December 6 is the second anniversary of the police murder of Athens teenager Alexandros (aka Andreas/Alexis) Grigoropoulos. His death triggered widespread rioting in Athens and elsewhere in Greece; these uprisings in turn helped to lay the groundwork for further revolts against state repression and the (ongoing) imposition of EU and IMF-backed austerity measures. (In October 2010, Epaminondas Korkoneas, the fascist-sympathising policeman responsible for executing Grigoropoulos, was sentenced to life in prison.) The (so-called) Global Financial Crisis has had European authorities shitting bricks over the prospect of Greek stylee resistance spreading across Europe, a possibility which has been partly realised in some territories (Iceland) and simmers away in others (England, Ireland, France). Their worst fears are now apparently centred upon economic dysfunction leading to (a deepening of) political unrest and social revolt in Portugal, Spain and Italy.
Australia sleeps…
Hi there,
Where do you get your facts on Korkoneas being a fascist? Are there any sources on the internet I can find more about that? It’s still unclear as to the reasons behind his act.