Above : Bübi casts a critical eye over the contents of Anarchy #56; later that afternoon he and I contemplated Michael William’s thoughts on ‘Cats and Domestication’.
Above : Bübi casts a critical eye over the contents of Anarchy #56; later that afternoon he and I contemplated Michael William’s thoughts on ‘Cats and Domestication’.
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He is adorable in the extreme. What were his conclusions about Williams\’ theories? More of his opinions (not to eclipse yours in any way Sir Slackness, but merely to promote robust discussion) would be most welcome. As would a few full frontal shots. Thank you.
I would have to agree with Catgrrl. Full frontal shots would be most welcome. It would seem that you have an excellent taste in cats. Not only is Bubi gorgeous but also an avid reader.
His conclusions were, as usual, incisive, but delivered, as usual, in a rather haphazard fashion — and in a manner which would probably perturb those not used to his personal style, viz, penetrating insight / followed by penetrating bite / followed by slashing wit / followed by slashing claw. More of his opinions will surely be forthcoming — as will some ah, “candid” photography — but probably only if I can drag Mr B away from his current obsession, which is answering the seeming paradox: “Could an all-powerful God create a kitten so cute that He could not help but admire it?” He is exploring this question by way of staring into space, then running, rather suddenly, away — shocked by some sudden insight into The True Nature of Things, I suspect.
trust you to own a [sexy] cat you [sexy] limp wristed weedy little anarchist twerp.
id like to feed you[r] stupid pest to my dog, it just loves the flesh of anarchist wankers.
That was a nasty post. I clicked on the profile and it came up with a DVD on activists who risk their lives to save animals. Go figure.
‘ben w’ = Ben Weerhym ( / Weerheym), male, late 20s, Perth, neo-Nazi — with a criminal conviction for, among other things, taking part in the vandalism of a war widows’ retirement village, said action being part of a broader campaign of vandalism targeting Jews and other ethnic minorities in Perth and conducted in July 2004. For example:
“Blaxall and Post [see below], arrested on July 20, were caught largely due to the help of footage taken from a security camera at the Perth Hebrew Congregation, where slogans calling for a new Holocaust were sprayed. The surveillance system monitors every individual that enters the building and is of high enough quality that the images of Blaxall and Post were clearly seen by police investigators following the attack.” ~ Andrew Friedman, The Review, August 2004
Weerhym was also a member of the ‘White Devils’, a short-lived neo-Nazi gang that attached themselves to Jack van Tongeren’s Australian Nationalist/s Movement (ANM) / Australian Nationalist Workers Union (ANWU). But whereas four other members of the gang — Damon Paul Blaxall, Daniel Tyrone Klavins, Frank James Lemin and Shannon Mark Post — received custodial sentences for the string of crimes, Weerhym didn’t, partly as a result of lying to the court with regards the degree of his involvement in local fascist organising. In the end, Weerhym pled guilty to nine counts of willful damage and received a sentence of six months and one day, which was suspended for 12 months.
You can find more info on Weerhym, van Tongeren and other fascist creeps here:
As for the link, that’s my responsibility. When creeps like Ben post I routinely include links to relevant subject matter — in this case, a documentary about the Animal Liberation Front. On other occasions, I’ve provided links to texts on racism, music sites (Alice Donut’s ‘Revenge Fantasies of the Impotent’), the Dutch resistance to Nazism, texts describing various forms of psychopathology, MENSA, the Darwin Awards, and so on and so forth.
As for it being a nasty post, yeah, but it’s fairly standard behaviour. Like many if not all of his comrades, Ben strikes me as being an insecure little boy with a very limited vocabulary, low intelligence, and as suffering from various forms of emotional and psychological retardation, probably related to his history of drug-taking.
In a word: loser.
@ndy the Cat Lover.
Ben W has threatened Most Gorgeous Kitty. I will have his head. Kindly post his name and address. Thank you. That Is All.
I was shivering when I read that Andy. You mean to tell me that guys like him still exist! Oh this isn’t making sense. Thanks for the explanation as I was rather confused with what was going on. After reading his post I naturally clicked on his profile to try and make some sense out of his hatred for lovely Bubi.
to ben weerheym,
dear oh dear, why steal lines from “B” grade hollywood horror flops? if you blame the n.w.o/z.o.g for your lack of wit and imagination, you’ll have my heartfelt support. anyway, here are two tips to improve your challenging lifestyle: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Bacon, a faux meat brand that smells and tastes like real bacon, but it won’t damage your health (e.g., heart disease and constipation); and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Techno, a crazy product that sounds exactly like techno. you’ll never have to waste money on overpriced blips and beeps again: simply set off a car alarm or turn on a washing machine. if you love remixes, change the wash cycle.
fortunately, i won’t recommend I Can’t Believe I’m Not Special, because i already know that you use it whenever you smile (or write). a word of caution: don’t grin too often because your frontal lobe damaged (i.e., paranoid) white power comrades (i.e., fellas who didn’t get to dance to footloose with the pissed and horny high school babes) will grow suspicious of you like a pack of wild gorillas; consequently, they will try to sterilize you (no surprise) with their Women’s Weekly mail-order showpiece military knives.
importantly, if it were possible to travel back in time (and wear tight fitting silver jumpsuits) in a geometric dome (i.e., my sci-fi fantasy), and meet racialist elitists joseph arthur de gobineau and julius evola, both of whom inspired many “intelligent” white european “racialists”, wouldn’t they ridicule you for your embarrassingly weak command of the English language?
to be fair, if you want to settle down in the duplex suburbs (i.e., you’ve kidnapped a mate), then be careful, because you’ll put your child’s life at risk of abuse from school bullies for two familiar reasons: you look like a window licker (i.e., retarded); and you love car alarms (i.e., techno). sadly, as reported in the dsm-iv, a mental heath manual, it’s useless to reason with a delusion; therefore, you’re a champion (not smirking), a hero (not sniggering) and a genius (not biting my hand to hold back the rollicking laughter).
furthermore, everyone knows that you’re attracted to slack bastard; otherwise, you wouldn’t have taken a photo of your freshly waxed effeminate buttocks (i.e., girl’s bum). so, to encourage you, i had posted your pic to australia’s most popular gaol magazine Prison Bitch. the editorial staff are now flooded with fan mail from big hairy inmates who desperately want to give you a “shoulder rub”. now who said that you weren\’t a man’s man?
‘in germany, bad writing is looked on as a national privilege.’ –nietzsche
That revisionist cat is the agent of the Anti