that? Hammerskins are racist or didn’t you know that?

    It’s also insulting and demeaning to the people of the Gold Coast to have a bunch of hate music fiends around the joint. The Coast is a tourist destination and really doesn’t want you there. Nor does anyone else.

    Find another country next time. Preferably an uninhabited one.

  17. Vlad Tepes says:

    So these people had a concert and nothing came of it, whats the big deal? anti racist bands play all the time and no one kicks up a fuss. and the sharp/anti-fa groups are just as facist as the “facists” in their censorship of the later. but for some hating the hater is acceptable. hypocrosy!!

  18. Vlad Tepes says:

    inglourious basterd,
    racism is against the law? perhaps in countrys that practice censorship and curb free speech, some that come to mind are north korea, nazi germany, communist russia, china, modern day germany, and ones that are rapidly heading that way, canada, nz, australia…

    i highly doubt you would appreciate YOUR voice being silenced but the hypocrite always barks from the other side of the fence, im sure the loudest to whine about their freedom of speech being taken away are the ones who today yell and rant for others to be taken away today.
    think about it and let the logic sink in!

  19. Andrew says:

    Here’s an interesting observation – when it comes to issues of race, immigration, ethnic politics, and freedom of expression on these subjects, you self-styled “anarchists” are hand-in-glove, and speaking with one voice, with big capital, the mainstream media, all mainstream political parties, and all mainstream churches etc. Think about it…

    Here’s a quote for you:

    “We moderns have a nearly infinite capacity to portray ourselves as romantic heroes because we so courageously follow the crowd”

    This quote pretty much sums up the state of play at “slackbastard”.

    I double if any of you are intelligent or self-aware enough to realise this, though. Sad and rather pathetic.

    Bye for now!

  20. (A)dam says:

    Here’s an interesting observation – when it comes to issues of race, immigration, ethnic politics, and freedom of expression on these subjects, you self-styled “anarchists” are hand-in-glove, and speaking with one voice, with big capital, the mainstream media, all mainstream political parties, and all mainstream churches etc. Think about it…

    well here is just a quick over view of why this statement is retarded

    *Race: the NT intervention is a glaring example of a policy of a government of a major political party which any self respecting anarchist is opposed to.

    *Immigration: Labor and the Coalition parties have both at one time or another supported various violations of the un treaty regarding refugees (1951 if memory serves) obvious examples being mandatory detention and pacific solution etc…

    *Ethnic politics: Intervention once again

    *Freedom of expression on these subjects: the only possible similarity that i can think of is that the state makes racial vilification illegal, and many anarchists find it ironic that when fascist twats yell at the top of there lungs that the government should do more to control undesirable elements that the government occasionally turns around and finds the yelling fools to be the undesirable element.

    on the argument about who is more fascist, fascists or antifa i was speaking to a german work mate who was speaking against the violence on both sides as he lives in berlin, saying that it was hard for him to see the difference. and i pointed out to him what i find to be blindingly obvious. without the fash there would be no antifa but without antifa there would still be fash, that antifa at their most violent attack people who are violent towards others who for the most part have done nothing more then be born in a different place or in different skin… a point which made all too much sense to him after 3 seconds of critical thought.

  21. @ndy says:

    @Andrew: “…if by “fash” you mean “fascist”, that’s a description that best describes the denizens of this blog.”

    I know you are but what am I?

    “After all, you’re the people who want to suppress people with alternative points of view, by violence if necessary. But I wouldn’t really expect you to be smart enough to see the multiple ironies here, so whatever, I won’t waste my time any further…”

    Hundreds if not thousands of individuals have commented on this blog. They’ve expressed a range of opinion. Because you’re a dummkopf whose chief and probably only interest lies in defending fascist organising — whether it’s the AmRen conference in the US, the gobshites in the so-called ‘Scottish’ Defence League, or in this case the neo-Nazi skinheads belonging to B&H and the SCHS — you fail to see, let alone read or understand, this range of views. In fairness, however, it’s worth noting that you are, at least, consistent: from your first comment ’til your last, your line of argument has been entirely tendentious. You also have a knack for exaggeration and quasi-hysterical denunciation — a common trait among fascist peabrains fuelled almost entirely by ignorance and indignation. Finally, your attraction to sado-masochistic politics is mirrored in your apparent inability to resist being made a fool of on my blog — again and again and again.

    Like most other fascists, you need a doctor, not a social movement.

  22. (A)dam says:

    Andy did you consider that maybe for Andrew National Socialism is an alternative to psychology? You know like Scientology.

  23. Eric says:

    @Andrew: “I double if any of you are intelligent or self-aware enough to realise this, though.”

    What a fantastic idea! Then you’ll be able to play peaknuckle with yourself.

  24. Andrew says:

    H “@ndy” – jst skmmd thr yr rspns. ddn’t rlly rd t tht crflly th, I cldn’t b bthrd…

    Bt – ntc t cntns lts f prsnl bse – bt y dn’t rlly nswr wht sy r mk ny ntllgnt cmmnts…

    ntc y s lts f lng wrds, t gv th mprssn y’r ntllgnt (y’r nt, y’r shp)

    ntce y cll m “fscst” – wll blv t r nt, ‘m nt “fscst”. ‘m nt mmbr f “bld nd hnr” r “strmfrnt” r nythng lk tht. My pnt s tht y gys r th rl fscsts, nd y’re ls dps, dspt yr slf-rghts pstrng.

    n fnl cmmnt – y nd yr dt frnds “plng n” ds nt qt t m bng md fl f. nyn cn slng bs nd s mnnglss lbls. Tht’s prtty mch ll y’r cpbl f dng t sms. Y’r ll srprsngly snstve nd thn-sknnd fr bnch f hrd-cre “nrchsts” – LL !!!!!

  25. (A)dam says:

    lol andy did you nobble that post or was it his brain?

  26. @ndy says:

    “lol andy did you nobble that post or was it his brain?”

    “So, please: save me from myself, help restore my peace of mind: BAN ME FROM THIS POOR EXCUSE FOR A BLOG! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!”

    The poor boy needed some help on his way to the exit.

  27. (A)dam says:

    lol fair enough

  28. Willy Lloyde Jr says:

    Andy, if by [sic] attacking these so-called fascists is an attack on freedom of speech. You may agree, or disagree with a neo-Nazi, but you could always give them a chance to make their case.

  29. Willy Lloyde Jr says:

    And, do you realise that we as a distinct race of people are slowly becoming a demographically displace[d] population due to a multi-racial agenda? How can we overcome this trend? Should we split, deport or what?

  30. @ndy says:

    Willy Lloyde Jr,

    B&H, SCHS and Crew 38 are neo-Nazi political formations. Whether or not ‘attacking’ them is an ‘attack’ on ‘freedom of speech’ depends upon i) how you define those terms and ii) what you understand to be my action(s). You appear to believe that my blogging about Australian neo-Nazis and their activities constitutes an attack on freedom of speech. In other words, you’re employing some highly idiosyncratic definitions of these terms. That said:

    I’ve been blogging about these and other, generally marginal but related groups and individuals on the Australian far right for about four years or so. Obviously, anyone is free to make use of the information that I provide. Equally obviously, as an anarchist, I stand in political opposition to neo-Nazism — but what, if anything, to do in response to their antics is an open question, about which there is no consensus, but to which the usual response is ‘ignore them’ (whether or not doing so will ‘make them go away’). There is some merit to this argument, but at present I don’t find it to be terribly convincing. Much depends, I think, on position and perspective (which are questions better left to one side for now).

    I don’t, for example, advocate that neo-Nazi groups be declared unlawful — a possibility which, in my view, is extraordinarily unlikely, but which might — assuming that members of such organisations were actually convicted of ‘terrorist’ offences — be possible under existing law (of the sort which has proscribed various Islamist and some, foreign, nationalist associations). Further, I don’t advocate for the utilisation of so-called ‘hate speech’ legislation against such groups, although obviously, in some, rather extraordinary circumstances, it is possible for individual citizens to pursue such matters, and I am not going to condemn anyone in the (incredibly unlikely) event that they do so.

    What I do attempt to accomplish — most directly through my blog, but also in conjunction with a handful of individuals involved in FDB!, some other ‘anti-racists’, and others not necessarily involved in any formal political association, but who have some other reason to be concerned about such matters — is to place a public spotlight upon the activities of the far right. This creates some difficulties for those involved in fascist organising, and from my perspective, the greater this disruption, the better. Gauging the effectiveness of this work is difficult, but I think that, on the whole, it’s been a worthwhile hobby.

    A lot more could be said about the above, but only with prompting by someone other than yourself.

    Finally, regarding your concerns about (presumably) the future of the White race:

    It’s true that, if you look at Australian history, from perhaps a few decades following the invasion and subsequent colonisation of ‘Australia’ by the British — which is to say, I’m uncertain at which precise point in the (presumably) early- to mid-nineteenth century indigenous Australians became a minority of the overall population within the claimed boundaries of the colonies, and I lack any real interest in determining it — ‘White’ Australians have been in the majority. In fact, at some points, and leaving aside the questionable status of the Irish within racialist discourse, ‘White’ Australians have constituted an overwhelming majority. Currently, I believe that the proportion of Australians who might be classified as ‘White’ — which is to say, of particular forms of European, and primarily British, descent — is something like 80-90%. Perhaps 2% of the population may be classified as being of ‘indigenous’ descent, while the remainder are of ‘Asian’ (primarily Chinese or Vietnamese) or ‘Middle Eastern’ or ‘African’ or of some other ancestry. Probably the most well-known of the demographers of contemporary Australia is Dr Bob Birrell of the Centre for Population & Urban Research (CPUR) at Monash University; it, along with the ABS and other bodies, publishes all kinds of research into these and related questions.

    Regarding the existence of “a multi-racial agenda”, again, much depends upon how you define such terms. Insofar as this ‘agenda’ refers to actual changes to Government policy on immigration, yes, a ‘White Australia’ policy was progressively abandoned following WWII. The reasons for this are complex, but in the first instance, have a good deal to do with demands for labour, and its decreasing availability from traditional (and preferred) sources in the UK, Northern and Western Europe, thus necessitating the gates being opened to immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. In more recent decades, and for slightly different reasons, a relatively large number of other peoples have settled in the country, including refugees from Vietnam, Lebanon and numerous other places.

    The idea that this constitutes a form of displacement is incorrect: ‘White’ Australians are not being forced to leave the country to make room for ‘non-White’ arrivals. If there is displacement, it’s of a small segment of middle-class professionals who find better job opportunities in other countries, or of a very small number of second- and third-generation immigrants who sometimes choose to return to the country of birth of their parents and/or grand-parents… which is another story. That being so, there is no ‘displacement’ to reverse. On the other hand, there is a sense in which ‘White’ hegemony is being challenged, a predicament which I think Ghassan Hage has examined rather usefully in White Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society, Sydney, Pluto Press, 1998, and New York, Routledge, 2000.


  31. Willy Lloyde [Jr] says:

    I am unsure if Ghassan describes the thinking of a WN. Generally, WN are concerned with maintaining a nation as predominately white. My question is, what do you find disconcerting about this?

    About population statistics, here’s a snippet from CPUR:

    Population growth: what do Australian voters want?
    Katharine Betts
    People and Place, vol. 18, no. 1, 2010

    Immigration-fuelled population growth has accelerated under the Rudd Government. Recent projections suggest that Australia may grow from its current 22 million to 35.9 million by 2050. This prospect has sparked a public debate about the country’s demographic future. If population growth were to become an election issue how would Australian voters respond?

    Trends show Immigration will predominately come from non-white nations. If such trends continue, you can only imagine [what] the demographic structure of Australia will look like.

  32. @ndy says:

    Generally, WN are concerned with maintaining a nation as predominately white. My question is, what do you find disconcerting about this?

    Unlike ‘white nationalists’, I have no interest in maintaining Australia as “predominately white”; I am much more interested in a range of other problems and questions (including but not limited to advancing global social revolution and Collingwood’s securing the AFL premiership in 2010). These questions proceed from a different ethical basis, one in which ‘race’ is viewed in historical terms rather than as constituting some pseudo-scientific essence. To put it another way: the meaning of ‘whiteness’ changes over time, and even the fact of its existence was at one time novel. For further elaboration of this concept see, for example, The Invention of the White Race, the title of two volumes by Theodore W. Allen, published by Verso. Volume One (1994) is sub-titled ‘Racial Oppression and Social Control’; Volume Two (1997) ‘The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America’. One of the standard contemporary works on the meaning of nationalism is Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (Verso, 1991 (1983)).

    In general, I view racial discourses as one of the means by which society is structured (or regulated), and in ways which are largely in contradiction to my own social vision. That is, racial structuration is almost invariably — and perhaps by definition — linked to racial hierarchy. In any case, in order to be properly understood, I don’t think these discourses can be removed from the historical and social contexts in which they emerged. Within an Australian historical context, I think white nationalism is in essence reactionary. That is, it embodies the values of and serves to provide a political justification for imperial conquest and the projection of a certain order of capital/state/patriarchy — and I think life can be much sweeter without it.

    *NB. The above is a simplified version of my understanding and appreciation of my situation and social positioning. My ‘interests’ are, of course, rather more complicated…

  33. (A)dam says:

    this may be a little off topic but i’m curious for a response from the various racist twats out there who keep banging on about white this and white that… why don’t you say european more? what i mean is is it just the aesthetic of white skin? or is it to do with racial heritage? i ask because by way of example an ex of mine (me being 1/4 german 1/4 hungarian 1/4 english and 1/4 Ashkenazi Jew and by all appearances a white fella) she is 1/2 lebanese 1/8 indigenous australian and the balance european (i think english) she is infinitely whiter then i am, she doesn’t even tan! and my full blood brother tans so easily that he gets racist abuse from cops and others for being lebanese “or sumfin”

    so where do you draw the line? is it aesthetic or racial? and given the example i’ve given you how do you know your friends and family are really european? and if you were to find out they weren’t would you still feel the same about them? for that matter what if you’re not as purely european as you think you are?

  34. (A)dam says:

    “To put it another way: the meaning of ‘whiteness’ changes over time…”

    just for another example of this when my mother went to primary school in sydney in the 60s she and here family were constantly abused for being “wogs” and these days i think the only racists who would claim she (1/2 german 1/2 hungarian) is not white are those who don’t know where hungary is… which i’m gonna guess is more then a few of you.

  35. Willy Lloyde Jr says:

    Adam, I don’t know your girl friend. But I have seen very white looking 1/8 indigenous. However, it is not a matter of having a non-white in your blood line from generations ago, what people of European decent today are facing is a mass influx of non-white, non-European immigration into Western civilisation. We, as Europeans, should be concerned. We’re effectively allowing ourselves to become a minority status in our countries of origin. Do you honestly think it’s a good thing for us?

  36. Lumpen says:

    I always feel like I’m engaging in a fools argument, but here it goes.

    Dear racists,
    Your worldview holds that if a person has an ancestor who is not white, they are not white, so of course it seems to you that whiteness is diminishing.

    Black man, black woman, black baby
    White man, white woman, white baby
    Black man, white woman, black baby
    White man, black woman, black baby

    You also think it’s natural that minorities be treated badly—in fact, most of you support the outright murder of racial minorites. It’s a small wonder then that your greatest fear is becoming a minority and be treated in the way you treat others. To anyone who thinks about this for a small period of time, it’s further evidence of your stupidity.

    Feel free to kill yourself. You won’t be missed.

  37. (A)dam says:

    well said lumpen, also willy you missed the more noticeable fact that she is 1/2 lebanese (her mother having very very dark olive skin).

    what i was getting at is more what does white mean? and i was using an example from my own life as i think a fairly good example that you often can’t tell someone’s genetics by looking at them. and frankly i’m not concerned, i lived in footscray for 5 years or so and never had grief with anyone over race (except racist white folks) hell i even worked as a bouncer in footscray till 5am friday and saturday nights standing out on the st corner and i never got grief from anyone that wasn’t white… and the only obvious immigrant that i did have an issue with was irish (and a dick)… i’d have white men all night long telling me (cause they wrongly assumed i’d agree) to “watch out for these black cunts” or something similar and i always told them the same thing… “it’s the white cunts who start trouble around here”.

    once again using footscray as an example footscray is a place with no clear racial majority and the result is somewhere where you can go and buy food and goods from all over the world and dine at any number of restaurants of any type (except expensive 🙂 )… in short footscray is a perfect example of what you all fear the melting pot etc… and it fucking rocks… footscray is one of the only reasons i didn’t move to germany with my family (amongst other things i’m a german citizen).

    also as far as “We’re effectively allowing ourselves to become a minority status in our countries of origin” how does that work with australia? it’s traditionally not a white country how long after you ethnically cleanse a country and re populate it do you count it as a country of your own? if the english killed every black person in the congo and moved whitey in how long till it’s there country of origin? and why don’t all the people in australia of various backgrounds born in this country count as having australia as their country of origin?

    “Do you honestly think it’s a good thing for us?” i’m gonna assume by us you mean whites and i personally don’t give a fuck about being white the only thing i love about my white skin is it tattoos real well for any design, but if by us you take the meaning that i do… that is people… then hell yeah it’s good to mix it up a little hell even a lot it’s great…


    “man i don’t want your wife, stop screaming it’s not the end of your life… what’s wrong with some colour in your family tree” – Public Enemy

  38. Luke says:

    It’s fascinating that people like Mr. Lloyd will state “people of European decent today are facing … a mass influx of non-white, non-European immigration” when over here, in Europe, European racists make a much clearer distinction. English racists fear the Romanians and Polish, the Spanish fear the Romanians, Gitanos and just about anyone who’s not Spanish, the Lithuanians fear the Polish, the Romanians – the Moldovans… and that’s just from the small spectrum of minorities I know. Hang on, though, aren’t these all ‘whites’?

    And Andy, I have to correct you… this year is the ascendancy of Port Power, not Collingwood. tut tut.

  39. @ndy says:

    Bad Mood @ndy sez ‘Fucking racist whingers gimme the shits…’:

    Seriously but…

    March 13, 2010:

    Collingwood: 27.16 (178)
    Port Adelaide: 15.7 (97)

    July 9, 2010:


  40. Willy Lloyde Jr says:

    what i was getting at is more what does white mean? and i was using an example from my own life as i think a fairly good example that you often can’t tell someone’s genetics by looking at them.

    If you mix a pot 9 parts red, and 1 part orange what colour will the contents be?

    i’d have white men all night long telling me (cause they wrongly assumed i’d agree) to “watch out for these black cunts” or something similar and i always told them the same thing… “it’s the white cunts who start trouble around here”.

    I have heard of similar arguments before, however, can’t comment on this as I do not follow in your foot steps. But I personally know guys who lived in Darwin, and South Western Sydney that have a much different experience than you do involving ‘minorities’. I have never experienced trouble from the Asian. Though, that is not the issue.

    once again using footscray as an example footscray is a place with no clear racial majority and the result is somewhere where you can go and buy food and goods from all over the world and dine at any number of restaurants of any type (except expensive 🙂 )… in short footscray is a perfect example of what you all fear the melting pot etc… and it fucking rocks… footscray is one of the only reasons i didn’t move to germany with my family (amongst other things i’m a german citizen).

    I have heard this argument also: Footscray is a small multi-racial community being supported by a large, fairly homogeneous country. I am troubled by the fact White people are placing themselves in a population death spiral for the sake of foods, and services.

    (Check the French soccer team from the 50s, and compare it to today’s)

    it’s traditionally not a white country how long after you ethnically cleanse a country and re populate it do you count it as a country of your own? if the english killed every black person in the congo and moved whitey in how long till it’s there country of origin? and why don’t all the people in australia of various backgrounds born in this country count as having australia as their country of origin?

    Even though I was born here, the land called Terra Nullius isn’t my ancestral homeland. On the contrary, the progressive development of Australia into a first-class society is one from the hands of European descendants; yes, a lot of non-white immigrants contributed, but the basis of what we see today is by large from people of European ancestry.

    “Do you honestly think it’s a good thing for us?” i’m gonna assume by us you mean whites and i personally don’t give a fuck about being white the only thing i love about my white skin is it tattoos real well for any design, but if by us you take the meaning that i do… that is people… then hell yeah it’s good to mix it up a little hell even a lot it’s great…

    Would you argue that allowing a rare and endangered species such as the White Tiger to breed with the regular Orange tiger is a great thing to happen? Again, why are you supporting the evaporation of the White racial group?

  41. Willy Lloyde [Jr] says:

    I don’t understand the reason behind that rude gesture. I am only bringing up the concern of White people becoming a minority in countries which they have represented the majority for a long time.

  42. (A)dam says:

    If you mix a pot 9 parts red, and 1 part orange what colour will the contents be?

    people aren’t paint numb nuts its why 2 normally people can have a ginga kid *shudders*

    I have heard of similar arguments before, however, can’t comment on this as I do not follow in your foot steps. But I personally know guys who lived in Darwin, and South Western Sydney that have a much different experience than you do involving ‘minorities’. I have never experienced trouble from the Asian. Though, that is not the issue.

    yeah i’ve lived all over and i’m gonna suggest that what you’re experiencing is a self fulfilling prophecy where you assume that minorities are criminal or some how strange behaving and every time you see a person different then your self behaving strangely or criminally you note it higher in your consciousness than you would with someone you consider to be like you … look up “the halo affect”

    I have heard this argument also: Footscray is a small multi-racial community being supported by a large, fairly homogeneous country. I am troubled by the fact White people are placing themselves in a population death spiral for the sake of foods, and services.

    first footscray aint small it has been a city since before the first world war it and its surrounding suburbs constitute a huge section of the inner west of melbourne and you have no basis for saying that it being part of australia is what is stopping race riots or the like … and as far as the foods and services thing food and culture being imported is great cause what’s better than going out with friends for a nice meal and a concert/show?

    Would you argue that allowing a rare and endangered species such as the White Tiger to breed with the regular Orange tiger is a great thing to happen? Again, why are you supporting the evaporation of the White racial group?

    as a vegan i’d argue that neither tiger should be forced to do anything which includes making them fuck or preventing them fucking, because at the end of the day i don’t believe anyone has the right to make that choice for anyone else full fucking stop.

  43. Willy Lloyde [Jr] says:

    yeah i’ve lived all over and i’m gonna suggest that what you’re experiencing is a self fulfilling prophecy where you assume that minorities are criminal or some how strange behaving and every time you see a person different then your self behaving strangely or criminally you note it higher in your consciousness than you would with someone you consider to be like you … look up “the halo affect”

    What are you talking about? You make a false statement about Whites being more criminally intent than non-Whites. Then my rebuttal was due to the fact I know of friends by whom have lived in places with a high ethnic population having an opposite experience than you. My ears and eyes do not lie.

    and as far as the foods and services thing food and culture being imported is great cause what’s better than going out with friends for a nice meal and a concert/show?

    What’s more important is maintaining a certain standard, and retaining majority status in a country European settlers built.

    i don’t believe anyone has the right to make that choice for anyone else full fucking stop.

    So if a friend of yours had a gambling addiction, you wouldn’t at least try to fix it?

  44. (A)dam says:

    What are you talking about? You make a false statement about Whites being more criminally intent than non-Whites. Then my rebuttal was due to the fact I know of friends by whom have lived in places with a high ethnic population having an opposite experience than you. My ears and eyes do not lie.

    it wasn’t meant to be a judgment against all white people as i don’t believe in lumping people into groups based on ethnicity and judging all by what some in a group do… and as far as your ears not lying to you if you’re hearing things go see a shrink, cause i’ve just been typing

    What’s more important is maintaining a certain standard, and retaining majority status in a country European settlers built.

    i see no reason why

    So if a friend of yours had a gambling addiction, you wouldn’t at least try to fix it?

    there is a difference between talking to your mate and handcuffing him in your basement

  45. Willy Lloyde Jr says:

    i see no reason why

    Well is there a reason why we should care about Indigenous Land Rights; The persecution of Jews during the Second World War; Apartheid in South Africa?

    Have you ever been to Europe and seen the relics, the culture that has been left by our ancestors? An appreciation of the ingenuity behind the cities, and technological advancements they have made during the past 150 years? The people who created these share our common heritage — now for some unknown reason, you don’t have a problem seeing all of this disappear? Do you have an idea of what’s being lost through the systematic genocide called multiculturalism?

  46. @ndy says:


    You’ve now made (at least) 9 comments on my blog (using this handle).

    Your first comment was ostensibly in response to a protest against the neo-Nazi NSM rally of April 18. You declared that LA is a warzone for whites, and that blacks and Latinos “hoard” (sic) around in gangs, conducting assaults upon random whites 24/7.

    It did, indeed, “make fuck all sense”.

    Since then, you’ve declared, among other things, that:

    1. Criticising neo-Nazis for organising a gig on the Gold Coast is an attack on ‘free speech’;
    2. The white race in Australia is being displaced as the result of a ‘multi-racial agenda’ (pursued by some unnamed and perhaps unknown force);
    3. Both European and Western civilisation (you appear to use the terms interchangeably) are under threat from “a mass influx of non-white, non-European” immigrants, thus “allowing ourselves to become a minority status in our countries of origin”;
    4. “I have never experienced trouble from the Asian. Though, that is not the issue.”

    None of these claims I find interesting, only the first has anything to do with the neo-Nazi gig on the Gold Coast, and I couldn’t be arsed picking apart the many falsities, contradictions and absurdities which characterise your commentary and which I find tedious and mildly depressing. If you wish to pursue a conversation with (A)dam then publish a working email address, and if he wants to he can write to you and you can continue to do so. Otherwise, thanks for playing.

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