As documented by The Age‘s Investigative Unit, Victoria Police (Security Intelligence Group) recently employed an infiltrator to… ah… infiltrate… a number of local activist groups. The person employed went by the name of ‘Setha Sann’, and his targets included Socialist Alternative, Animal Liberation Victoria, the organising committee for the Palm Sunday peace rally (March 16, 2008), and a group organising to protest ‘The Asia Pacific Defence and Security Exhibition’ (since CANCELLED).
In addition to rescuing chickens from a battery farm — “Setha jumped into the excrement pit under the cages and saved several hens including Martina who was too weak to stand and near death” — Setha also lent his considerable talents to aiding Animal Liberation in a competition:
Since launching their “Name it Burger” campaign to name the new McDonald’s burger, the McDonald’s website has been inundated with suggestions like ‘Murder Burger’, the ‘Obese Burger’, the ‘Animal Abuse Burger’, the ‘McErectileDysfunction Burger’, the ‘McDeath’ and the ‘McF**kingDisgusting Burger’.
Seth’s suggestion?
The Torture Pounder!
‘ALV open rescue at Wallan egg laying factory (June 22, 2008)’: “Animal Liberation Victoria’s Openrescue team saved the lives of 13 battery hens from abysmal conditions inside an Australian egg laying factory today (June 22, 2008). The rescue was in solidarity with the ten Austrian animal activists who have been imprisoned without reasonable cause since May 21. Some of the activists are on hunger strike, including Dr Martin Balluch who hasn’t eaten for a month and is currently being forcefed inside the prison hospital.” The farm in question is named ‘Nature’s Dozen’, and owned by Dino Salvatore.