Rod Coronado : Meet Ms. Trial; Ms. Trial, meet Rod Coronado // Jena 6

Mistrial declared in ‘eco-anarchist’ trial
Tony Perry
Los Angeles Times
September 20, 2007

SAN DIEGO — A mistrial was declared Wednesday in the prosecution of “eco-anarchist” Rodney Coronado after the jury said it was deadlocked.

Coronado, 41, was accused of urging a gathering of vegans to throw firebombs. He was charged under a seldom-used federal law that makes it a crime to describe how to make an explosive device with the intent of encouraging a lawless act… [cont.]

Oh yeah. The Jena 6. Today’s a National Day of Action in the US. A blog called Facing South asks why no progressive (white) bloggers have paid much attention to the case, which involves six black teenagers from Jena, Louisiana, being charged with (second-degree) attempted murder for beating a white student… Crazy shit! The first student convicted is sentenced today, and faces up to 22 years in prison.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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5 Responses to Rod Coronado : Meet Ms. Trial; Ms. Trial, meet Rod Coronado // Jena 6

  1. Just Curious says:

    I despise animal testing, and who would have thought that vegans would be throwing fire bombs! Talk about breaking down stereotypes. That’s awesome news. Thanks @ndy.

  2. vents says:

    I am feeling a little peckish all of a sudden.

  3. @ndy says:

    Have a banana. They’re in fashion.

  4. Asher says:

    “Coronado, 41, was accused of urging a gathering of vegans to throw firebombs.”

    What a terrible description of what happened – at a public talk (I’m sure many listening wouldn’t have been vegan), after his speech was finished, during the Q&A session, someone asked him how he made a bomb (which he used and was convicted for years ago) – he described what he did, and that’s what he was charged for.

  5. Just Curious says:

    Why would someone ask that in a public arena? Wouldn’t you just wait to talk to the guy after he made his presentation?

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