- ‘Racist’ skater hospitalised after tussle with Indian wrestlers
Paul Millar
The Age
October 5, 2009
An allegedly racist group of skaters got their ‘‘just desserts’’ when they took on a car filled with Indian wrestlers in Melbourne’s north yesterday…
In Minneapolis, Minnesota, four boneheads belonging to the National Socialist Movement were told to shoo by as many as several hundred protesters.
- National Socialist Movement Routed — As Usual — In California, Minneapolis, One People’s Project, October 4, 2009.
The boneheads had gathered in order to stage a little protest of their own, against the conduct of an anti-racist workshop at the local YWCA.
Funnily enough, when an academic conference on whiteness was held in Melbourne last year, there was lots of clucking and squawking on Stormfront Down Under (see Whites not all right! Anti-White Conference bad! Exclamation marks good!!!, December 5, 2008) about how necessary it was for White nationalists to protest against it — none did, so credit to the four neo-Nazis from the NSM.
Speaking of the NSM, be sure to listen to the interview the NSM’s Carl D. Thompson (‘Derrick McThomas’) conducted with the leader of the Australia First Party Dr James Saleam.
In other news from The Bunker (Carl’s not Jim’s):
(10/02/09)A group of 16 sorry-looking reds were beaten down by white patriots, after the reds linked arms and tried to stop people getting into the venue of the annual Sydney Forum. Also, patriots now know everything there is [to] know about anarchist scumbag @ndy. Be afraid @ndy, be very afraid.
Oh noes!
Carl calls me a “scumbag anarchist dirt-sucking piece of filth”, which like, totally hurt my feelings. (And those of my “felching, sodomist Red mates”!)
Where is the love?
Perhaps Carl’s next headline will be “Brilliant Strategist Telegraphs Punches”.