Monthly Archives: July 2007

For reasons of state

Following on from AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty’s recent decision to try his hand at comedy after the Coalition loses the Federal election later this year, Minister for Immigration Kevin Andrews has declared his intention to become a rock *. And … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, State / Politics, War on Terror | Leave a comment

Boneheads come in all shapes and sizes

[Updated : See Below] In Melbourne, local punks claim that boneheads aren’t a problem, support their venues (that is, The Birmingham Hotel), and have accused me of being a weak coward, a “clueless cunt”, and the ideological equivalent of a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics | Leave a comment

Napalm Death @ The Corner, Thursday September 6

Multi… national… corpo… rations… genocide… of the… starving… nations…! Bllleeeeeeuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!! Formed in 1982, NAPALM DEATH are the legitimate forefathers of grindcore and achieved legendary status during their early days with their viciously raw demos like Hatred Surge and the debut … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Poetry | Leave a comment

Boneheads found guilty of GBH, kidnapping, robbery…

In Wellington, Aotearoa / New Zealand, three boneheads — Benjamin Peter McPadden, 19, Jaydon Russell Borland, 31, and Jason George Gregory, 20 — were today (Friday the 13th) found guilty of a number of charges relating to the kidnapping, assault … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics | Leave a comment

Careful with that SIM card, Eugene

It appears that AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty is busy preparing one-liners for his upcoming debut as a stand-up comic at next year’s Melbourne Comedy Festival: Terror suspect doctor charged The Age July 14, 2007 Gold Coast doctor Mohamed Haneef has … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, War on Terror | Leave a comment

Live before death on earth?

Shit. Almost forgot… It appears that the message may be finally reaching the audience: Earth underwhelmed by environment pop extravaganza Mike Collett-White Reuters July 8, 2007 LONDON (Reuters) – They rocked the world, but as the clean-up at nine climate … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Media, Music | Leave a comment


I got a Myspace page. Little Black Cart provides anarchist shopping online. Rachel sent Barricade a copy of her zine: Land of Make Believe and Dress Up, which is about her experiences doing porn in NYC as a queer anarchist … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Another sad loss

The military-industrial-entertainment complex has lost a true * today, radio philosopher and wit Stan Zemanek, dead at the age of 60 from a brain tumour. Fortunately, Stan’s illness was not a source of stress or anxiety, and it’s in that … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 6 Comments

Boycotting The Birmingham Hotel

Joel (Bulldog Spirit, Death’s Head, Fortress, GGF, Ravenous), April 3, 2007 : “Be sure not to let @ndy see this!” Introduction On Saturday, September 23rd last year, a local Melbourne pub named The Birmingham Hotel in Fitzroy hosted a neo-Nazi … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Collingwood, Music | 10 Comments

He said genitals

Dancing protesters off the hook Sydney Morning Herald Edmund Tadros July 10, 2007 All charges have been dropped against two women who were in court over impersonating police officers during a protest. The women performed a Pirates of Penzance-style “theatrical … Continue reading

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