Splintered Sunshine has some interestink Reflections on Iran and Again on the racist attacks in South Belfast.
- Also on Iran, see : News from the struggles in Iran, Hands Off the People of Iran: “State organs such as Press TV have described the murdered protesters as ‘terrorists’.”
In Something More Terrible than Fight Club: The Girlfriend Experience and the Coming Human Strike the Institute for Experimen[t]al Freedom applies the theoretical insights of a dead French Guy to conclude that “The modern subject is dead. May we be so fortunate that subjectivity can finally be undone as well. Our being is on life support. Unplug it.”
Don PalabraZ is a Subversive Historian. mister word’s latest post recalls the day in 1938 Joe Louis defeated Max Schmeling for the heavy-weight boxing title. Curiously, despite being championed by a dead incestuous coprophiliac dicktator, and acting as a mouthpiece for the Nazi regime, Schmeling was:
Compassionate and Modest
…On Kristallnacht, Schmeling took an enormous risk and hid the two teenage sons of a Jewish friend in his Berlin hotel room. The boxer claimed to be sick and did not allow any visitors. When the opportunity presented itself, Schmeling smuggled the two boys out of the country. Henri Lewin, who became a Las Vegas hotelier, credits Schmeling with his life; characteristically, the modest Schmeling made no mention of this episode in his own autobiography.
Invited to referee a bout in Milwaukee in 1954, Schmeling first flew to New York to visit Joe Jacobs’ grave. On the same trip, he drove to Chicago and found Joe Louis at home. They reminisced and renewed an acquaintance that lasted until Louis’ death. The two even appeared on a popular television program, “This is Your Life,” which reunited Louis with a host of people from his past. When Louis died in 1981, Schmeling helped pay for the funeral. In his later years, Max Schmeling continued to live outside his hometown of Hamburg, Germany, until his death in February 2005 at the age of 99. “I had a happy marriage and a nice wife,” he would tell an interviewer before his death. “I accomplished everything you can. What more can you want?”
Fellow blogger and freedom fighter Sina is going on trial next week:
I will be facing a jury trial on the 30th of June in the Melbourne County Court for charges relating to the G20 protests in Melbourne 2006. So this will be my final post until the completion of the trial.
If you can please come to the trial to support or wherever you are raise awareness about the implications of a neoliberal agenda will mean to the peoples of the Pacific.
She will be joined by two other comrades on July 13. They are facing charges of aggravated burglary (which can carry a 25 year jail term) for allegedly walking into offices on ‘Corporate Engagement Day’ with nothing more than glitter and water pistols!
- Trivia Fun Night With Friends!
Come along for a fun night full of entertainment, laughs, fun and trivia amongst friends!
Princes Park Bowling Club-Carlton
@ Bowen Crescent, North Carlton, 3054
Melways Map 29 H10
Friday the 26th of June 2009
at 7pm till midnight
Games start at 7:30 pm
$5 @ the door or book a table for 6 at $25 call 0408317732 (Tina)
cheap drinks, raffles and lots and lots of fun!
Finally, Melbourne IndyMedia is back online!
good luck sina.
welcome back indy.
from above “dead incestuous coprophiliac dicktator” eeeewwww, yuck and so true.
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