Community Assembly
Thursday, March 22
Preston Motors
1551 Sydney Rd
[Melways: F7, map 7]
Tel: (03) 9358 3100
Fax: (03) 9359 5627
- “please contact us for any enquiries or comments you have and we will be happy to discuss them with you.”
Urgent update, March 19 : Management at Preston Motors has threatened to sue striking NUW (National Union of Workers) members. Union Solidarity will not put up with this sort of intimation of ordinary rank and file members. We urge all of our supporters to attend future community assemblies.
Over 30 workers working in the spare parts/stores section of Preston Motors began a strike on Tuesday, March 13, over the company’s continued refusal to negotiate a fair wage increase.
Further information : NUW Press Release | Preston Motors workers strike, Tony Iltis, Green Left Weekly, #703, March 21, 2007