Lest We Forget

A scumbag on the Melbourne Punx Forum writes:

It’s a well known fact that Bulldog Spirit‘s drummer Joel is a [neo-Nazi]. He was in that shit band GGF and a [neo-Nazi] band called Ravenous [which also] played with [the neo-Nazi] Fortress many times… Oh, and when Marching Orders were first starting out, they had a guitarist called Mick who was also in [neo-Nazi] band Bail Up!

Shocking and stunning news. Vicious, completely unconfirmed rumour. (And Joel has never played drums in Death’s Head neither.)

I’ve already documented Bulldog Spirit’s various (other) flirtations with fascism, as well as the antics of the heavily tattooed and baby-faced Damien Ovchynik‘s Bail Up!; they, together with Marching Orders, constitute part of the galaxy of stars that regularly play local neo-Nazi venue The Birmy. As for Fortress…

Fortress (circa 1991–1999), was Australia’s most significant and well-known contribution to the pin-headed genre known as RAC (‘Rock Against Communism’), and the success of its peculiar brand of B-grade metal was largely a result of the efforts of one person: Scott McGuinness. Despite being based in Melbourne, it played very few gigs here during its lifetime (for obvious reasons), and attracted its largest audiences among all them foreigners (for equally obvious reasons). Not that playing with themselves unmolested was the band’s only problem; so too was selling their racist garbage. So, while in terms of music distribution the advent of the Internet means that now just about any Tom, Dick & Adolph can relax to the soothing sounds of Fortress, prior to its widespread adoption by neo-Nazis, CDs — vinyl even — were generally only available at gigs, through the post, or under the counter. For fans of RAC and other neo-Nazi muzak, in Melbourne, such tripe was available @ now-defunct shops such as Modern Invasion (nee Pipe Imported), a still-existent label run — typically — by a little rich kid, Daniel Janecka. Modern Invasion is also the current, slightly shabby home of the Brisbane-based White supremacist Abyssic Hate, and the former home of Melbourne band Deströyer 666.

Deströyer 666 released their CD Unleash the Poodles in 1997 through Modern Invasion, and on the inner sleeve the band thanks members of Fortress, Squadron and Ken McLellan from Brutal Attack. Brutal Attack is, in turn, a long-running English bonehead group — formerly known as Dead Paki In The Gutter — which toured Australia in 1996. During this tour, members of Brutal Attack, Deströyer 666, Fortress and Squadron recorded a mini-CD together entitled “Garrison”, which was released through Nordland Records (Nordland Records later mutated into Resistance Records: a cashcow for the National Alliance).

A veteran racist, McLellan was last week denied entry to the US. This particular English Invasion was actually a response to an invitation from the kinky, !cinataS, Hollywood Nazis of the National Socialist Movement (‘America’s Nazi Party’) for the old bigot to prance about on a stage in South Carolina to — what else? — celebrate Hitler’s birthday; mourn Wild Bill‘s long-overdue death; and ‘Rock Against Illegal Immigration’.

Arf arf.

McLellan’s non-performance was preceeded by another on the streets of Columbia, where Dozens of neo-Nazis marched against illegal immigration, outnumbered by protesters (AP, International Herald Tribune, April 21).

NSM For Beginners:

[In 2006 the] Minnesota-based National Socialist Movement (NSM), with 81 chapters in 36 states, remained the largest group on the neo-Nazi scene last year and was highly active for the first half of that period. But in July, scandal hit the group in the form of reports that Chairman Cliff Herrington’s wife was a practicing Satanist. Before it was over, both Herringtons had left the group, as had its energetic spokesman, Bill White of Roanoke, Va. White took several NSM members and officials with him to form the American National Socialist Workers Party. Although that group has begun to publish a magazine, thus far it has done little else.

NSM has been pushing immigration heavily, and planned to follow a rally held in Texas last fall with a “Rock Against Illegal Immigration” concert and “mass rally” scheduled for Laurens, S.C., this April. NSM leader Jeff Schoep has led several such rallies, attacking Latino immigrants for “stealing jobs” and more…

Like McLellan, Scott McGuinness has remained a very busy little neo-Nazi bee, being involved both during and after his Fortress fell back into the swamp with numerous other, largely studio-based recording projects, including Axis, Dissident, Exxtrem (with the German band Noie Werte / ‘New Values’), Garrison and Raven’s Wing. And not content with simply exporting shit to the rest of the world, McGuinness — in a possibly desperate attempt to provide himself with an audience — was also involved in the importation of tools to Australia; in 1993, opening up a local Hammerskins franchise. Since then, the Southern Cross Hammerskins have worked closely with Blood & Honour Australia, although of late most activity has been confined to organising yearly road-safety events in memory of Skrewydrivers. Thus the 2003 Ian Stuart Donaldson is Dead Celebration starred Bail Up!, Blood Red Eagle, Death’s Head, Fortress and Ravenous. The gig was recorded live on September 20 @ The Birmy, and released as a tribute to the dead bonehead and founder — along with another good fascist, Nicky Crane — of Piss & Wind.

Interestingly, the only band not to make the cut was Gospel of the Horns: the band which recently had an album launch @ The Tote — just up the road from The neo-Nazi Birmy. (NB. Tote management claims to not like racist, sexist, homophobic, neo-Nazi fucking scum.) Notwithstanding their exclusion from the album in question, GotH paid minor tribute to one of their ideological mentors, Ian ‘Stop sign? What Stop sign?’ Stuart, by including a photo of themselves playing at an earlier B&H gig in the booklet accompanying the The Eve of the Conqueror EP (2000). And in an interview with some schmuck from the German metal zine Voices from the Darkside, lead singer Howitzer opines that “One of the highlights [of his trip to Europe] was going to Nuremberg, to see where the NSDAP had their annual rallies…”. Note also that Howitzer played on Unleash the Poodles; the 1997 Deströyer 666 release in which the band thanks Fortress for inspiration. Oh, and he also recorded albums with the neo-Nazi Garrison and Raven’s Wing.

Gospel of the Horns: “bonehead rock”, neo-Nazi music… or both?


One band what’s been removed from the online Encyclopaedia Metallum is Raven’s Wing:

    Genre : Traditional Metal
    Lyrical theme(s) : National-Europeism*
    Origin : Australia
    Last label : Resistance [Through the Looking Glass (2000)]

    Last known line-up :

    Julie – vocals
    Scott McGuinness – vocals (Fortress (Aus), Axis (Aus), Dissident (Aus), Garrison)
    KK Warslut – guitar (Deströyer 666, ex-Bestial Warlust, ex-Corpse Molestation)
    Aussie Nigel Brown – bass (Retaliator (Aus), Broadsword, White Lightning (Aus), No Remorse (UK), Fortress (Aus), Celtic Warrior)
    Coz – drums (Deströyer 666, Gospel of the Horns, Garrison)

    Submitted by einvolk on September 18th, 2005
    Last modified by Napero on June 29th, 2006

    *Winner, 2004 Award for Best Fascist Euphemism

Another is Dissident :

    Genre : Traditional Heavy Metal
    Lyrical theme(s) : Nationalism, Heritage**
    Origin : Melbourne, Australia
    Formed : 2000
    Label : Old Guard [A Cog in the Wheel (2000) / II Unity Drum (2006)]

    Current line-up :

    Scott McGuinness – vocals (Fortress (Aus), Garrison, Axis (Aus), Raven’s Wing)
    Billy – guitars (Retaliator (Aus), Celtic Warrior)
    Paul – drums (Fortress (Aus))

    Submitted by Cantusbestiae on September 10th, 2005
    Last modified by GraveWish on September 5th, 2006

    **Runner-Up, 2006 Award for Best Fascist Euphemism

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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22 Responses to Lest We Forget

  1. skanky heffer says:

    Doug from Bulldog Spirit states that he likes anti-racist `multi-racial’ bands like Agnostic Front. This depends on what he defines as `multiracial’. Roger Miret is the singer and identifies as Latino. Cosmetically he `looks’ white and there is a category called `White Hispanic’ in the U.S. Census. Vinnie Stigma is Italian American.

    If this is the case then the neo-Nazi band Bail Up! can be considered a `multiracial’ band considering their singer is obviously of Polish ancestry (the Nazis hated Poles and killed millions of them. I’m sure his 40-hour tattooed flesh would have made a nice lamp-shade design) and their guitarist is of part Maltese (mixed-race North African) ancestry. Anyone can claim to be a Nazi.

  2. jp says:

    Hey man, just wondering what you know about Daniel Janica? i worked for MIM for about a year or so in 2001. i got sick of all of the shit that went on there and left. i never really understood where he got his money to keep going with the company … we never really sold much music, or anything for that matter … do you know anything about it?

  3. @ndy says:


    ooops. missed this one.

    jp: um, yeah. but no, can’t talk much; at least not here / now. in brief, however, i guess you could say that some kids are lucky to have rich, indulgent parents. which is, like, “whatever”, but becomes a problem when they assume — as they so often do, unfortunately, being not only rich, but thick — that poor kids, like, ain’t got no brains? ‘cos, like, they’re poor?

    etcetera etcetera etcetera…

  4. S. says:

    Abyssic Hate is from Melbourne as well…

    Those bands got cut from the archives because they aren’t really “metal” acts as such.
    Racist or not, Gospel still play metal.
    Destroyer (seemingly) aren’t really racist either, Keith claims that those bands were only thanked because Keith was mates with some skinheads back when he lived in Melbourne.

    Not trying to defend em, just trying to offer clarification on a few issues.

  5. S. says:

    Fortress is playing the next Ian Stuart is Dead gig in October as well…

  6. @ndy says:


    I’ve got no idea why those bands were cut, but you may be right — depends on yr def of ‘metal’ I guess.

    As for Abyssic Hate, I thought that they (he: Shane Rout) were (was) originally from Brisbane (I may have confused them (him) with Spear of Longinus).

    And as for D666 not being racist… c’mon… that’s hardly convincing, esp given all the other evidence. Why, for example, did KK play with Scott in Raven’s Wing? (And they’re not skinheads: they’re boneheads.) Further, on myspace, ex-drummer Howitzer lists Blue Eyed Devils and Landser as being among his fave bands — and, of course, he also played with Garrison… And anyways, KK may now be in Holland, but his r/ships over there are not significantly different to what they were when he was over here.

  7. S. says:

    Fair enough.
    From what Ive heard about em, that Ravens Wing thing was ‘Celtic Rock’ or something, while Dissident is supposedly closer to country.
    I will admit that I listen to D666, not so much for the lyrics but the music.
    It reminds me of the thrash that I grew up on.
    Theyre accepted a lot more than your average bonehead due to their appearance.
    To most people their appearance would ‘define’ metal, rather than your average bonehead nut.

    About Cos/Gospel, upon further examination, you would be right.
    On top of that, I believe the current lead guitarist for Gospel (Marauder/Ryan?) is/was a member of Deaths Head.
    Rout is from Melbourne (funnily enough he was in Blood Duster for a while).
    S.O.L is from Brisbane, they of course tie in to Gospel.
    Those guys in S.O.L are weird as, trying to shoehorn all these esoteric beliefs into one system.
    Their former guitarist was an original member of Gospel back when Howitzer lived in Brisbane.

    The skinhead/bonehead thing, yeah I know but I dont really use the terms enough to consistently differentiate between the two, and I do know the difference.

    Once again, just trying to offer some input.
    Cheers for letting me discuss this openly with you.

  8. G.O.T.H fan. says:

    Unlike “andy” ive asked the drummer from gospel of the horns myself about the political beliefs he has and the other[s] he knows have. Pretty much all your [sic] accussing [sic] G.O.T.H and D666 of is false. For one, Howitzer has a blasphemy album cover tattoo on his chest (blasphemy has 3 jews and an african-canadia[n]). Hellkunt himself does not judge people by the colour of [their] skin generally, but he has something against jews and that could be just a personally [sic] thing. So, maybe you should stop the attack on these bands because rumours are not true, they get alot of this shit from people anyway and it[‘]s getting old.

  9. @ndy says:

    G’day G.O.T.H. fan.,

    You’re right, I’ve never spoken to Markus Hellkunt – at least, not knowingly.


    You reckon Hellkunt doesn’t judge people on account of their skin colour… but is anti-Semitic.

    I see.

    Howitzer has a Blasphemy tattoo on his chest?


    He also played bass with Garrison and Raven’s Wing.

    Upcoming gigs:

    SYDNEY, New South Wales – $15

    18 Sep 2009, 08:00 PM – BAROEG (venue)… G.O.T.H. NOCTURNAL AND KETZER

    19 Sep 2009, 08:00 PM – HELVETE…G.O.T.H. NOCTURNAL AND KETZER


  10. Paul Justo says:

    Interesting I thought NSBM was banned in Germany.

    A quick look on Google reveals that (according to S/front) “Ketzer, We are Nazi/Heathen/Celtic NSBM from Ireland. One member is German the other is Irish…”

    PHOBIA would tear them all new arseholes.


  11. My honour is called loyalty says:

    There is no doubt in my mind that you will write many uninformed and downright ignorant comments after reading this; nonetheless you should stick to rubbishing the likes of Patrick O’ Sullivan, because he is a shit taker[?], a police informer, an outcast and an outright joke. Speaking about the likes of him makes you feel superior, which is clearly what the intention of this website is all about, yet being superior to him is no hard task really is it?

    You guys sit around doing nothing and taking shit, pretending you are all somebody when you are nobodies who just insult other people. Which really is nothing different to what our fave Rev does himself, is it?

    Yet Scott McGuinness has done more for his cause than anyone who reads this forum has even done for theirs.

    Mr McGuinness is one of the kindest, staunchest, hardest working, dedicated and self-less human beings, I have ever had the honour of knowing in my life.

    He would do anything for his friends, he is a good influence on people and he is an extremely [intelligent] individual.

    You really have no one in your ranks to compare him with, sure you can rubbish him for being a nazi to the end of time, but at the end of the day he is better than you all [whether] you agree with his cause or not, he has done more than any of you will ever do for what he believes.

    Not even in your dreams could you be as good as him.

  12. Lumpen says:

    I dunno man, in my dreams I’m pretty freakin’ good.

  13. Dr. Cam says:

    “Mr McGuinness is one of the kindest, staunchest, hardest working, dedicated and self-less human beings, I have ever had the honour of knowing in my life.”


  14. G.O.T.H fan. says:

    I attended the show at Newtown RSL and met Hellkunt in person, it was pretty sweet. He further denounced the rumors of racism regarding the band. What I have found with people that hold ‘racist’ views in the metal scene in Sydney is that there is always an exception to the rule and that could probably be said for those in other scenes nation wide…not Tasmania though. There actually were skins/boneheads at the show but they didn’t beat anyone up or anything and a variety of metalheads turned up, but of course I was the only one of African appearance hahaha…oh…yeah and no Sieg Heiling took place either.

  15. G.O.T.H fan. says:

    Paul you’ve got the wrong Ketzer, retard.

  16. Rev.O'Sullivan-TCM says:

    As for this fuckwit going by the name ‘My honour is called duty’ posting some pointless slander against me.Put your real name to your crap or shut it.Perhaps it’s Andy or one of his buddies posting this drivel in an attempt to stir up trouble?

  17. @ndy says:

    G’day Pat,

    You’re free to believe whatever you like, but fwiw I’ve got no idea who ‘My honour is called loyalty’ is; they certainly appear to think Scott McGuinness is the bees’ knees tho’ eh?

  18. paul says:

    I knew Scott and his brother from school. He chose the path he did for whatever reason he did. I knew him during the process of making this decision and after and to be honest found Scott to be a great guy always. He has always been a very honourable and loyal friend to those that know him.

    Whether you agree or disagree with what he believes, Scott has character traits many people would be well benefited learning.

    I do know one thing for certain though, while people make websites like this just opposing contrary views to their own you are part of an ecosystem and want this to continue more that [?] your opposition want this to end.

    And so it’s clear, I would welcome Scott to my house any day and treat him with the respect he has always shown to me. I judge people on how they treat me.

  19. K says:

    Scott is a great guy and a real gentleman. I had the pleasure of spending time with him and he was always a loyal and respectful person to those around him.
    I lived near him a few years back and his company and wisdom was invaluable to me. I moved back to Adelaide and regretfully lost contact with him.
    Don’t judge unless you know the man!!!

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