Update : Unions unite to support Kennon Auto workers, Sue Bolton & Anna Maidstone, Green Left Weekly, July 17, 2010. See also : NOT A GOOD FEELING, TCFUA Media Release, July 13, 2010.
The industrial dispute @ Kennon Auto Pty Ltd (32-46 Chifley Drive, Preston, VIC 3072: (03) 9474 0300), which began several weeks ago, has entered into a crucial stage, with production having stopped, stockpiles having been liquidated, and management now attempting to bring in new supplies (having already hired a large number of new, casual workers to replace those on strike) in order to meet contractual obligations with Toyota Australia. Today (Friday), management attempted to truck in new supplies, but the trucks were stopped by picketers — this despite the company having enlisted members of the Tactical Response Group (!) as well as having the otherwise unremarkable assistance of uniformed police.
Kennon is a former Nylex factory, and manufactures supplies for Toyota Australia. The Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA) has coverage at the factory, and has organised a campaign in support of striking workers (you can make a donation to the workers here). The company has recently undergone a change in ownership, and the new management is attempting to institute a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA), one which attacks existing pay and conditions. Further, workers at Kennon have not received a wage rise in almost three years (for moar infos, please see : Workers denied pay rise for three years, Ron Guy, Green Left Weekly, July 3, 2010).
The next few days would appear to be crucial ones in determining the outcome of the dispute, and management is again expected to try and bring in new supplies tomorrow morning. For this reason, members of the general community are being encouraged to join striking workers on the picket line from 6am tomorrow morning, Saturday July 17…
Great write up Andy, I’m writing an article for Green Left Weekly that should be on within a few days.
The striking workers are so appreciative of the support.
My online album of the fight so far:
In Solidarity,
Cheers Anna, nice photos!
Yes it has been a long and hard fight so far and I have been there as much as I can.
The attempt to get those three trucks in on the 16th was a hoot…great to see the support from the ETU, CFMEU and others who showed up in droves that day.
Here’s hoping this dispute settles ASAP and the workers get what they rightfully deserve.
Hope you don’t mind but I reposted some of your story on Melbourne Indymedia
No worries powerful floral arrangements — I’d prefer it if Communtiy Protest read Community Protest but. The union was mtg w da management on Sat morning — dunno what came of it. Anyway, here’s a few moar pics: