Actually, Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle is only bound by political expediency–and bad advice, presumably emanating from government and police authorities. Otherwise, the defence of civil rights has a very definite legal dimension, while Dr_Tad has some interesting disco on the protest’s political dimension here. Nicola Paris is presumably one of several photographers to have documented the removal of police ID prior to police action: a practice disavowed by police command but now standard practice for at least a decade and adopted so as to limit police liability in civil cases.
I wonder if this policeman will escape caution?
Well, it’s good to know the Australian thinks our concerns are ‘frivolous’. I know reality is a difficult principle to grasp, but it really is quite difficult to escape from.
Frankly, I much prefer reality to be explained by Tom Morello. He seems to pull it off with more panache.
And an excellent discovery direct from this rapidly burning earth…