Transcendental fascist Richard Wolstencroft (Führer of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival), and director Bruce La Bruce have today been subjected to some withering criticism by the Victoria Police Film Criticism Unit. In fact, critics at VicPol were so appalled by La Bruce’s prohibited film LA Zombie — and Wolstencroft’s role in inflicting it upon local audiences — that today they raided Richard’s house looking for a copy of the turkey. Apparently, they failed.
It is believed the detectives considered removing every DVD in Wolstencroft’s house, as well as computers containing two movies on which he is working. They were eventually dissuaded by his insistence that he had destroyed his only copy of the film, on DVD, after the August screening. Wolstencroft also admitted to police that the August 29 screening had gone ahead and that he was solely responsible for it.
A Victoria Police spokeswoman said Wolstencroft would face court at a later date.
Personally, I think the police only want to ensure there’s quality films in Australia, anyway. Well, in essence. They may be a little excessive in their zeal, but that can be forgiven now given some historical distance. MUFF was a pointless self-promotional exercise guided only by Wolstencroft’s arrogance. 10BA would have protected the Australian film industry and it would exist in a greater glory to this day if it had been allowed to. In the end England has lost everything and parts of London now resemble Afghanistan. Some victory!
See also : Art = Ego (January 21, 2006).