10 I was curious
A DAD-OF-TWO has claimed he made a mistake by signing up to the BNP. Andrew Thomas, of Nightingale Park, Cimla, paid to join the far-right political party “out of curiosity” five years ago. He said he was horrified when his name and address popped up on a leaked list of British National Party members. The 50-year-old said he quit the controversial group years ago. He said: “I only joined out of curiosity. In that time I had leaflets and newsletters posted from the party — but I decided that it was not for me. I want to make it clear that I never met any BNP members and have never been to any of their functions. Me and my wife are not political people at all. We don’t even vote.”
9 I was duped
A Dungannon man identified on a leaked list of British National Party members has described how he was “duped” into joining the organisation. Harry Martin (64), who served as district commander of the fire brigade until retiring 15 years ago, admitted making a one-off payment to the far-right extremist party and said he bitterly regretted doing so.
8 Was I bollocks
SPACE expert Steve Bennett has vehemently denied having links with the far-right British National Party after his name appeared on a leaked list of members. The rocket engineer was shocked to learn that his details were on the list published on the internet this week. He believes his name and an old address were noted down by the party after he made a complaint in 2002 over an article in the BNP magazine.
7 I blame the IRA
A FORMER soldier has spoken of his horror at being named as a member of the British National Party. In 1990, as a reaction to an IRA bombing in which five colleagues were killed in Northern Ireland, Carl Bougourd, along with other servicemen, paid a one-off £6 membership fee to the National Front because of a campaign it was running calling for British soldiers to be taken out of Ireland.
6 I liked their environmental policies
The Green Party has revealed one of its former parliamentary candidates joined the British National Party because he believed its climate change policy “was more radical”. Details of Keith Bessant, who ran for MP in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in 2001 and 2005, appear on the leaked list of the far right party’s entire membership register.
5 I did it for research
DJ Rod Lucas has claimed that he became a member of the British National Party (BNP) to research a story.
4 I f***ing fancied a f***ing cup of f***ing tea
A RETIRED police chief inspector has been exposed as a BNP member. Scots pensioner Charles Reid’s name was on a list of activists leaked on the internet this week. But when the Record contacted him, he tried to distance himself from the racist British National Party. Reid, from Glasgow, said: “I’m not answering any of your f***ing questions. I haven’t been a BNP member for three years. I’m not telling you whether I was a policeman – it’s none of your business.” Reid changed his story when he called back, saying: “I am not a BNP member – I went to a BNP meeting once to find out what it was all about and I might have put my name down somewhere.”
3 I prefer to keep that sort of thing to myself
Aberdeenshire man John Shackleton said he joined the BNP about 15 years ago and last night spoke of his shock after discovering his name was among those leaked. “I’m not too chuffed about it,” said the 72-year-old who stays at Portlethen. “I prefer to keep that sort of thing to myself. The first I heard about it was on the radio this morning and presumed it was something going on in the Midlands – I didn’t think it would truly cover the whole nation.”
2 I was a flunkey who likes to socialise
[Paul] Murray, whose wife Jennifer is also on the list, is identified as living at the Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace. The couple are understood to have since moved. A Buckingham Palace source said: “Although his name is on the list he has told us it is only on there because he was invited to a social event that he did not attend.”
1 I’m going to sue
A vicar, the Rev Dr Paul Barker, has threatened to sue the BNP for failing to keep his details safe.
I am a spiritual healer and also a platform medium and a spiritualist centre speaker in Leeds and Bradford for both the SNU and the Greater World Church in Clarendon Road Leeds[.] I have a PhD from Cant[e]rbury University and a min[i]sterial doct[o]rate from a liberal the[o]logical coll[e]ge in the U.S.A. I have my own independent clients here in Wakefield who I have served for over 10 years now. I charge for my services but not an extorti[o]n[a]te amount as it is my bel[ie]f that we have a higher duty than to our selves and our material needs. I therefore charge £25 pounds for a sitting and there is no time limit. I also do small evening groups at people’s homes who might like to have a small party of say up to 12 people, the fee for this is £5 with the organiser not paying anything as long as there are more than 8 people, the idea with these groups is to give people the opportunity to be in a relaxed atmosphere with their friends without feeling the intimidation felt with a one on one reading.
Haha could this lead to the demise of the BNP?
Kadet hopes so!
It wasn’t me, a big boy did it and ran away.