Reminder : Jock on Foreign Correspondent Tonight 8pm

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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5 Responses to Reminder : Jock on Foreign Correspondent Tonight 8pm

  1. Ella says:

    This is terrible!

    Is there no kind of petition we can sign to help his situation? To get the government put pressure on the Bulgarian legal system to take his case seriously? This is David Hicks all over again.

  2. @ndy says:

    G’day Ella,

    I dunno about a petition — maybe one will be published soon? In the meantime, I suggest you visit — I’m sure that any future petition will be publicised on this site. (Also consider writing a letter to your MP.) As far as political pressure is concerned, it might be possible for the Australian government, if it chooses, to make diplomatic representations to the Bulgarian government, and/or by way of the EU. As Belinda Hawkins’ piece notes, Bulgaria entered the EU a few years ago, but has still to conform to EU standards, including with regards its justice system. Jock’s case, involving as it does an apparent assault upon members of an ethnic minority (‘gypsies’ / Roma), also raises questions with regards the status of minority groups within Bulgaria, an issue which the EU is formally committed to addressing.

  3. Killers to prison says:

    I really hope that TRUTH comes to the surface.

    I didn’t hear the Bulgarian story,though, nor did I see any Australian diplomat to engage into this. Why? Because they doubt that Jock is innocent. He happened to have similar incidents here in Sydney as well.

    The Australian government will not get into this for it is A CAUSA PERDUTA.

    Just bear in mind when we are travelling overseas: we are still responsible for our actions.

    Regarding the Bulgarian Legal system: in order to become a member of the EU, they had to “synchronise” their legislation with the European one (this being one of the requirements before entry). Which they did. So, this is off the topic.

    Is there corruption in Bulgaria?
    Yes. There is. Just like everywhere else in the world.

    The gypsy minority, well, this is a separate story. It has nothing to do with Jock.
    Brief, the gypsies are 80% involved in all criminal acts in Bulgaria. This is why the normal Bulgarian population dislikes them. We will start disliking them too, when they come to Australia to pickpocket you while you’re on the train to North Sydney or while you’re fishing. Because this is what they do. Rob, steal and reject to be integrated into the Bulgarian society. Hope we never have such a problem.

    Again, I hope Jock proves to be innocent. However, would you like to have a real killer among your friends?

  4. Robdog says:

    I watched the documentary on the ABC last night and thought it was a bit much how it was assumed that our justice system would offer him a much better result. Like Bulgaria, the most important thing in our courts is often who you know and what you do.

  5. @ndy says:

    I think the assumption — which was that of Simon, Jock’s father — was reasonable insofar as had the crime occurred in Australia, and involved Australian citizens, the court process and media treatment would be more straightforward. Obviously, the outcome of court cases is the product of a wide variety of factors. For example, despite being found culpable by a coroner’s court of the death of an Aboriginal man in custody, Queensland police officer Chris Hurley eventually got compensation and a promotion; Lex Wotton, a Palm Island man who took part in a ‘riot’ which followed the murder, sits in gaol.

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