Manne still can’t find those 10
Herald Sun
February 5, 2010
Extraordinary. Five years after my challenge, Robert Manne still cannot come up with even 10 names of the 25,000 children he claims were stolen just for being Aboriginal…
Comment: Keith Windschuttle
Robert Manne
The Monthly
No.53, February 2010
Late last year, to a strangely muffled fanfare from his friends, the third volume of Keith Windschuttle’s self-published magnum opus, The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, appeared. Its subject is the stolen generations. Windschuttle must have regarded its publication as urgent. This is quite possibly the first occasion in the history of publishing where Volume Three of a single-authored history has preceded Volume Two. While from a narrow political point of view Windschuttle’s book is probably irrelevant – most Australians have accepted the justice of the Rudd apology; most of the right-wing commentariat, with the singular exception of Andrew Bolt, have “moved on” – from the historical and ideological points of view it ought not to be ignored. The question of the stolen generations has been one of the most important fronts in the Australian History Wars. Windschuttle’s book is the most ambitious statement of the right-wing case we are ever likely to see…
Robert Manne: a case to answer
Quadrant Online
January 31, 2010
Manne should stand down for inquiry
Robert Manne, professor of politics at La Trobe University, should stand down from his position while an independent inquiry is conducted into his false claims about Commonwealth government support in the 1930s for a policy of “breeding out the colour”…
See also : Robert Manne’s open letter to Andrew Bolt (July 3, 2006; originally published in Crikey, June 29, 2006) | Windschuttle & Bolt ~versus~ Manne (February 2, 2010) | History Wars 3.0, Late Night Live, ABC, February 2, 2010 (Phillip Adams interviews Manne) | Stolen generations, Counterpoint, ABC, February 1, 2010 (Michael Duffy interviews Windschuttle) | The Michael Duffy Files / loon pond.
Yep, the Pies for Premiers, but has anyone had a good look at the clown leading clown hall in Geelong, I mean when his petunia hair dye started to run down the mayoral forehead on Q&A last week, someone should have asked “What is he on?” The man is lit up like a Chrissie tree and wants a $500.000 Chrissie tree provided by one of his ‘mates’ floating past Lyonsgate at Chrissie. Is this to impress the bride that Daz lights up Geelong for her? It sure does not impress the citizens of CoGG with increasing and looming unemployment, an Ice fuelled epidemic of crime and diabolical youth unemployment. Fair go Daz, get your priorities right.