Daily Archives: March 10, 2008

Some thoughts on the proposal for a regional anarchist federation in Oceania

In December last year, some anarchists from Sydney floated a proposal to form a regional anarchist federation in Oceania. In brief, the proposal was made out of a desire to create closer links between anarchists in the region. The following … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism | 31 Comments

The BNP’s German pals face their own troubles (Searchlight, March 2008)

GERMANY : The BNP’s German pals face their own troubles Christian Dornbusch for Der Rechte Rand and Lina Bruch for Antifaschistisches Infoblatt Searchlight, March 2008 GERMANY’S MAIN NAZI organisation, the National Democratic Party (NPD), set itself the objective for 2008 … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism | 5 Comments

New # SPLC Intelligence Report

Above : James Leshkevich (1955–2008), aka “Yankee Jim”, former National Alliance member, VNN radio show host, neo-Nazi murderer … On the other hand, maybe not. #129 of the Southern Poverty Law Centre’s Intelligence Report (Spring 2008) has just been published … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Media | 2 Comments