The Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) has released a new issue of their Intelligence Report (No.127, Winter 2007). Among other items of interest, it contains an interview with Anthony Pierpont, the former fuehrer of neo-Nazi record label Panzerfaust Records (1998–2005), which collapsed in 2005 following Pierpont’s drug bust and the discovery by his bonehead comrade and business partner Bryant Cecchini (alias Byron Calvert) of Pierpont’s birth certificate, which revealed that his mum was in fact… Mexican! Cecchini has since gone on to establish Free Your Mind — while Pierpont uses the funds generated by dumbarse boneheads the world over to celebrate his new-found yuppiedom — but before the split the pair was responsible for establishing Project Schoolyard in 2004, which distributed shit racist muzak to schoolchildren… tho’ on the brighter side, also prompted Insurgence Records to release a free sampler of their own: the excellent Project Boneyard. (See also : ‘Hate Rock to Spiritual Revelation — The Transformation of George Burdi: An Interview by Brian W. Blueskye’; David Gergen interviews Ingo Hasselbach)
In other news, the Report reports that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan — who, since his appointment in the 70s, and in keeping with the teachings of nutty NOI (almost) founder Elijah Muhammad, preached “a belief system that includes the idea that a black scientist named Yacub created whites, seen as inherently evil ‘blue-eyed devils’, in a test tube 6,600 years ago”! — has effectively retired as a result of a deteriorating prostate condition. (See also : Sing-A-Long with Louis Farrakhan; The Malcolm X Project at Columbia University)
Oh yeah. The new edition of Counterpunch — “America’s Best Political Newsletter” according to some zine I’ve never heard of called Out of Bounds — contains a neat article by John Ross (author of ¡Zapatistas! Making Another World Possible: Chronicles of Resistance 2000-2006, Nation Books, New Yawk, 2006) on ‘Oaxaca’s Rising’:
…Still stippling public walls posted with “Do Not Post” warnings and private businesses (a Neurotics Anonymous billboard was an appealing target) is a ubiquitous image of a supermarket-shopping cart filled with rocks and ready for the next march. Anarchist A’s are everywhere. A little girl in a pink dress hugs a large bomb. The machetes of San Salvador Atenco are a repeated icon. A stencil of a protestor aiming a slingshot at a helicopter. A stencil of a kneeling youth spray-painting a wall…
Zapata in a gas mask is still up there just under the whitewash, Benito Juarez with a Mohawk. Mug shots of Gandhi, the old [so old he’s dead] anarchist Ricardo Flores Magon, the martyred guerrillero Lucio Cabanas, the Zapatistas’ Comandanta Ramona. Sometimes the walls functioned as the morning newspaper. One day, Oaxaca arose to find life-sized photo-real figures of three presidential candidates dressed as boxers in a ring. The stolen July 2 election was a touchstone for the street artists…
Go read something. And remember: “[The] Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude.” — Australian President George W. Bush, 60 Minutes interview, January 2007