Monthly Archives: July 2007

“Animal World” : The Last Words

This video was made in North Sydney for the cost of $13,000. It was filmed on 16mm by the same bloke what done all them Ringo Starr videos. Incidentally, I’m reliably informed that the band were well pissed during the … Continue reading

Posted in History, Music | 1 Comment

White supremacist Wallys: Weerheym in The West Australian

Wally (noun) 1) a stupid, foolish person 2) a person that keeps making mistakes 3) a silly and inept person; someone who is regarded as stupid 4) one coming from Wally World. Wally World is brick and tile suburbia, proud … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism | 2 Comments


Oi! A child is burnt to death By nazis on the street A man is stabbed and scarred for life Yet you say they’ve a right to put their views What is this liberal rubbish? Are you some kind of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Music | 3 Comments

Weerheym is now contrite // Neo-Nazis in Germany

Apparently there was an article in The West Australian this weekend on the same subject. Note that this story concerns a bloke who, among other things, threatened to set his dog onto my cat. It will be interesting to discover … Continue reading

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Daniel McGowan needs our support

Daniel McGowan is an environmental and social justice activist. He was charged in federal court on many counts of arson, property destruction and conspiracy, all relating to two incidents in Oregon in 2001. Until recently, Daniel was offered two choices … Continue reading

Posted in State / Politics | 6 Comments

Blame Canada? Limonov & National Bolshevism

Now this is odd. Fred Weir is a reporter at the Christian Science Monitor, and he’s on the job (July 6 edition) and on the trail of Eduard Limonov… Meeting Eduard Limonov: Correspondent Fred Weir says that he’s followed Russian … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics | 8 Comments

This Is My City!

The Women’s Theatre Group was my first direct involvement with the Pram Factory. I think my feminism was heavily influenced by anarchism, Emma Goldman, Alexandra Koll[o]ntai, the 1871 Paris Commune and by Franz Fanon’s Black Skin White Masks — about … Continue reading

Posted in Music | Leave a comment

Ku Klux Klowns in Townsville

Update : Two further articles have appeared regarding the KKK in Australia. As well as being dead easy to join, the sheet-wearers are apparently raising their pointy hooded heads in Geelong in Victoria as well. Race-hate Klan spreads ‘poison’, Kerri-Ann … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism | 4 Comments

Poseurs laughing, dancing, “having a say” … and speaking volumes

This Saturday, July 7, locals are holding another punk fashion show at local neo-Nazi venue The Birmingham Hotel in Fitzroy. Thus, while local boneheads may have deserted The Birmy, Distorted Truth, Sewer Cider, The Boots, The Worst and Wot Rot … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Collingwood, Music, Sex & Sexuality | 2 Comments

The pressure foot isn’t engaging with the feed dogs!

…and all is not well in Australian fascist circles. Following David and Lilith’s resignation from Scumfront — and with the encouragement of Nichola, another member of Newcastle AF — a teenaged Novocastrian named Rhys has assumed the wobbly helm of … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism | 6 Comments