According to the Battle Creek Enquirer (June 3rd, 2006):
100 years ago today, 1906: Local detectives in Portland, Oregon, have learned of the existence there of a large body of Russian anarchists who allegedly have been plotting the assassination of President Theodore Roosevelt. The anarchists have been awaiting the arrival of enough money before sending a group to Washington to carry out their scheme to kill the president.
And today in the United States, we have the Green Scare:
The term Green Scare, alluding to the Red Scare of the 1940s-50s, is an expression used to refer to recent actions taken by the U.S. government against the radical environmentalist movement… an early 2006 sweep of arrests, convictions and grand jury indictments of alleged ELF/ALF activists on charges relating to acts of property damage, conspiracy, arson and use of destructive devices dubbed “Operation Backfire”.
To learn more, come to the Barricade film screening this Friday!