Not unexpectedly, Redwatch Poland is back. On a new server…
More later.
Bad news for Redwatch UK :
‘MPs in move to close far-right website’
Matthew Taylor
The Guardian
July 20, 2006A far-right website that lists the addresses of politicians, teachers and trade unionists is facing closure after a series of attacks on anti-racist campaigners.
A delegation of union activists and MPs will meet Home Office ministers today in the wake of the latest incident in which anti-fascist campaigner Alec McFadden, president of Merseyside TUC, whose details are listed on the extremist Redwatch site, was stabbed in the face.
“He was very lucky not to be blinded,” said Angela Eagle, MP for Mr McFadden’s Wallasey constituency, who is heading tomorrow’s delegation. “This happened on his doorstep and in front of his daughter … It is just one of several incidents linked to the website that I have heard about in the past few weeks in the north-west…”
The moral of the story? Stabbing anti-racists is neither big nor clever, and could well get you into trouble with the state.
when are you going to start whining to their n[e]w host?
see ya, red scum
Hiya handsome!
Always happy to hear from an old mate.
And so I hate to be the one who has to break it to you but…
Despite treatment, your Tourette’s does NOT appear to have improved; in fact, I’d say it’s probably gotten worse rather than better. And I’d seriously consider demanding a refund on that ‘Anger Management’ course if I were you.
Anyway, here’s a lovely recipe for a fairy cake, the consumption of which I’m sure the boneheads who attend the Scumfront BBQ at David and Lilith’s would truly appreciate… possibly even more than the potato salad.
In between denying the Holocaust, bemoaning ZOG and ogling the one female at the BBQ, the boys can even help with the decoration!
Fairy cake recipe:
Step 1:
You only need a few things to make your little cakes:
* 85g softened butter
* ¾ sugar
* 2 eggs, lightly beaten
* ½ tsp vanilla extract
* 1½ cups self-raising flour
* ½ cup milk
Have a muffin tray, sieve, electric beaters, spatula, spoons, knife, mixing bowls (1 large and one small), hand whisk, measuring cups and cupcake holders at the ready, too. This is the time to ask Mum or Dad to put the oven on for you — you need it heated to 180 degrees Celsius.
Step 2:
Mixing it all together
1. Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy
2. Beat the egg separately — then add in slowly. Add vanilla too
3. Sift in half of the flour and fold until well combined
4. Add in milk and rest of flour and fold until well combined
5. Put cupcake holders in tray and spoon mixture in (not too full!)
6. Put in oven for 20 minutes or until golden and risen
Step 3:
Let your cakes cool on a rack for about 10 minutes before you take them out of the tin, when they are cool, it’s time to decorate.
Step 4:
[If Paul Innes insists on doing the decorating himself — as he most likely will — my advice is to let him, but, to be on the safe side, insist that one of the children supervises.]
To decorate, you can sprinkle with icing sugar, make coloured icing for them or cut out little wings to stick on with cream. Then you can sprinkle hundreds and thousands or sprinkles on top. Here is what you’ll need:
Cream: make mock cream for your fairy cakes using butter and icing sugar (much more butter than sugar), beating it until it turns into a white cream consistency.
Icing: make your icing with icing sugar, butter and a little splash of milk. Add in a few drops of your favourite food colouring.
All you need to know about fairies!
It is all about imagination … there are so many different types of fairies in the world.
Famous fairies: Tinkerbell, the Tooth Fairy, the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Fairy Godmother are all definitely A-list celeb’s in the fairy world!
Flower fairies: They’re simple and lovely and shy. All their clothes, homes, and furniture are made from the flowers they live in — but they’re pretty hard to see because of their floral camouflage.
Night fairies: Are pretty cool, they only come out at night to collect star dust because they can’t fly without it. Star dust is what we call fairy dust or pixie dust.
Mischievious pixies: These pixies can’t fly but get themselves into lots of trouble — they get around by hopping! They have long legs and springy feet and can hop up to two feet high. They are unique in the way they live and dress in clothes made out of plants.
Cornish pixies: These pixies have been described as ‘tricky little blighters’; they love to stir up trouble. You can’t miss a Cornish pixie; they are electric blue in colour and stand about eight inches tall. They have pointed faces and shrill voices. The magic word to round them up is ‘Peskipiksi Pesternomi’ And the thing they hate most is screaming.
Fairies are friends with: ladybugs, toy soldiers, the Nutcracker prince, dragonflies and butterflies.
Fairies love: music, ballet lessons, sweets, Christmas time.
Fairies dislike: mice, screaming, cameras/photos (always draw a fairy picture).
Hope that helps!
Big fat sloppy kisses,
Yum! Sounds delicious! Are antifa allowed to make tasty fairy cake as well?
Hi Dr. Cam!
You’ll be happy to know that BEN WEERHEYM (pending his doctor’s approval) will be conducting a FAIRY CAKE-BAKING WORKSHOP at the upcoming SYDNEY FORUM, and PAUL INNES (pending his doctor’s approval) will be his assistant!
“Yum!” indeed!
Word on the street — Princes Highway, to be exact — is that Ben has ALSO promised to reveal:
a) whether or not the “¾ sugar” above refers to a cup, a tsp, or a tbsp;
b) his feelings about the closure of leftywatch;
c) redwatch poland;
d) redwatch poland (again);
e) the jailing of Tomasz “Wanker” Winnicki;
f) the state of current police investigations into redwatch nz and redwatch uk and;
g) how to get away with racial villification in WA (co-presented by David Innes, Lilith Petersen and those members of the neo-Nazi White Devils gang who have been released from jail in time for the Forum).
All without dropping his pants or hiding behind a mask!