In case you missed it, recent posts on slackbastard @ blogspot:
Back to the Future (April 30)
War & terror: Hurrah! for the state (April 29)
The Gilded Age (April 28)
Carrying the torch (April 28)
Lazarus Averbuch… and the Irish Left Review (and ah, other stuff) (April 27)
Antifa (Ha ha ha?) (April 27)
The meaning of ANZAC Day (April 26)
At the going down of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember / we thumped Essendon (April 26)
Neo-Nazis: in and out of jail (April 25)
Trot Guide: New Zealand (April 25)
“Anna” Goes to Elle (April 24)
Alexander Downer blogs! (April 24)
The New Right, “national anarchism”, and A White Australia (April 21)
[For Dion] Immigrant fears as number of neo-Nazi murders soars [Russia] (April 20)
Goodbye to all that (April 20)
Countess Michèle Susan Mainwaring Griaznoff Peacock Sangster Renouf … a LADY of the New Right (April 18)
Hitler fetishists prepare for celebrations, run into trouble (April 18)
Windschuttle on Chomsky (2) (April 17)
Run Spot Run! (April 17)
Windschuttle on Chomsky (April 16)
Boeing workers on strike (April 16)
“No kitty this is my Debord game!” (April 15)
Corrupt Knight Returned (April 15)
G20 : ‘escape’, ‘avoidance’, ‘dodging’: sentencing (April 15)
Stylish Greek anarchists register doubts on legitimacy of Greek justice system, Saudi monarchy (April 15)
Bonehead found guilty of threatening juror (April 15)
Radio New Zealand : ‘Anarchy in Action’ (April 14)
mathaba, defamation and the law (April 13)
Barry Pateman on Anti-Franco Activism After the Spanish Civil War (April 13)
slackbastard v mathaba : update and cheers! (April 12)
Fascism in Europe… and Australia (April 11)
Czech Romanies stage exhibition to mark Roma Day (April 10)
slackbastard v mathaba // free speech vs hate speech (April 10)
A long time between drinks (April 9)
Welcome back. You should repost the blogspot posts on here – the colour scheme on there was so awful I didn’t bother reading half of them!
Hmmm. Not a bad idea.
Sorry about the colour scheme. I hadn’t been back there for a while. Will change.
OK, changed template. Better?
@ndy, all I gotta say is…
Welcome back.
Is the unpleasantness all sorted?
weez: you’re a big meanie.
THR: more or less. I’ll be making what I hope to be one final post on the subject of, and then leaving it at that.
Nice to have you back on an interactive site… What is with the lack of commentability on blogspot?
PS. I discovered last week that one of my students is one of the peeps who have been arrested for alleged violence during the G20 protests… fucking hell, he’s 17. What a wasted life it would be for him to end up in prison due to doing what he did, and what was advocated by some political activists. More importantly, what a loss to the movement.
Direct action is one thing, but there’s no intelligent reason to act in a way that is going to bring repression onto your head (and those of other activists), and actually weaken the long-term prospects of the movement. I know I’m vaguely echoing the disgusting article by Mick, but I think there was a kernel of truth to some of what he was saying.
I don’t really feel like having this conversation at the moment, but just felt the need to vent a bit. The guy is great, it’s such a waste to risk an activists’ liberty for the sake of half a day of anti-capitalist fun and games…
I meant to end on, welcome back 🙂
juan: I’ve changed templates. It should be fixed now.
cool blog!
Thanks Me; Myself & I agree.
Good to have you back Andy. And what about the Melbourne cabbies? And the workers at Boeing’s Fisherman’s Bend plant? Reasons to be cheerful…
Cheers Andrew.
Reasons To be Cheerful? Why, that reminds me…
1 Boeing Defiance.
2 Jazz Randyman & the Taxi Drivers.
3 …
On a slightly less-positive note, Dave Kerin (Union Solidarity) is being victimised:
“Union Solidarity coordinator Dave Kerin was served with an an order [April 24] by the Workplace Ombudsman to produce Union Solidarity documents relating to the Boeing dispute by the 8th of May. If Dave fails to comply he faces up to 6 months in prison. We wish to make it clear that we will continue to throw all of our support behind the Boeing workers.”
Solidarity got the bosses pissing in their pants obviously.
I think a move against Union Solidarity has been due for a while and since Dave is the most visual (ie the most active) member they’ll play their old tricks of intimidate, divide and conquer. They’ll find Dave, and US in general, harder to crack than they think. Bastards.