Or don’t. Doesn’t matter, I’ll probably get hit by a car anyways.
Barking Coins is back.
Faridabad Majdoor Samachar is a monthly publication in the Hindi language. Working families working families working families.
Historical Underbelly. Stuff they don’t teach you in skool.
Islamophobia Watch. What it says on the label.
Nazi Skinheads Exposed. A new blog, it’s got only a handful of entries at this point, but makes for very interesting reading.
Just the Messenger. Pauline Vetuna writes about stuff she cares about. I know ’cause someone linked her blog to mine in a comment.
Things Anarchists Like. Include factionalism, not voting, zines and more!
War on Society. Yeah! Alright!
We are all dead. “An amateurish dissection of political and economic issues and ideas.” I says: Let’s Destroy Work! Let’s Destroy the Economy!