This afternoon the redoubtable Dr. Cam & I saw a film called Defamation. Leaving aside some rather annoying technical flaws, it was very enjoyable, funny, and sad. I intend writing a fuller review later.
By some strange force of synchronicity, at approximately the same time I was sitting down to watch Defamation, I was sent an email alleging that I had made some defamatory remarks on my blog.
Life’s funny like that eh?
Remember! You have a constitutional right to have your case heard before a jury of people who have [**** !@#$%^&*].
What on Earth does [**** !@#$%^&*] refer to Dr.?
I bet you get some interesting emails.
Look forward to the review. It looked like an ambitious film.
And what sins have you allegedly committed now?
I do.
It was a good film, I think, and fairly critical of the (fight against the) ‘new anti-Semitism’, especially as it is being advanced by the ADL, which has issued the following statement:
As for my sins, I will detail these at a later date.
What manner of censorship is this?
If you want a vision of the future of this blog, imagine a boot stamping on the face of a m*s*c *i*e* s*o* h*s*… FOREVER.
G’day THR,
For the time being, see:
Aaarrrggghhh! Dylan Lewis! Tania Lacy! So Much Hate!, January 4th, 2008 in Music, Television