Tadeusz Pieronek? Er…

Jesus Bloody Christ.

January 27, 2010 is ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Day’, apparently; January 27 being the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau. A Polish bishop named Tadeusz Pieronek has chosen to mark the occasion by making some rather daft comments. Among other things, Pieronek is alleged (Reuters, January 25) to have opined that ‘Jews had “expropriated” the Holocaust as a “propaganda weapon”‘, ‘memorial days should be held for the “victims of communism, for Catholics, for persecuted Christians and so on”‘, and ‘the Jews enjoy good press because they have powerful financial means behind them, enormous power and the unconditional backing of the United States and this favours a certain arrogance that I find unbearable”‘.

Hail ZOG!

The remarks were made in an interview with an Italian Catholic website, www.pontifex.roma. The site has published a statement in response to the controversy, which a machinetranslation renders in basically incomprehensible English, but which does at least have the amusing quirk of revealing that the editor of the conservative journal is a ‘Tawny Vixen’.

In Evidenza: “Il caso Pieronek”

Secondo agenzie giornalistiche, S. E. Monsignor Tadeus Pieronek avrebbe smentito le dichiarazioni rese a Pontifex che al contrario le conferma punto per punto ed é pronto ad un pubblico dibattito aggiungendone altre non pubblicate. Pontifex, danneggiato nella immagine dalle dichiarazioni di Mons. Pieronek, se vere, sin da ora annuncia di aver contattato lo studio del prof.Carlo Taormina per ogni eventuale azione a tutela dei suoi interessi nei confronti di Monsignor Pieronek e di qualsivoglia persona si faccia promotore delle parole di smentita e dichiarazioni manipolate che suonano gravemente offensive. Certi che la questione, probabilmente dovuta e causata da motivi di difettosa traduzione del testo dall’italiano in polacco, auspichiamo una pacifica chiusura del caso. Si sappia, comunque, che Pontifex e il sottoscritto Direttore, su questa vicenda, non tollereranno altre speculazioni o insinuazioni. Il Direttore – Bruno Volpe

In Evidence: “The Pieronek” case

According to journalistic agencies, S. E. Monsignor Tadeus Pieronek would have refuted the rendered declarations to Pontifex that on the contrary the confirmation point for ready point and é to a public debate adding some not published others. Pontifex, damaged in the image from the declarations of Mons. Pieronek, if true, sin from hour announces to have contacted the study of the prof. Carl Taormina for every eventual action to protection of its interests regarding Monsignor Pieronek and of any person makes promotore of the words of refutation and manipulated declarations that they play seriously offensive. Sure that the issue, probably caused due and from reasons of defective translation of the text dall’ Italian in Pole, we wish a pacific closing of the case. One knows, however, that Pontifex and the undersigned Director, on this vicissitude, will not tolerate other speculations or hints. The Director – Tawny Vixen [LOL]

See also : Father Peter Kennedy ~versus~ Bishop Richard Williamson (March 10, 2009) | Goddamned Nazis (September 28, 2008).

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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2 Responses to Tadeusz Pieronek? Er…

  1. Lech Alex Bajan says:

    Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek has never question that Holocaust that did existed and millions people died including jews, polish, roms, russians, hungarians another nationalities.

    Ellie Wiesel, the inventor of the use of the word “holocaust” was a great admirer of Kosinski. Wiesel used his new word to described the Nazi genocide of the Jews on the basis of Nazi attempt to kill all Jews within the territory occupied by them. As it happened the Hitlerites killed two thirds of the Jews of Europe and one third of world Jewry. To describe this tragic event Wiesel used the Greek word “holo kaustos” meaning “burnt whole” as a description of the Jewish tragedy.

    Miriam Webster’s Dictionary covers with this term the mass slaughter of some twenty five to thirty millions of the unarmed European civilians during World War II. That is not, however, what the Jewish cult of the Holocaust needs.

    The radical Jews do not want to count gentile lost lives together with Jews and they refuse to recognize any non-Jews as “Holocaust survivors.”

    Jewish professional Holocaust survivor, Ellie Wiesel said that the Kosinski’s “Painted Bird” changed his life. “It is as a chronicle that ‘Painted Bird’…achieves its unusual power.” Both authors had a lot in common. While Kosinski “analysed the new language”, Wiesel wanted “to forge a new language” of the Holocaust.

    Polish gentiles could not save Jews any more than their own people. They could not prevent the killing of millions of Polish Christians and the Polish Nation itself faced genocide. It is difficult to find a Polish gentile family, which did not lose family members and close relatives under the Nazi and Soviet occupations.

    Under the Soviet occupation there was a policy to nominate Jews to the most visible posts in the Communist terror apparatus. It happened on one hand because plenty of Jews volunteered for these positions and on the other because the Soviet government was shifting the blame to the Jews for Soviet crimes. Thus the Soviet deliberately aggravated the intra-ethnic relations by their policy of “divide and rule.”

    The collaboration between the “Jewish committees” and the NKVD in the Soviet occupied Poland is well documented. Then, the last memory of Poland of many a Polish citizens before the door was slammed shut on a boxcar bound for Siberia was that of a Jewish militiaman slamming the door. (There was no similar collaboration between Polish Catholics and the Nazis for example.) However, the problem of Jewish collaboration with enemies is more complicated. Let us remember the fact that the last experience of Jewish victims in Poland, packed into boxcars bound for the gas chambers, was that of a Jewish ghetto policeman slamming shut the death car door. The film “Pianist” made recently by Polanski vividly shows these horrible scenes. It is a matter of record that an average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw Ghetto sent to gas chambers about twenty two hundred victims.

    The demand to debase the Polish people and to prepare them for a shake down by the Jewish restitution movement goes on because, besides of the Holocaust profiteers, honest people suspecting a fraud are afraid to speak up for fear of being accused of anti-Semitism.

    Long forgotten are the large Polish contributions and sacrifices for the Allieds’ victory, Poland was betrayed by Roosevelt and Churchill at Teheran and Jalta; it was handed over to become a Soviet satellite state, after ruthless pacification by communist terror apparatus disproportionally staffed with Jews.

    It is pertinent to quote Simon Wiesenthal who said on his eightieth birthday: “I know what kind of role Jewish communists played in Poland after the war. And I as a Jew, do not want to shoulder responsibility for Jewish communists, I can not blame 36 million Poles for those thousands of [wartime] extortionists.”

  2. Lech Alex Bajan says:


    For Poles, recent Judeocentric campaigns meant fraudulent, multi-billion dollar restitution claims by the Holocaust Industry, direct invasion of Israeli nationalism onto Polish sovereign soil and major falsification of Polish national history and identity with loss of national self-esteem, further Judaization of the Polish society and severe undermining of patriotic-Catholic-nationalist centres as a result…


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