Sydney Chickens Ducks Swans : 9.12.66
Excellence is a way of life, Nathan Buckley, The Age, June 20, 2009:
…Talking of home and coaches, tonight’s game will be a chance to celebrate a remarkable career. If Mick Malthouse was an American coach he would be even more revered and exulted. Whilst the American coaches are still accountable for the performances of the team and the programs they oversee, they are always respected. It’s a pity we don’t do the same.
Over the course of 600 games at the helm of three separate clubs, Mick has coached many successful teams. More to the point he has developed and moulded many successful people in the process. The best, most enjoyable years of my playing career were under his charge and I learned a lot about the game as his captain. His longevity in the game is testament to his passion, strength of character, self belief and durability in an environment that has become increasingly cut-throat. I’ve nothing but admiration for what he has achieved in his 38 years in the game.
I know how much stock he places on history and he would have been fascinated walking around Notre Dame, learning of their origins and soaking up how and why they have become what they have.
On his own, Mick has become an institution of our game and like Notre Dame he has been a success over a long period of time because of his commitment to excellence.