[Via Django @ libcom] Alleged murderer Anders Behring Breivik appears to have ties with the “I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown” E E EDL. (Note that the A A ADL is assembling in Sydney next Saturday under the leadership of E E Englishman (and former soldier) Martin Brennan, while the E E EDL is gonna march through Tower Hamlets next month.) Funnily enough, Breivik berates Muslims for their murderous ways, but otherwise carries on with all the usual shite one expects from a ‘cultural conservative’ on the perils of leftism and multiculturalism, the corrosive effects of cultural Marxism on social order and so on and so forth.
The rightwinger allegedly responsible for the Mumbai-style massacre and bombing in Norway appears to have ties with UK-based “counter-jihad movement” the English Defence League.
In online rants, alleged murderer Anders Behring Breivik describes himself as a rightwing conservative opposed to “Eurabia”, the “Islamisation of Europe” and the erosion of Christian values.
In a post on Norwegian website document.no he describes his admiration for the English Defence League, his contacts with the group and aspiration to set up a Norwegian sister organisation…
The original source for Breivik’s posts is the (right-wing, populist) document.no site.
A bit of far right trivia – Darrin Hodges of the AANCC expresses his admiration for Fjordman’s “Defeating Eurabia”.
Stop Violent Racists!
Prevent Violent Racists From Building Their Forces!
Don’t let them unleash more Norway-style terror attacks!
Stop the White Supremacist ADL!
On July 30 in the heart of Sydney, an extreme White Supremacist group, the “Australian Defence League” (ADL) will hold a race hate rally in the heart of Sydney’s CBD. The ADL is an offshoot of the English Defence League (EDL), an outfit notorious for violent attacks on Asians, Muslims and other non-white people.
The ADL say their Sydney rally is against Sharia Law, which they claim is taking over Australia. In reality, these fascists do not care about Sharia Law. They are using it simply as an excuse to whip up hatred against, in the first place Muslims, and then against all non-white people. If they were not using a scare campaign about the supposed takeover of Sharia Law, they would find some other tactic to incite racist violence. When such types organised the Cronulla riot, they found another excuse to bash people of Middle Eastern and South Asian origin.
The likes of the ADL are not just people with bad views who incite racist prejudice. Rallies like the one coming up on July 30 are aimed at recruiting and indoctrinating new forces so that they can carry out their agenda of using paramilitary style violence to ethnically “cleanse” Australia of Asians, Arabs, Africans, Aboriginal people and anyone else who does not fit into their deranged idea of a “master race.”
The ADL must be stopped! That is why on July 30 at 12pm, trade unionists, “ethnic” youth and anti-racists of all colours will gather at a meeting point in the city and then as a group move to the site where the ADL will hold their race hate provocation.
The trade union movement is especially called on to participate in this anti-racist action. For the racist violence incited by the likes of the ADL is poison to the unity that workers need at the workplace to struggle to defend their rights. Only by standing against racism, can the workers movement unify its ranks to the level needed to defend its rights against greedy exploiters.
There is no danger of Australia being overrun by Sharia Law. But there is a real danger of violent racists carrying out more Cronulla style racist riots, more violent attacks on Indian and Chinese students, more cowardly attacks on Muslim women and possibly even a Norway-style horror:
· Say no to the more Cronulla Beach style White Supremacist riots!
· Say no to violent attacks on Indian and Chinese students!
· Say no to attacks on Muslims!
· Say no to ethnic “cleansing”!
· Say no to new Nazi-style holocausts!
· Rally on July 30 to stop the ADL!
12pm, Saturday, July 30
Assemble at the Elizabeth and Market Streets Corner of Hyde Park in the City
For more information see https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144463928964711
From – Trotskyist Platform
So: Breivik is Fjordman?!?
Also: d00d apparently wrote a 1,500 page manifesto titled 2083 and credited to “Andrew Berwick, London, England – 2011, Justiciar Knight Commander for Knights Templar Europe and one of several leaders of the National and pan-European Patriotic Resistance Movement. With the assistance from brothers and sisters in England, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Spain, Finland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, the US etc.”
Well maybe.
Here’s some analysis:
In other words it sounds like the most worthwhile thing about Breivik’s life is his arrest.
Our thoughts are with the relatives and friends of the dead and injured.
Farvel og hvile i fred kamerater.
Yeah I guess… Maybe one day he’ll comprehend the damage he’s inflicted. Who knows?
Sebastian is just about right Andy, we must be ever vigilant and oppose even the slightest shred of Islamisation in Australia, it is our birthright to keep our country healthy, nay it’s our duty. I agree that nazi-ism is totally wrong, I hate Hitler with a rare passion but I’ll be buggered if I’ll let my country’s best traits, laws and way of life be swallowed up by Mediaeval minded nuts who want to rule the world in a completely barbaric way that has no place in the 21st or even the 19th century. If things keep going like this we won’t be able to stop it and the thing you dread most, a rising of Fascism would be inevitable. As for “fear mongering” claims, if the worst parts of Islamic extremism doesn’t scare you then you must be a real tough hard bugger, I’d be a dead man under shariah law, I’m not a virgin and I’m not married, get my drift. I am advocating using the law to curb Shariah law attempts and Islamic excess, otherwise things are gonna get FAR WORSE and I don’t want to witness it.
Breivik’s been paying attention to Australian politics as well… He quotes Stolen Generation-denying historian Keith Windschuttle describing “an anti-Western slant permeating academia” and cites John Howard as evidence “…not all Christian leaders are appeasers of Islam”.
1. Who’s Sebastian?
2. I think fears of “Islamisation” are vastly over-exaggerated; I dunno what “If things keep going like this” means. As Tears for Fears sang, “Everybody wants to rule the world”: I want anarchy (no rulers). I dunno what Hitler’s got to do with it.
3. Uncle Keef gets around eh.
Has anybody explained to these twats that “Shariah law”, if introduced in this country, would involve the establishment of bodies holding all the policy-making power of, say PERIN Court, Koori Court et al.? (or less)
I think that the fearmongers who toy with the impressionable (and terrified) masses of the ADL and EDL to accomplish their own twisted ideals have sort of glossed this part over. I’d like somebody from the ADL to reply to the following question: Do you actually think Shariah law in this country will augment our constitution and existing legislation? (Because, it won’t… and anyway, the Australian constitution is a lousy protector of rights; I say trash the fucker.)
Pingback: Anders Breivik’s / Andrew Berwick’s Knights Templar Video Blah | slackbastard
…PERIN Court, Koori Court… or maybe Beth Din.
I think that the more successful fearmongers are to be found among the chattering classes: Tory MPs, radio shock-jocks and right-wing hacks. The moar intelligent among them do it (somewhat) subtly — it’s usually only the dumbarses who really get into trouble (cf. Jackie Kelly’s sophistimicated PR machine @ work in 2008).
@ Paul Justo.
“Ethnic cleansing”
Who wrote that tract?
The work experience kid?
Gee it’s not like “Trotskyites” have never tried to cook up a “Norwegian Horror”.
Maybe you’re not old enough the remember the “good old days” of Leftist Terrorism in the ’70s and ’80s, there were a bunch of way out German cats called The Red Army Faction and some Guinness gulping, gun twirling Red Micks called the I.R.A… to name but a few.
Maybe it’s the Zeitgeist of fear, death, despair and looming catastrophe being projected from both the Left and the Right that’s addling people’s brains?
Anarchy is beginning to sound like the only sane choice, ’cause you cats are killin’ my homeland…
Get real. Breivik was pro-Israel, anti-Nazi and so is the EDL.
You Marxists on the left are funded by your Jewish friends and so are the New Right Christian Zionists like Breivik who mentions his support for Israel and Jews more than two hundred times in his cut and paste scrap book of a manifesto. The Muslims are a problem, but if we can rid ourselves Jewish influences, we will in one swift kick also rid ourselves of the Kosher Konservative Breiviks, and on the flip side of the coin you Marxists and your Rag Headed Islamic buddies used as part of your divide and conquer quest, and attempts by Israel to force an all out race war with White Europeans at the Jewish beck and call.
Cool story, bro.