Ice cream nun image sparks outrage… Again.

An old story has got new legs.

July 1, 2009, the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) upheld a complaint from 10 concerned citizens regarding:

An ad, which appeared in Delicious Magazine and Sainsbury’s Magazine, for Antonio Federici Gelato Italiano ice cream, [and] showed a priest and a nun looking as if they were about to kiss. The nun was in full habit and the priest was wearing rosary beads around his neck and holding a pot of ice cream in his hand. Text stated “KISS TEMPTATION”.

Over twelve months later (September 15, 2010), Antonio Federici Gelato Italiano ice cream done it again, with a similar complaint also being upheld by the ASA:

A magazine ad for Antonio Federici ice cream showed a heavily pregnant woman dressed as a nun standing in a church holding a tub of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other. Text stated “Immaculately Conceived … ICE CREAM IS OUR RELIGION”.

Mad props to Contrast Creative for the double whammy.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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6 Responses to Ice cream nun image sparks outrage… Again.

  1. Andrew says:

    “@ndy” – since religious mockery is now part of your “schtick”, why not entertain us all with some Mohammed cartoons? C’mon, post them on your blog for all to enjoy! In the interests of equal-opportunity offensiveness I really think you should. However I doubt if you will, somehow… funny, that…

  2. @ndy says:

    Yr confusing my blog w the UK-based agency Contrast Creative.

  3. inglourious_basterd says:

    Oh Brother I’ll take the Holy Orders with my ice-cream thanks. No pious ejaculations required and we could make some nice organ music 😀

  4. mikey says:

    nice work with the ‘organ music’ pun inglorious! 😀

  5. lest we forget says:

    andrew, how could you suggest such a thing. there’s nothing funny about someone who marries his cousin and squats to piss. islam is such an unfunny religion, that it would be quite impossible to ridicule. even if you had a lady trying to eat ice-cream through her burka would it fail to raise a smirk. besides, our muslim brothers are quite above being offended at immature jokes, and would simply dismiss them for the trite provocations that they are.

  6. Maham says:

    Wow you guys are are so far below lame that I don’t even know why I would spend some time to change your views about Muslims. I am seriously working on a presentation where I am making an effort to show how wrong this ad is, but you guys have a sick mind and are insane and hopeless cases. By ridiculing any religion you think you’re doing something good? I don’t know why I am bothering with you pieces of shit.

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