Daily Archives: January 27, 2008

Pip Starr // Paddy McGuinness

Reclaim the Streets 7, March 1999. Hundreds of partiers in an ongoing Reclaim the Streets occupy several sites in Sydney, including the Eastern Distributor. Global Warming was still just a distant concept to most of us at this point in … Continue reading

Posted in Film, History, Media, Television | 5 Comments

Australia, IMPORTED FKN SIMIAN PIECE OF NEGRESS CRAP, and lets get the ovens raised in melbourne

Australia Australia Australia So yeah, Australia Day. For many, a day to celebrate. For others, to mourn. For me, just another day spent slacking and being a bastard. (Activities which presumably inspire comments such as these.) For local fascist nutters, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, State / Politics | 2 Comments