From the Department of nutzis are W E I R D:
Jail death threats to killer of Baby P over Nazi tattoo
Justin Penrose
Daily Mirror
July 5, 2009The stepdad killer of Baby P has received death threats after he showed off a neo-Nazi tattoo in jail. The 32-year-old, who cannot be named, outraged fellow inmates by brazenly displaying the tribute to Combat 18 – said to be the “armed wing” of the racist Blood & Honour group…
In the nutzi fashion stakes, ‘C18’ appears to be once again racing up the charts, being sported spouted and spray-painted by racist kids in Ballyclare (The words painted on walls read: ‘No inports (sic) workers or they will be burnt in the flats’ and ‘There are (sic) jobs so **** of (sic)’), Belfast (Northern Ireland/Six Counties), boneheads in Belgrade, nutzi members of the ‘Aryan Guard’ in Calgary, and even a handful of oddballs in Australia. See also : nutzis are W E I R D : Kyle Chapman. The Mormon. (May 3, 2009) | nutzis are W E I R D : David Lane’s Ashes (February 13, 2009).
From the Department of nutzis need P R O B I N G:
Cops beat ‘plot to kill muslims’
Daily Mirror
July 6, 2009“At least 32 people are being probed in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.”
Australia, NZ link to British bomb plot
July 6, 2009Inquiries into a suspected right-wing bombing plot in Britain stretched as far as New Zealand and Australia.
London’s Sunday Times newspaper reported a network of suspected far-right extremists with access to 300 weapons and 80 bombs had been uncovered by counter-terrorism detectives and this discovery was linked to arrests in Europe, New Zealand and Australia.
But New Zealand Police Minister Judith Collins’ office told the Dominion Post that West Yorkshire police had contacted local police some months ago asking them to investigate.
“Nothing came of it and there were no arrests,” a spokesman said.
Thirty-two people have been questioned in a police operation that raises the prospect of a right-wing bombing campaign against mosques, the Sunday Times said.
Police are said to have recovered a British National party membership card and other right-wing literature during a raid on the home of one suspect charged under the Terrorism Act.
Buggered if I know what’s going on, but obviously, having been hatched by White, non-Muslim and hugely patriotic citizens, there’s no need for the
to hog the headlines. See also : Police fear far-right terror attack, Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, July 6, 2009.A link, probably tenuous, may exist between these raids and attempts by European police agencies in 2008 to subvert the nutzi muzak industry.
…Denmark is to extradite two men over neo-Nazi music. According to Associated Press (October 7, 2008): “Danish authorities say two men arrested for producing and distributing neo-Nazi music in Germany will be extradited to Germany. The Justice Ministry has decided that the men — a Dane and a German — can be extradited under Danish law. The Ministry Tuesday said the men have the right to test the case before a Danish court before being extradited. The pair were arrested August 27 north of Copenhagen on a German extradition request. German investigators say the pair produced as many as 100,000 copies of neo-Nazi music under the label Celtic Moon.” Another report by Deutsche Welle states: “They are presumed to have had contact to a partner in Australia, who allegedly copied the CDs and sent them to Denmark for distribution in Europe.”
An earlier report (Frankfurt prosecutors arrest neo-Nazi music producers, The Local, August 27, 2008), states that German national Stephan G., 33, and Dane Flemming C, 32, are “also allegedly connected to the banned Werwolf Records company, which [Thorsten Heise of the German NPD] used to produce the equally illegal two-part sampler “The Germans are Coming”. The searches in Finland were targeted at managers of Werwolf, which is a reference to the Nazi underground that continued fighting after the end of WWII”.
The identity of the partner in Australia has yet to be disclosed, although there are a number of links between Werwolf and local neo-Nazis. For example, Newcastle band Blood Red Eagle is on sale at the Werwolf website, as is the band Deaths Head, Kilgore and Shatter Pattern. Blood Red Eagle and Ravenous — whose lead shouter Jesse also strained his vocal chords for the band Deaths Head — both performed at this year’s Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig in Beaconsfield in September. The third band on the bill was Belgian band Kill Baby Kill, who most recently achieved notoriety prancing about on stage in Redhill.
From the Department of “When B.&.H. play in our town/We’ll lock them in the venue and burn the fucker down!”
Note that ‘Ravenous’ is scheduled to perform at this year’s ISD gig in Melbourne on September 12, along with the resurrected corpse of late ’80s nutzis ‘Open Season’ and a cover band.
A forty-something boofhead called Jim shouts and plucks strings for Open Season along with another schmuck called Hilly. Among the many heavenly pop hits included on their one (and only) album ‘Frontline Fighters’ is the toe-tapping ‘Australian National Socialist’:
Seig Heil!
Other tracks on the album are ‘Frontline Fighters’, ‘It’s Time’, ‘Open Season’, ‘Invasion’, ‘Apeman’, ‘Nightrider’, ‘The Slag’, ‘Southern Comfort’, ‘New Reich’, ‘White Justice’, ‘Nigger Hunt’, ‘Kill the Poofs’ and on some versions ‘Blood Sucker’ and ‘Devil’s Guard’.
Funnily enough, as well as being devoted to maintaining the glorious memory of a dead incestuous coprophiliac foreign dicktator, Jim is also a big fan of Bruce Ruxton:
On your cover of No Remorse’s “Blood Sucker” it is said “one day the world will know that Bruce Ruxton was right”. For those who are not familiar, could you give some insight on him?
Bruce Ruxton was the president of the RSL (Returned Sevices League)… They do a lot of good for ex servicemen. At the time of recording the album … [Nelson Mandela] was released from gaol. Desmond Tutu was very outspoken at the time and was coming to Australia[.] Bruce was the only person that publicly spoke out against this black terrorist coming to Australia and openly called him a witch doctor. Bruce was massacred by the press for his views as [is anyone] who has the balls to speak out openly about non whites or the chosen race.
Curiously, the recording of ‘Frontline Fighters’ took place at approximately the same time that the leader of the Australia First Party, Dr. James Saleam, arranged for some of his boys to pay a visit to local (Sydney) black terrorist ANC spokesperson Eddie Funde and to blast a shotgun through his front door.
The case that brought National Action undone, however, came in January 1989, when Eddie Funde, Australian representative of the [ANC], had his front door shot through. Shotgun pellets were found near his child’s cradle. [NA] members Jason Frost and Michael White were arrested. They both implicated Saleam, telling the court that he had given them a balaclava, a shotgun and eight dollars each for a drink to steady their nerves. That had to be Jim, I thought on reading their story. Anyone else would have given them a fifty each.
Saleam claimed it was the political police again, trying to wreck the nationalist cause. The jury was not so persuaded and, in May 1991, Saleam was sentenced to three and a half years jail. This was his second time inside — in April 1989 he’d been sentenced to two years’ hard labour for fraud and receiving stolen property. ‘Ironically, Saleam received his sentence on the same day as the centenary of Hitler’s birth’, the Sydney Morning Herald noted.
~ David Greason, I was a teenage fascist, McPhee Gribble, 1994, pp.302–303.
Silly Jim! Fortunately, the RSL has made its peace with (neo-)Nazism, and offers its venues (Bexley, Eastwood) to Herr Doktor, so that he and other fascists can continue to organise. So too, Sydney’s Russian and Estonian communities: hurrah!
As for Open Season, Jim states: “we used to play quite often with Phoenix Rising and White Lightning. In Sydney we had no trouble getting gigs, however in Melbourne it was slightly more difficult… only the one time a venue cancelled us and that was when they threatened to be blown up if we played. We still played that night but in another venue.” White Lightning are of course now known as T.H.U.G., and — just as Open Season will be welcomed in Melbourne — T.H.U.G. are very welcome to play @ the East Brunswick Hotel.
There’s no business like neo-Nazi punk business!
From the Department of nutzis need ! N A T A S:
University backs thesis on neo-Nazis
Britton Broun
The Dominion Post
July 6, 2009A thesis on neo-Nazism and Satanism in New Zealand will be going back on Waikato University library shelves after it was cleared by the university.
In September, the thesis by master’s student Roel van Leeuwen, was removed after Kerry Bolton, former secretary of the Right-wing National Front, complained that it was substandard, despite the piece winning first-class honours.
Entitled Dreamers of the Dark: Kerry Bolton and the Order of the Left Hand Path, a Case-study of a Satanic/Neo-Nazi Synthesis, it analysed ideas published by Mr Bolton and focused on how neo-Nazi thought was repackaged for a younger generation…
Well. The power of !nataS is obviously strong in Aotearoa/New Zealand but, equally obviously, University of Waikato Vice-Chancellor Professor Roy Crawford has had resort to some powerful counter-magicks: “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. Cool it with a baboon’s blood, Then the charm is firm and good. And so is the thesis by Master’s student Roel van Leeuwen”. See also : Let Waikato @#$% you! (February 16, 2009) | Satan King of Waikato (February 4, 2009) | Kerry Bolton : a right scum bag? (October 7, 2008) | Kerry Bolton and the Power of !nataS (October 6, 2008)
From the Department of Today in LGBT History–July 5:
2007: George Melly, British bisexual jazz singer, music critic, author, anarchist, lush, and raconteur, dies in London, England, of lung cancer at age 80. He was also an art lecturer specializing in surrealism, a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association, and widely noted for his loud suits, louder ties and the image he cultivated of a hard-drinking throwback to the jazz age.
Speaking of fashion…
“The Boulevardier is written by Adam Tinnell, a seemingly ordinary anarchist that has a penchant for being overdressed and rubbing it in. Why should you listen to an anarchist for fashion advice? Let’s just say, you can’t afford not to.”