Hi Emma,
Gabrielle Boyle here from the TEN Newsroom in Sydney.
We are currently covering a series of stories about the lead-up to APEC.
We are wondering how to contact you or a spokesperson for your group today?
Kind regards,
Gabrielle Boyle
TEN News.Network Ten Pty Ltd ABN 91 052 515 250
While the leftist Stop Bush Coalition battles to obtain a permit to rally and march somewhere authorities find acceptable — and fascist dingbats on Stormfront mutter darkly about hordes of anarchists invading Sydney — authorities are preparing water cannons and padded mobile cells for the more adventurous protesters, and taking numerous other measures intended to wrest the title of Pig City from its northern neighbour Brisbane. Adding to the general sense of impending doom will be the appearance, from September 6, of a five-kilometre fence — a 2.8-metre-high barrier extending across half the Botanic Gardens and the Opera House.
As was the case with the G20 protest in Melbourne last November, the main leftist coalition has appointed a spokesperson drawn from the DSP: in Melbourne, that person was Marcus Greville; in Sydney, it’s Alex Bainbridge. Marcus distinguished himself in the immediate aftermath of the G20 protest by blaming “the violence” on “Arterial Bloc and a group called Mutiny”. Since that time, Mutiny has functioned as a kind of whipping boy for the tabloids, but in the absence of proclamations regarding the group’s intent to burn Sydney to the ground, attention has shifted to more amorphous possibilities, including the prospect of several thousand high school students declaring that, this year, Schoolies has come early, and making the empty, arrogant, and pathetic claim to pass definitive judgments, sinking to outright abuse, on their fellow-students, their teachers, God, religion, the clergy, the governments and political systems of the whole world. Rejecting all morality and restraint, these cynics will not hesitate to commend theft, the destruction of scholarship, the abolition of work, total subversion, and a world-wide proletarian revolution with unlicensed pleasure as its only goal.
Or so upper middle class leaders of the party of the working class appear to believe.
Ferals! Idiots! P A N I C !
Don’t recruit students, Iemma warns
Alexandra Smith and Edmund Tadros
Sydney Morning Herald
August 22, 2007
THE Premier, Morris Iemma, has warned “feral” protesters they would be exploiting school students if they recruited them for rallies during the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum next month. He said the protesters, whom he likened to the “ferals” who jumped on his car in Newcastle during the election campaign, should not encourage students to skip school to protest. He warned police would “come down hard” on activists causing trouble. “It’s a big enough exercise to make sure it goes smoothly without idiots making it more difficult because they want to cause trouble,” he said. The state’s deputy director of schools, Trevor Fletcher, has written to principals instructing them to mark students who attend the protest on September 5 as absent without leave. “On previous occasions students have found themselves suddenly in the middle of a dangerous situation for which they were not prepared, and could not control. The best way to avoid such danger is to not attend the protests,” his letter read…
APEC protest mayhem plan
Kara Lawrence and Joe Hildebrand
The Daily Telegraph
August 22, 2007
A WEEK-long campaign of mayhem involving every major protest group in Sydney will cause mass CBD disruption during next month’s APEC summit… The groups to clog up Sydney for 11 days leading up to and during the summit include protest groups Resistance and the Socialist Alliance, according to secret security planning documents. Also planning protests are the Maritime Union of Australia, Amnesty International, the Greens, Vietnamese and Chinese groups, and Critical Mass, with its monthly bike ride. On Saturday, September 8, at least 15,000 protesters are expected to clog the CBD. The biggest protest, at 10am on that day, is expected to be the 10,000-strong Stop Bush Stop Howard rally and march from Sydney Town Hall to Hyde Park North…
Among the criminals scheduled to gather in luxury in Sydney in September is Russian plutocrat Vladimir Putin. According to one report “Foreign Affairs, Stockings & High Heels Minister Alexander Downer says negotiations on a new agreement to sell uranium to Russia could be signed” during the ex-KGB operative’s visit. In Russia itself, the plan to secure foreign uranium received a boost when an anarchist, Ilya Borodaenko, was last month murdered by Russian fascists at the site of a protest camp outside of The International Uranium Enrichment Centre in Angarsk, Siberia…
See also : Sydney Morning Herald APEC coverage | slackbastard APEC coverage