One of Jenny’s audience guests was Yassir Morsi. He has a blog and a crack at Waleed Aly, Salam Cafe, and liberal (‘moderate’) Muslims here. (Oh, and postmodernism too. But then, that prolly goes without saying amirite?) [See : Granada Blog.]
Fear of Maoism-Third Worldism:
Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? The First World as [a] whole and its agents in the Third World are enemies of the proletariat and its allies who reside, almost exclusively, in the Third World. The First World working class should be regarded as part of the imperialist bourgeoisie. As part of the imperialist bourgeoisie, they live off of and align against the popular classes of the Third World.
The principal contradiction in the world is exploiter versus exploited countries, the global city versus the global countryside, First versus Third Worlds, etc. Fundamental social revolution in this era occurs as part of the struggle against imperialism. Hope lies in the struggle against imperialism by people of the Third World led by the proletariat of the Third World.
The main form of struggle is people’s war. Communists that do not aim toward advancing people’s war are not communists. The global struggle is best understood as a global people’s war made up of individual struggles across the world, as advanced by Lin Biao.
Revolution is not a dinner party. Many liberals posing as communists have tossed aside the dictatorship of the proletariat in favor of liberal bourgeois conceptions of power and the state. The struggle for revolution is the struggle by the new power to destroy the old power. It is not the struggle to reform the old power, to capture the old power, to put oneself at the head of the old power. There is no creation without destruction. Destroy the old, build the new.
Many liberals posing as communists have tossed aside the Cultural Revolution. While claiming to uphold the Cultural Revolution, they peddle liberalism. They peddle liberalism while proclaiming themselves defenders of “the mass line.” They reduce Mao to nothing more than a democrat. Theirs is a “revolution” without revolution. The Leading Light reclaims the real Cultural Revolution.
Our revolution does not seek to simply tweak the current order. We will overthrow everything. Our revolution cuts the deepest. Our goal is communism, total liberation. We fight for continuous revolution until all oppression is ended. We wage war against thousands of years of exploitation and oppression. Our revolution will remake humanity at the deepest level. Overthrow the whole thing. Are you ready for the future?
See also : Fear of ZOG. Fear. Of. ZOG. (December 10, 2008).
“The main part of people’s struggle is war”.
I get this.
“Communists who oppose people’s war are not proper communists”.
It’s possible to oppose the spoils and produce of a particular war and still be broadly socialist/communist.
And by the way Salaam Cafe was one of the more interesting programmes on SBS.
Confession: I was busy watching Iron Chef.
I’m sure that Leading Light Communist Organization loves considering such opinions and fielding related questions from individual parts of the imperialist bourgeoisie, or imperialist petty-bourgeoisie, or imperialist labor aristocracy. Sadly, between my posting this entry and now, the LLCO account has been suspended. Try Monkey Smashes Heaven instead.
Bloody hell. I’m either going insane, am jinxed, or drawing unwanted attention to other sites, as now I find Morsi’s blog has been expunged.
Ah well…
Bring light, not darkness, to the world!
Welcome to the official website of the Leading Light Communist Organization
Look forward, not backward. The so-called “Marxism” of the past is moribund. Maoism-Third Worldism, Leading Light Communism, is the way forward. Ours is the ideological breakthrough capable of leading the next great wave of revolutions, the global people’s war, to victory. Ideology is a weapon. Let’s put the weapon in the hands of those who need it. This is the time to hold high the next, fourth stage of revolutionary science, Maoism-Third Worldism, Leading Light Communism.
Do not sit on the sidelines. The vast majority of humanity lives at subsistence or sub-subsistence levels. Humanity needs leadership. Mao said that we must serve the people. You are not a communist unless you act, organize. We are all soldiers. Ours is a protracted struggle. We are in it for the long haul. We are on our own long march. There is no greater cause to dedicate our lives to. If you can see the injustice in the world, then you need to act, organize against it. Fight self, fight revisionism.
Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? The First World as whole and its agents in the Third World are enemies of the proletariat and its allies who reside, almost exclusively, in the Third World. The First World working class should be regarded as part of the imperialist bourgeoisie. As part of the imperialist bourgeoisie, they live off of and align against the popular classes of the Third World.
The principal contradiction in the world is exploiter versus exploited countries, the global city versus the global countryside, First versus Third Worlds, etc. Fundamental social revolution in this era occurs as part of the struggle against imperialism. Hope lies in the struggle against imperialism by people of the Third World led by the proletariat of the Third World.
The main form of struggle is people’s war. Communists that do not aim toward advancing people’s war are not communists. The global struggle is best understood as a global people’s war made up of individual struggles across the world, as advanced by Lin Biao.
Revolution is not a dinner party. Many liberals posing as communists have tossed aside the dictatorship of the proletariat in favor of liberal bourgeois conceptions of power and the state. The struggle for revolution is the struggle by the new power to destroy the old power. It is not the struggle to reform the old power, to capture the old power, to put oneself at the head of the old power. There is no creation without destruction. Destroy the old, build the new.
Many liberals posing as communists have tossed aside the Cultural Revolution. While claiming to uphold the Cultural Revolution, they peddle liberalism. They peddle liberalism while proclaiming themselves defenders of “the mass line.” They reduce Mao to nothing more than a democrat. Theirs is a “revolution” without revolution. The Leading Light reclaims the real Cultural Revolution.
Our revolution does not seek to simply tweak the current order. We will overthrow everything. Our revolution cuts the deepest. Our goal is communism, total liberation. We fight for continuous revolution until all oppression is ended. We wage war against thousands of years of exploitation and oppression. Our revolution will remake humanity at the deepest level. Overthrow the whole thing. Are you ready for the future?
Points of Unity
1. Our goal is communism. Communism is the end of all oppression. We fight for a radically egalitarian social order.
2. The principal contradiction is between exploiter and exploited countries. Breaking the chains of imperialism is the first step to breaking all chains. To this end, we uphold the glorious strategy of Lin Biao’s Long Live the Victory of People’s War!. The global countryside will encircle the global cities. The proletariat in the Third World and its allies will encircle and defeat their enemies in the First World.
3. We understand that the proletariat and its allies are principally concentrated in the Third World and oppressed nations. The First World is populated by parasite classes that benefit by exploiting and oppressing the Third World. The parasite classes of the First World are enemies of the world’s peoples. The First World “working class” is an enemy of the world’s peoples. It is not a proletariat. It should be regarded as part of the imperialist bourgeoisie, or imperialist petty-bourgeoisie, or imperialist labor aristocracy.
4. We uphold the Soviet Union through the early or mid 1950s and China through the early or mid-1970s as imperfect examples of socialism. Capitalism was restored by a new bourgeoisie that arose within the Communist Party and state itself. Any single year that we establish as an exact milestone for when socialism ended and capitalism was restored will have an arbitrary element since the restoration process is complex. We are not going to pick fights over exact dates.
5. We uphold continuous revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. We uphold the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as the furthest advance toward communism in human history.
6. We uphold the broad united front against imperialism, especially Amerikkkan imperialism. We support all of those who are exploited or oppressed and point their spears at the Great Satan, Amerika.
7. Taken together, this means we uphold Maoism-Third Worldism.
MSH extends fraternal status based on the following criteria:
1. A fraternal movement must uphold Maoism-Third Worldism.
2. A fraternal organization must uphold revolutionary science. This entails understanding that a new bourgeoisie arises within the Communist Party and tries to restore capitalism, as happened in the U.S.S.R. in the 1950s and in China in the 1970s. This also entails upholding the need for continuous revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
3. A fraternal organization must uphold the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as the furthest advance in human history.
4. A fraternal organization must uphold our general line on the bourgeois workers of the First World. This means that the “workers” in the First World countries, especially the United States, are bought-off, bourgeoisified class of exploiters. They must be viewed as enemies at this time. Parties that believe that the United States, Canada, France, England, Germany, and other imperialist countries have a substantial proletariat will end up as lackeys of imperialism.
5. A fraternal organization must uphold the national liberation struggles of occupied Mexico/Aztlan, the Black Nation, First Nations, Boricua (Puerto Rico) and other internal semi-colonies within North America.
6. A fraternal organization must uphold the broad united front against the principal enemy imperialism, especially U.S. imperialism.
7. A fraternal organization must reject all imperialist agents. This entails rejecting First Worldist or CIA-influenced organizations. This includes not linking to them or giving them any legitimacy.
8. A fraternal organization must reject all forms of First Worldism, Trotskyism, social fascism and White nationalism, even those forms that pretend to be Maoism.
9. A fraternal organization recognizes that First Worldist feminism is an enemy of national liberation movements. A fraternal organization must reject the idea that First World females are friends of the exploited countries. Fraternal organizations reject Trotskyism disguised as gender concerns.
10. A fraternal organization does not engage in pig work or wrecking activities against the revolutionary movement.
Leading Light Communist Organization
(contact [email protected])
Long Live the Leading Light!
Follow the Leading Light!
Fear of Fear:
and don’t miss Bob Avakian’s launch of his draft for a new USA constitution on the 10th November ;-(
Oh fuck I’ve been bourgeoisified!
$10,000 must be raised very quickly.
I met some RCP people years ago in Berkeley. They had a little card table with a few leaflets and stickers and a bunch of RCP papers on it. I bought one and asked about the paper and who they were etc. Like good Maoists they denied all knowledge of the paper or who put it out, claiming just to be random people who happened to think the paper was alright and so would sell it on their stall.
their German clone always signed Leaflets with “Sympathizers of Revolutionaere Kommunisten, BRD”, probably there were no members, their members used always pseudonyms but they also always told you, that they do so 😉