“Mooners, bongo-drummers, green salvationists, and under-appreciated arts graduates of the world unite and take over!” #occupymelb

“Mooners, bongo-drummers, green salvationists, and under-appreciated arts graduates of the world unite and take over!” Or: moar blah about Occupy Melbourne.

“For Democracy and Discipline: A Plea to Occupy Melbourne”, James Pollard, abstractblack, October 25, 2011: This is an article on the eviction of the occupation. In it, I try to show how certain assumptions and ways of action, crystalised in the chants we raised on the day of eviction, defined and limited what the occupation was. Throughout the week, a clique of liberal-pacifist activists attempted to impose these ideas upon the entire assembly, and to take control of the general assembly. In the wake of the eviction, their coup over the assembly has come to pass, leaving us in circumstances that demand reflection, re-organisation, and preparation before future action can be carried out with confidence. In the same spirit, the Rooftop Collective has published some Notes on Occupy Melbourne. What it might mean. Where we might take it., October 25, 2011. Liberal commentary @ The Occupy movement and the Importance of Civil Protest, Sarah Joseph, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law blog, October 26, 2011.

Norwegian Blues. Or: On Utoya: Anders Breivik, right terror, racism and Europe edited by Elizabeth Humphrys, Guy Rundle and Tad Tietze, available now on Amazon Kindle and other platforms. Or visit www.onutoya.com.

Other. Or: might as well dump some interestink/useful links here eh. Contra Info // Interface: a journal for and about social movements // Retort Mailing List.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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4 Responses to “Mooners, bongo-drummers, green salvationists, and under-appreciated arts graduates of the world unite and take over!” #occupymelb

  1. Derek says:

    Finally, our leaders are in control: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/finally-our-leaders-are-in-control/story-e6frfhqf-1226177726391

    Thank Christ, I was worried the wheels had fallen off fascism!

  2. @ndy says:

    Angry Gnome is Angry.

  3. @ndy says:

    The Upset Dwarf speaks on behalf of the 1.9%:

    MTR – whose roll call of announcers includes Steve Price, Andrew Bolt, Sam Newman and Steve Vizard – has been a ratings flop since its launch last April. The latest ratings survey shows its audience share dwindling at 1.9%, far below rival 3AW’s 16.9%.

    That’s an average of 11,000 listeners, mostly male, aged b/w 45-54, during Price’s timeslot.

  4. abstractblack says:

    New blah from JP here:
    ‘Marginality and Universality: The Indigenous Working Group and the 17th General Assembly of #OccupyMelbourne. #OMEL #OWS’

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