…and all is not well in Australian fascist circles.
Following David and Lilith’s resignation from Scumfront — and with the encouragement of Nichola, another member of Newcastle AF — a teenaged Novocastrian named Rhys has assumed the wobbly helm of Don Black’s Internet business Down Under. And while Pete Campbell, Jim Perren, and the remnants of the WPCA that gather under the guise of ANN gloat, SFDU has become the near-exclusive domain of a handful of other teenaged pipsqueaks… that is, in addition to the usual, bitter, older, middle-aged racists. And er… Frank White.
Still — and commensurate with the departure of von Dog and Diamond Lil, Australia First‘s most vociferous critics — both the junior and senior White supremacysts who remain at Shitfront continue to maintain a close relationship with AF. Unfortunately for them, however, under the patronage of Dr. James Saleam in Sydney, his very close friend Diane Teasdale and some bloke called Barry in Shepparton, AF simply lurches from one increasingly bizarre crisis to another. The most recent of these incidents is the exclusion from the party of a tennis-playing patriot from Brisbane (which follows hot on the heels of Media Watch celebrity Darrin Hodges‘ expulsion). Although clearly derided by some, the tennis-player in question, John Drew, is in fact a mental and physical powerhouse, as the following extract from his wildly entertaining online diary makes abundantly clear:
At the University of Queensland tennis courts, where I mainly play and train, I continually see people not using proper tennis shoes, not drinking fluids before and during play, and not applying sunscreen lotion before playing. During a recent match in the Queensland Veterans Tennis Association annual titles I drank 1 litre of water containing Endura Magnesium Rehydration Formula powder during a singles match which lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes. I also reapplied sunscreen lotion after the second set. After I reached home I consumed 3 fish oil capsules in an effort to diminish joint stiffness. As you can see from the photograph below, I am very lean, fit and strong from the relentless playing of tennis plus general fitness and strength training since 1965.
Nevertheless, despite maintaining a very lean, fit and strong appearance since 1965, Drew has been expelled from AF. And it was for criticising the country bumpkins in the Victorian (read: Shepparton) mob that poor young/old Drew got expelled. (And though Drew’s site patrioticyouthleague.net remains up, patrioticyouthleague.org is down. Or rather, it now re-directs the browser to the distinctly unyouthful-looking Victorian AF branch.)
Not to be denied, however, and ever the wily adversary, whether on or off the court, John has decided to ditch his plans to establish a Brisbane branch of AF, and to instead proceed to Plan B: the establishment of yet another racist mob, this one called the “Southern Cross Greens (Queensland)”. As it happens, the SCG share a PO Box with the ‘National Republicans’: 314, Kew, VIC, 3101 (the other branch of which is in NSW, PO Box 245, Concord West, 2138). Curiously, until recently, the ‘National Republicans’ were known as the ‘National Republican Movement’; and prior to that they went by the name of the ‘Australian Republican Movement’.
Who says there’s no such thing as progress?
Money money money
Having skipped off with a small amount of other people’s money, Innes and Peterson are not expected to be travelling to Sydney in August, meaning that the 2007 Sydney Forum has been reduced to just four speakers, neo-Nazi MC Welf Herfurth now only to be welcoming Cassidy, Fraser, Jewell and Saleam to the 50 or so grumbling, cardigan-wearing old bigots likely to attend this “major speaking event of the Australian patriotic resistance calendar”. Oh, and ah, two foreign fascists. And er, whoever else Jim can scramble together in the remaining weeks. On the bright side, a good fascist by the name of “Cecil Roach” appears to have left money to AF — so maybe Herr Doktor can bribe someone to appear? Say, with eight dollars?
Nationalists Benefit From Deceased Estate
July 2, 2007The Australia First Party and other nationalist associations and projects will benefit from the Estate of Mr. Cecil Roach.
The Estate was finally settled in Adelaide last week. A five figure sum of money will be transferred to an association especially established by some nationalists some time ago. Most of these persons are committed members of Australia First.
In 1988, Mr. Roach detailed a will leaving a certain part of his Estate to “Australian National Action of Grosvenor Place, Sydney.” He died in Adelaide in 1998, when it could be said that National Action – was essentially defunct.
Mr. Roach had been a strong supporter of the ‘anti immigration’ cause, working first with the Immigration Control Association in the 1970s and then passing into National Action, straight after it was founded in 1982. He never lost his fire for the fight despite advancing years.
Jim Saleam, Chairman of Australia First in New South Wales, said:
“Media Watch celebrity Darrin Hodge’s expulsion”
should that not be Hodges’?, since the way you have it implies my name is Hodge, not Hodges.
You’re right. My apologies.
“A five figure sum of money” – A good example of how to make a large sum of money into a small sum of money, fascist finance!, ain’t it grand?.
Hodge. Haaaaaawdge… hmm. Has kind of a nice ring to it. Haaaaaaaawwwwwwdge. Teeth kinda grunge together at the end. Haaaaaaaaawwwwwwwddddddjjjje.
Rhymes with ‘bodge,’ ‘dodge‘ (esp intr. v.) and ‘splodge.’
Baby, it’s you.
You should change it, Darrin. $78 by deed poll.
yeah really, did you mix your meds up again weez?
It’s a valid proposal, Hodge. You are unwise to dismiss it out of hand!