Neo-Nazis on The March In Moscow
Simone Schlindwein
Spiegel Online
November 5, 2007
Thousands of Russian neo-Nazis marched through Moscow on National Unity Day this weekend, joined by pensioners, students and families. Experts believe Russia’s far right gives President Vladimir Putin a welcome justification for his authoritarian political style.
Russian [boneheads], hooligans, nationalists, fascists and racists gathered on Moscow’s Kutosovsky Prospect to mark National Unity Day on Sunday. They waved flags as they marched in single file along the banks of the Moskva River and to the Ukraina Hotel, across from the White House, the seat of Russia’s government.
“Russia for Russians!” the demonstrators shouted in unison, followed by slogans such as “For a Slavic, Russian nation!” or “Slavic, Russian, Powerful!” The demonstrators stretched out their arms in the Hitler salute between slogans. Their loud shouts of “Slavic Russia!” were followed by the sound of drum rolls…
With a nod and a wink from the Russian state. An indication of the political degeneracy of Russian neo-Nazis is given by the fact Hitler’s contempt for the Slavs of Eastern Europe fails to prevent them from adopting his Party’s symbology. Meanwhile, this coming weekend sees Czech neo-Nazis assembling in Prague to commemorate Pogromnacht (aka Kristallnacht) by marching through the (former) Jewish quarter of the city… well, maybe.
Nice video but with all of those BBQ flares two words kept coming into my head… Tribal and Council 😉
all the best.
The Nazis are the enemies of the proletariat. The Stalinist League of Australia must expand all over the world. If the Nazis had a march in Warwick. The first thing the League would do is get a AK-47 and start shooting.
But what if the Nazis are marching late at night and your Mum won’t let you out of the house?
‘The Stalinist League of Australia must expand all over the world.’
You might wanna rethink this one, Pete.
Slavs worshiping Hitler always leaves me scratching my head. Have they actually read Mein Kampf?
“But what if the Nazis are marching late at night and your Mum won’t let you out of the house?”
Well that’d be bloody typical wouldn’t it!
My mum is dead. She died in September. My dad couldn’t give a fuck.
As for the Stalinist League expanding all over the world:
Vote one Stalinist on 27th of November.
Ha Andy why don’t you post a article about the great Stalinist League standing a candidate for election. I have been posting for a very long time and as you know the League is active in Warwick and other parts.
Sorry ’bout ya Mum Pete 🙁
What happened to the bathroom? Was there an uprising?
all the best.
She died of a heart attack. Her last hours were great. Her friends visited her and she even hug Tilly. I would like the Neo-Nazis to stop annoying me about her.
The bath room is under Stalinist rule and most of the garden is to.
I’ve heard those pesky wattle trees are planning an uprising!
exactly which of the 4 underage members of the SLA is running for election? we’re talking about the one were you have to be 18 and you gotta vote and all that right?
oh and on your website it says people should vote for the Socialist Alliance. it seems a little odd to back a competing party don’t you think?
Peter claims they are running a candidate in Warwick. There are no independent candidates running in the seat which takes in Warwick, however the One Nation candidate is retiree Ron Watson.
The Stalinist League is supporting the Socialist Alliance and thus we are running under that name. VOTE ONE SA IN DER SENATE IN QUEENSLAND. SAM WATSON VOTE ONE.
Ron Watson is my brother.
lol and i’m sure that SA are fully aware of this and it’s not just that you’re jumping on a bandwagon of an orrganization filled with members who publicly hide from the word communist, never mind being associated with a group with stalin in the title (though i’m sure they would if it was 40,000 members instead of 4)
and yeah let me guess peter the great battle between nazis and the proletariat in warwick is your brother getting you in a headlock and making you play “why are you hitting yourself”
“and yeah let me guess peter the great battle between nazis and the proletariat in warwick is your brother getting you in a headlock and making you play “why are you hitting yourself”
You are right there mate.