
Anna the FBI informant stars in another article, this time one appearing in the Broward-Palm Beach New Times (June 22, 2006). Go Anna!

Have Wire, Will Travel

Anna the Medic, one of the FBI’s top informants, has cut a wide swath through the antiwar and animal rights movements.

Listen, my children, to the story of Anna the Medic, who travels the land, bringing the harsh scrutiny of federal law enforcement to Americans engaged in political protest.

In the past two years, Anna, whose real name may be Anna Davies or Anna Davidson, has turned up at rallies and marches from South Florida to Northern California, with a lot of stops in between. She has demonstrated for animal rights and protested the Iraq War, all the while meticulously gathering information on political dissidents for the FBI. According to FBI affidavits, Anna has been a paid informant in 12 investigations of “anarchist” groups. She’s a veritable Scarlet Pimpernel, on the federal government tab.

From the Department of Everybody’s an “Anarchist” Nowadays:

‘Anarchist’ Libs accused of disloyalty
Mark Kenny
23 June 2006

MODERATE Coalition MPs have been accused of disloyalty and branded “anarchists” as tempers fray over the Government’s asylum seeker policies.

From the Department of Fuck Rocks *s Are Stupid:

Venting feelings of anger and frustration through the use of humour and boisterous rock music was a very deliberate move. Lead singer/guitarist Nathan Larson (Shudder To Think) was concerned that the messages of the political left were becoming too dry or aggressive to engage the average person.

“You’ve got this very dusty, Noam Chomsky, academic, boring type,” explains Larson, “and nobody wants to listen to that guy.”

“It’s just not interesting to most people. And then you’ve got the really hardcore, anarchist, Molotov-cocktail-tossing thing, which is so deadly serious that it is repellent to many people.”

Bassist Emm Gryner agrees that humour and a sense of fun are excellent vehicles for delivering disturbing issues.

From the Department of Who’s the Moron Now:

Protesters were ‘morons’: police chief

E-mail to officers sent by chief after probe begins into group member’s allegations

Fiona Isaacson
Guelph Mercury
June 23, 2006

Police Chief Rob Davis called members of the Guelph Union of Tenants and Supporters “morons” in the middle of a police investigation into an alleged sexual assault by a police officer of one of the group’s members.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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