Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman (and Jim Perren)

    Update (April 16, 2010) : Arkansas man sentenced to 10 years for Obama plot, (AP). JACKSON, Tenn. — A white supremacist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for conspiring to kill then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and dozens of other black people. U.S. District Judge J. Daniel Breen on Thursday sentenced 19-year-old Paul Schlesselman of Helena-West Helena, Ark. He had pleaded guilty in January. Twenty-one-year-old co-defendant, Daniel Cowart of Bells, Tenn., also pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing. Authorities have described the pair as white supremacist skinheads who hatched a plan to go on a cross-country robbery and killing spree that would end with an attack on Obama in 2008. Their plan was to kill 88 African-Americans and behead 14 others before trying to take out Obama. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist movement.

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman:

planned to dress in all-white tuxedos and top hats and die in the attempt to shoot Senator Obama from the windows of a speeding car.

But authorities say while they had guns, the plot never got close to getting off the ground and they were probably too disorganised to carry it out.

Among their blunders: they drew attention to themselves by etching swastikas on a car with chalk, they knew each other only for a month, they couldn’t pull off a house robbery, and a friend reported them to authorities.

Schlesselman’s sister, Kayla, revealed yesterday she had spoken to her brother and he had expressed regret. She doubted the plot was serious.

“He said he’s sorry about everything he’s done,” she said. “He just believes that he’s the master race.

“He would just say things like ‘white power’ and ‘Sieg Heil’ and ‘Heil Hilter’.”

[And stuff like this:]

Why does this story bring to mind Jim Perren? Oh yeah: because he’s got guns and is a neo-Nazi supporter of Dr. Jim Saleam’s Australia First Party. Drop Jim a line at [email protected].

Officials said the two plotted to kill 88 people, decapitating 14 of them. Both 88 and 14 are numbers significant in bonehead culture.

Schlesselman’s page on MySpace, the social networking site, displayed the phrase “i slap jigaboos” and included a photo of himself in blackface with the caption: “Me as a n – – – – -.”

A spokeswoman for The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization, said Schlesselman’s site is typical of racist language found across the Internet.

“Most of that stuff that he spouted off is very common on racist Web sites,” said Heidi Beirich of the Alabama-based group. “That stuff is all over the Web. It’s sad to say there are so many racist MySpace pages that you can barely keep up with them.”

Beirich said most people will never do more than post racist speech, but Schlesselman’s gun video was cause for alarm.

“There are a lot of racists out there who will never act on their beliefs, but weaponry is a good start to capability,” she said.

Stay proud brothers and sisters.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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6 Responses to Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman (and Jim Perren)

  1. Kadet says:

    Heh, Daniel Cowart looks like he’ll last long in prison.

  2. @ndy says:

    No… although that also depends on a range of other factors. Presumably — hopefully, for his sake — he’ll be kept in protective custody of some sort. I doubt he understood that his shit-talking and Master Race phantasies might one day — say, in the run-up to a US Presidential election — be taken seriously.

    “The men were arrested Wednesday [October 29] soon after writing numerous racially motivated words and drawing a swastika on their car, the ATF said.”


  3. A Gape says:

    skinheads…sadly boneheads…most assuredly

  4. @ndy says:

    Indeed. Today they got charged:

    Suspects in plot to kill Obama plead not guilty

    MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Two white supremacists have pleaded not guilty in an alleged plot to kill President-elect Barack Obama and dozens of other black people.

    Twenty-year-old Daniel Cowart of Tennessee and 18-year-old Paul Schlesselman of Arkansas spoke only to give their pleas Thursday morning in a Memphis courtroom.

    They face federal charges of threatening a presidential candidate, possession of a sawed-off shotgun, planning to rob a gun dealer and taking firearms across state lines.

    The seven-count indictment says the men hatched the plot for the killing spree sometime between Sept. 1 and Oct. 22. Court records indicate their scheme fell apart quickly.

    Their arrests were made public Oct. 27 and they are being held without bond.

  5. Richy says:

    hahahahahaha – sucked in to these guys!!
    Theyre worst nightmare is about to turn into a reality – getting raped by a black man!
    good luck faggots!

  6. @ndy says:

    Um… leaving aside the question of whether the pair deserve to be raped, by anyone, I don’t imagine the Tennessee prison system to be much fun in any case.

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