Kiwi fascist Kyle Chapman and some of his kameraden belonging to Right Wing Resistance New Zealand (RWRNZ) gate-crashed an election meeting in Christchurch last Thursday.
New Zealand goes to the poles next Thursday.
Oddly enough, TVNZ (‘Thugs’ say debate stunt a ‘warning’ to New Zealand) quotes RWRNZ’s Facebook (sic) page, which in turn quotes FDB!, to the effect that:
New Zealand Right Wing Resistance / Right Wing Resistance New Zealand (RWRNZ) is a fascist street gang, mostly composed of boneheads (neo-Nazi skinheads), and led by veteran fascist militant (and Mormon) Kyle Chapman.
Chapman’s last publicity stunt was distroing leaflets warning citizens of an Asian Invasion.
See also : Masked men storm election meeting, Otago Daily Times, November 23, 2011 | Kyle Chapman ~versus~ Patrick O’Sullivan ~versus~ ZOG (May 12, 2011). For background infos : The murky politics of the Right, John McCrone, The Press (Christchurch), [December 2009].
As for the left and the election, Mana appears to be attracting the most support (and certainly couldn’t do as badly as the Residents Action Movement done in 2008) while, disappointingly, the Workers’ Party is not fielding any candidates (and the Greens gonna continue to occupy a few seats in Parliament).
On a brighter note, the (Don’t F*ck With The) Communist League also gonna contest the election… but can its two brave candidates gain moar than the 74 votes the League received in 2008? (Oh. I also spotted a handful of Communist League members at the Occupy Sydney rally but sadly failed to procure any of their agitprop.)
Hey, election is this Saturday, not Thursday, and check out the National Frunt.
Frankly, I prefer the crazies on our own side- they’re more colourful, eccentric, and democratically minded. As George Orwell noted in his immortal words:
“One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.”
And so the noble tradition continues today.
Are the guys in the photo the nazis or are they the nudists referred to in the short but bitingly succinct piece about George Orwell that got left out of the original post but then got stuck on at the bottom as a comment?
Meanwhile in the Warwick:
Shock at race-hate pamphlet
ROSE City residents received a nasty shock on opening their letterboxes this week to discover an extreme racial hatred pamphlet.
Warwick resident John Randall awoke to find a two-page leaflet in with his mail that addressed issues of ‘The Spearhead: Black on White Crime” and emphasised the need “for a white Australia”.
Mr Randall said he was shocked to see such an “extreme” leaflet in a friendly town.
“I’m disappointed for our town that someone has identified Warwick as a target for a racial hatred campaign,” he said.
“But I’m also angry that someone was trying to import trouble from elsewhere and disrupt what I see as a very peaceful, harmonious place to live.
“I thought there were racial vilification laws that made that type of race hatred rubbish illegal.”
The newsletter was signed off with details of the Australia First party whose motto, created by founder Graeme Campbell, is “Australia must remain predominantly white”.
When contacted by the Daily News about the publication, chairman of Australia First Dr Jim Saleam said it was not his doing.
Although the newsletter mirrors similar political views to those of Dr Saleam, he was adamant he did not write it and his name was on there for some “unknown reason”.
“But I have no problem with anyone putting my name on a newsletter, it’s freedom of speech,” Dr Saleam said.
Warwick Peace Festival director Ruth Power said she also found the pamphlet disturbing.
“I feel disappointed and I feel this sort of thing doesn’t help anyone and it’s scary,” Mrs Power said.
Mrs Power said the propaganda-type tone of the newsletter was not the kind of message we should be sending to the community.
“It’s pushing a particular point of view and it’s a very superficial take on people and it’s dangerous really,” she said yesterday.
“This is not the kind of environment we want our children to grow up in.”
Another Southern Downs resident concerned about the newsletter was co-ordinator of a multicultural friendship group, Fiori Cruz.
“It’s just going to create more problems and they’re just trying to create fear in Australia, but really, how could Australia survive without multiculturalism?” Mrs Cruz said.
“I tend to ignore things like this, I mean I’ve seen it in Sydney and Brisbane and Melbourne but never thought it would happen here.”
Mr Randall said a great town like Warwick didn’t need the negative influence of this sort of advertising.
“Warwick has always had a reputation of an easy-going friendly town, very much ‘live and let live’,” Mr Randall said.
“We don’t need the nasty racist rubbish that the people from the Spearhead are peddling.”
Hola The Peter,
¿Cómo estás?
You would seem to be following in the footsteps of your leader, James Saleam, and developing a case of big-bRanes-trapped-in-a-small-Queensland-town blues.
Do you have rich grandparents like Dr Jim did?
If so, I recommend you buy a property somewhere in the inner-city. A good bunker means you can then devote the rest of your life to producing fascist propaganda.
Oh, and a spell inside for organising an assault upon a political opponent will no doubt greatly aid your credibility, but I dunno what you can do about your family tree… or perhaps, if you look closely enough, you too will find a a non-White in your ancestral closet?
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