DreamHost’s undiplomatic love of fascist violence at a diplomatic crossroads


Le Monde (via AFP) reports that the co-operation of US authorities inre redwatch is being sought. I wonder how much longer it will be that DreamHost places profit above people?

Varsovie demande l’aide des USA pour fermer un site néonazi en polonais
AFP 28.05.06 | 16h02

Varsovie a demandé aux autorités américaines de les aider � fermer un site internet néonazi qui a publié notamment des listes noires d’homosexuels et de personnalités et militants de gauche en Pologne, a annoncé dimanche le porte-parole du gouvernement.

“Le ministère des Affaires étrangères a adressé une note aux autorités américaines”, a indiqué M. Konrad Ciesiolkiewicz cité par l’agence PAP.

Selon Varsovie, le site www.redwatch.info/sites/redwatch.htm lié � la branche polonaise de l’organisation internationale “Sang et Honneur” (“Blood and Honor”) est hebergé par un serveur américain et échappe ainsi aux compétences de la justice polonaise.

En février, le parquet de Varsovie a ouvert une enquête sur ce site � la suite de la publication de ses listes noires de personnalités de gauche accompagnées parfois de leurs adresses ou numéro de téléphone.

Dans le cadre d’une opération dite Redwatch, Blood and Honour avait demandé � ses sympathisants de rassembler des informations “sur les personnes engagées dans une activité antifasciste et antiraciste, sur les immigrés de couleur, sur les activistes et les sympathisants de la gauche ainsi que du lobby homosexuel et pédophile”.

Le 16 mai, un militant des droits de l’homme, dont le nom se trouvait sur les listes de Blood and Honour, a échappé de peu � une tentative d’assassinat au couteau dans une rue de Varsovie. Selon l’ambassade américaine, la victime était juive.

L’organisation Reporters sans frontières a alerté le ministère polonais de la Justice sur de graves menaces proférées contre une quinzaine de journalistes de gauche dont les noms ont été publiés sur le site néonazi.

[Insert Babelfish in ear, and tweak:]

Warsaw requires the assistance of US authorities to close a Polish neo-Nazi website
AFP 28.05.06 | 16h02

Warsaw requires the help of US authorities to help them close a neo-Nazi website which has published a black-list of [presumed] homosexuals and leftist ‘militants’ in Poland, announced a government spokesperson on Sunday.

“The Ministry for Foreign Affairs addressed a note to the American authorities”, indicated Mr. Konrad Ciesiolkiewicz, as quoted by the PAP agency.

According to Warsaw, the [redwatch site] is linked to the Polish branch of the international ‘Blood and Honour’ organisation, is hosted on an American server [DreamHost], and so escapes the jurisdiction of Polish legal authorities.

In February, the parquet floor of Warsaw opened an investigation into the site, following the publication of its black-list of ‘personalities’ of the left, sometimes accompanied by their addresses or telephone numbers.

Within the framework of an operation known as Redwatch, Blood and Honour had asked its sympathizers to gather information “on people engaged in anti-fascist and anti-racist activity, on coloured immigrants, left-wing activists and their sympathizers, as well as [members of the] the ‘homosexual lobby’ and paedophiles”.

On May 16, a ‘human rights militant’, whose name was on the Blood and Honour black-list, barely escaped an attempted murder [by an assailant wielding a knife] on the streets of Warsaw. According to the American Embassy, the victim was Jewish.

The organisation Reporters Without Borders alerted the Polish Ministry of Justice of serious threats made against about fifteen ‘leftist’ journalists whose names were published on the neo-Nazi site.

See also : Threats to 15 journalists appear on neo-fascist website

Q. Is hosting a site that threatens to kill journalists on the basis of their opposition to fascism likely to harm or hinder the struggle for ‘freedom of speech’?


Supplementary question: Given DreamHost’s primary concern is making money, is its role in allowing for the circulation of such information as is contained on redwatch likely to attract or repel potential customers?

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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