Last November, Seattle Sheriff’s Deputy Paul Schene (31) narrowly escaped with his life after a crazed teenage carjacker named Malika Calhoun (15) tried to kill him by kicking her shoe in his direction. In self-defence, Schene was forced to kick and punch the teenage girl, slam her head against a wall and then her body to the floor, punch her in the head, and pull her hair. Naturally, Deputy Schene has pleaded not guilty to assault charges (brought against him by a vindictive legal system); Calhoun, on the other hand, will presumably avoid being charged with assault with a deadly shoe.
It’s political correctness gone mad.
What is this? National Security 3?Or maybe he did that just because she is BLACK or hes still mad that he has to tell his son that yes he lived in the time where we had a BLACK PRESIDENT.Well guess what…someone,somewhere will do worse to your daughter.
Um… if yr implying that assaulting Schene’s daughter (assuming he has one) is an appropriate response to this incident, yr a sick puppy. Both Malika and her father stated in a CBS i/view that they believe Schene is unfit to be in uniform. His being kicked outta the force seems to be a much more appropriate response to me.
Here is some background information which may add some very worrisome context to this disturbing incident.
Over the last decade the United States has slipped from 2nd to 15th the UN Human Development Index (HDI). One of the reasons for this is that although the US has 5% of the world’s population the US has 25% of all people incarcerated. The HDI measures how likely people in a country will have long, healthy, dignified and happy lives. If you feel like the country has been moving in the wrong direction it is not paranoia but just rational observation and analysis which led you to this conclusion.
Around two thirds of the people incarcerated come from the black and Hispanic minority groups which make up around 25% of the population. This incident is just the tip of the iceberg of a systemic savagery directed at minorities by a foul legal system. I live in Dallas where every other month some new murderer or rapist is exonerated by DNA evidence which the first ever black DA in Dallas is willing to use.
I hope some opportunistic and enterprising attorney takes this case and creatively manages to hammer Seattle with a settlement that is so spectacularly high it forces a systemic change. Slipping down the HDI is not reason enough to change.
Money talks.
Can I plug a public lecture by Phil Scraton at Trades Hall (in Melbourne) tonight on “The Violence and Violations of Imprisonment”
Time: 6.00 pm
Date: Thursday, 5 March, 2009
Venue: Old Council Chambers, Trades Hall
Cost: $4 (waged) or gold coin donation (unwaged)
Phil Scraton is a Professor of Criminology in the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, School of Law, Queen’s University, Belfast where he is Director of the Childhood, Transition and Social Justice Initiative. Widely published, his recent books include: Childhood in Crisis?; Hillsborough: The Truth; Beyond September 11; Power, Conflict and Criminalisation.
The lecture will reflect on the recently published collection, The Violence of Incarceration (co-edited with Jude McCulloch). Phil Scraton proposes that physical and emotional violence are central elements in the incarceration of men, women and children in advanced democratic societies. As prison populations and those held in secure accommodation have expanded well beyond official projections, carceral institutions have produced ever-harsher regimes of containment. In exploring the dynamics of interpersonal violence, institutionalised abuses and incarceration Phil Scraton theorises custodial violence as a continuum. He connects routine, punitive responses, undermining prisoners’ self-esteem and mental health to the directly brutal and brutalising manifestations of formal and informal punishments. Moreover he considers the culture of impunity that enables harsh regimes to persist and institutionalised human rights violations to be rationalised.
WANTED: Disgraced police officer who enjoys wrestling.
I am lonely and willing to share my cell with you.
WANTED: Logical argument to justify anally raping someone, or threatening same.
An open letter 4 publishing (solution to stop torture by law enforcement)…
Dear Mr. President,
Please help to stop the torture of people in Democratic Europe!
Law enforcement officers, primarily police and security guards, have the ability to arrest people, especially dark-skinned people, in the name of law, regardless of their guilt. They can escort these people to a room, such as a dressing room, a vehicle or another place without public views nor security cameras. There they can beat, torture or even sexually assault these people.
When victims of such cases try to stand up for their rights and seek justice, the guilty officers have the excuse: violent resistance to the law; thus it is their duty to deal with them. Law enforcement often censor such cases so society never hears about them from the media. There have been numerous cases all over the Democratic and Humanitarian Europe (for more information 120–cases) contact Mr. Juan Fonseca, chief of Discrimination bureau in Stockholm and former member of Swedish Parliament (Cell # 46 733421988) or Amnesty International’s EU Office. Some cases are covered by the media; for example, in Swedish Channel 4 News showed a video taken with a mobile phone where European police officers are seen torturing refugees in “torture rooms.” In Stockholm, a central police station had pictures of non-Caucasian officers with “SS” written on them. There are many other similar cases happening, possibly now as you are reading this letter, and the guilty parties suffer no consequences. If this type of violence committed by law enforcement isn’t stopped, victims will continue to be damaged not just physically but mentally. This type of behaviour may result in even more violence when victims want to release their anger and aggression for this injustice. There have been numerous cases in France, Sweden and other countries where people have obtained weapons for shooting, explosions, and so on. There are even more cases in the US and around the world available online as evidence to back up this proposal in order to end these kinds of barbarian behaviors.
A possible solution to stop this type of violence would be to require all law enforcement officers to carry a small digital video camera (with a few GBs of memory), attach it to their uniforms, and require them to tape their actions on duty. It is not an expensive technology when you compare it to the costs of court when dishonourable officers are sued by their victims. The cameras should be encrypted and not able to be stopped or viewed by officers. The footage should be collected from all officers and archived daily, when they finish their working day.
There should also be cameras placed in all law enforcement premises and officers should not be allowed to take arrested people to any “blind” places. Law enforcement communication should be recorded 24 hours a day by a higher level law enforcement unit. This unit should consist of a diverse group of people from as many different nationalities and races available in that country. The recorded materials should be publicly available for use in court.
I sincerely hope that you will kindly consider this matter not only as President but as someone who deeply cares about humanity. I hope you will further this idea by talking to your colleagues around the world because it would have positive effects for every country. The next generation would remember you not only as the 44th President but as someone who has done good for the entire world, making big changes for justice and human rights by stopping racism and discrimination all over the world.
With best wishes and a hope for a better world for us and our children.
Yours truly,
Rico Hendran
Post Restante
104 60 Stockholm,
the reason more n@#$%^s are incarcerated is because the n^%$#@s commit more crimes.
I hope the n@#$%r b^&*h Malika dies soon.
It’s time for your nap.