From the Department Of Knock Me Down With A Feather comes shocking stunning news both shocking and stunning:
Far-right leader Kyle Chapman returns
Tim Hume
Sunday Star Times
October 25, 2009
The face of the far-right fringe has reverted to form after publicly claiming to have renounced his extremist ways earlier this year.
Former National Front president Kyle Chapman told a newspaper in May he had made a faith-based decision to quit his leadership roles in far-right groups, and was focused on leading a “nice, peaceful life” in Hamilton with his new wife, a devout Mormon who had helped him reconnect with religion.
But just a month earlier, the father of five had founded a new far-right group, the Right Wing Resistance, in an initiation ceremony in Christchurch which involved members dressed in camouflage fatigues being “knighted” with a sword.
The group, which Chapman described as the “street arm” of his Nationalist Alliance, now claims to have members in five cities.
Chapman would not discuss the group with the Sunday Star-Times, but in postings on a far-right website has praised the Christchurch arm of the group for conducting “crime watch patrols” in east Christchurch, where some of its members had been attacked by gangs.
“The police and the system in general has all but given up on the poor areas and it is left to us to sort this out now,” he wrote.
The 38-year-old, once convicted for fire-bombing a marae, has continued to push the growth of his new group since moving to Hamilton from Christchurch in May, most recently co-ordinating a gathering at the Wellington Cenotaph yesterday for the far-right’s annual “Flag Day” observations.
Chapman was among about 30 members of the National Front and Right Wing Resistance in central Wellington yesterday. Left-wing counter-demonstrators stayed away this year to avoid giving the marchers a bigger profile.
Chapman has also been continuing his attempts, announced in January, to found a “European Nationalist land base” in Canterbury, appealing for donations.
“We will win the hearts of the people living there bit by bit,” he wrote. “To avoid it becomming [sic] a [sausage] fest we will look at supporting some Eastern Euro like minded women for the many single men we have.”
Mike Garrett, a Hamilton bonehead who described himself as belonging to both Chapman’s group and the National Front, said the march had gone smoothly.
“No opposition turned up, no lefties or Communists. We had a few people drive by and yell out comments.”
See also : ‘Former white supremacist turns over new leaf’, TVNZ, May 5, 2009. Asked why he agreed to appear on national television, Kyle states: “For me it’s mainly about being able to show a commitment to Claire and that I’m wanting to move into another phase of my life which is that I want to follow a more God-focused life. For me to be able to do that I need to put it out there exactly what I want to do.”
Funnily enough, reference is also made to Kyle’s online persona.
- Presenter: Your brother, at the wedding, said to us, when we asked him about Kyle, said ‘He’s a really nice guy, until you Google him’.
Claire: That’s true. I have Googled him. Me and my friends sat round and we did that, and it was different…
Presenter: Is it weird, you’re sitting there at your wedding, no-one from [Kyle’s] family at all in the wedding, knowing, a lot of those people — they’re your best man, a man that you really didn’t know — were probably thinking, ‘We’ve got to watch this guy. He seems alright now, but we’ve got to watch him ’cause we know what he used to be like’.
Kyle: Well I don’t feel that.
Presenter: But you don’t think Claire, seriously, that these people who love you, and who’ve known you for a long time, are not worried for you?
Claire: They are worried for me, but that will be soon eliminated, that worry will just go over time…
NB. Also waving a flag at the rally was Dr James Saleam of the Australia First Party.
I am shocked and appalled, sir.
It also occurs to me that James “It’s Pronounced Sail ’em” Saleam being both Lebanese and a white supremacist, is a bit like the cheerleader kicking the footy. Turning up to NZ for their flag waving day is a bit odd, too. You can only be a nationalist for one country, right?