March 15, 2012 has been declared a day of action in solidarity with imprisoned anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman. Among other things there will be a rally outside of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London (186-188 Queen’s Gate) @ 11.00am. Green Left Weekly has published an Open Letter from Jock which I’ve re-published below.
On February 18 in Sofia, “Some 1000 participants joined the so-called Lukov March, a procession deemed to be neo-Nazi, whose organizers defend it as patriotic”. On the same date in Dresden and earlier on February 13 neo-Nazi gatherings were disrupted by large numbers of protesters. On February 13, an estimated 13,000 people formed a chain around the centre of the city while 2,000 others confronted perhaps 1,600 neo-Nazis and 5,000 police at the central railway station.
Dear Comrades,
As of around August 2011 I have been convicted without right of appeal in the highest court of Bulgaria. I was left with a 20-year sentence in a maximum security prison.
However, what did change in the court’s decision was that unlike the first court’s verdict, the court of appeal ruled that there were Roma present and there was a “physical fight between the Roma and the group of boys”.
Seeing as the Roma were 2 and the “group of boys” were 15 the use of the word “fight” is being stretched. The neo-nazis from South Division Levski Ultras have denied that there was a “fight” with any Roma and even deny that Roma were there at all.
Yet the appeal court, although contradicting the neo-Nazis on this point, went on to claim that the statements from the neo-Nazis were truthful. Strangely the crux of the prosecutor’s arguments was that there was no fight between the neo-Nazis and Roma and there weren’t even Roma there, hence the accusation against me that I attacked them without cause.
This was also the excuse given by the investigator and prosecutor for not bringing the Roma to court as witnesses. Now, however, the court has ruled that Roma were there and that yes there was a physical fight between the Roma and neo-Nazis, but the court stops short at discrediting the neo-nazis as witnesses and made no attempt to find these “new” witnesses.
Until today the only evidence used to prosecute me were the statements from the neo-nazis themselves. There is no other [corroborating] evidence or witnesses to the indictment or court findings that I “for no reason attacked 15 men with the intent to kill them”.
I have not changed my explanation of events from the beginning, and they remain the same after four years of being kidnapped by the Bulgarian state. I witnessed the 15 neo-Nazis all attack two Roma due to the colour of their skin. I intervened to defend the two Roma. The 15 neo-Nazis then attacked me and I defended myself.
For these reasons and many more we are trying to revitalise the solidarity movement with my case and all the connotations that my case involves, i.e. racism, violent neo-Nazi gangs and their mates who defend them the corrupt police, corrupt courts and the corrupt prison system.
The neo-Nazis wouldn’t be able to attack people on the streets if it wasn’t for the protection afforded them by the police and courts. It’s telling when hundreds of the state’s agents are needed to stop me, a lone individual. However against their hundreds I have morality, I am right and they are in the wrong and this is why it takes so many of them.
I am putting out a call to action to all those opposed to racism both on the street and in its institutionalised form of fascism. This March 2012 organise yourselves to the Bulgarian embassies or consuls in your cities. Let the Bulgarian state know that the matter is [not] yet settled and that you don’t recognise the court’s decision to incarcerate me and protect the racists.
I am also trying to transfer to Australia to be closer to my family and to escape the persecution against me by the prison administration at the behest of those connected with my case. Yet the Head Prosecutor Boris Velchev and his lap dog prosecutor Krassimira Velcheva have already tried to coerce me into retracting my transfer request.
I refused to retract my request and as such the Prosecutor’s Office of Bulgaria is refusing to answer my requests, based on Bulgarian laws, to transfer to Australia.
March 2012 solidarity demands are:
• Jock’s case be re-opened due to missing evidence primarily the two Roma witnesses/victims.
• The neo-Nazis are punished for their past race hate crimes and prevented from committing more.
• Jock is allowed to transfer to Australia and all foreigners who wish to transfer to their countries.Letters of demand can be sent to the following relevant addresses:
• Head prosecutor of Bulgaria, Boris Velchev, Ns 2 Vitosha Boulevard, Sofia 1061, Bulgaria
• Directorate of International Legal Assistance and European Integration, Krassimira Velcheva, 2 Vitosha Boulevard, Sofia 1061, Bulgaria
• Minister of Justice, Diana Kovacheva, Ns 1 Slavanska Street, Sofia 1040, Bulgaria
Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Boiko Borrisov, Ns 2 Dondukov street, Sofia 1123, Bulgaria
• President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneviev, Ns 2 Slavanska Street, Sofia 1040, Bulgaria
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs, N2 29 “6th September” street, Sofia 1000, BulgariaSolidarity to all my comrades both outside and inside.
See : FreeJock for more infos on Jock’s case and watch Australian Story, Conviction (June, 2011).
HRLC assists Australian to take case to European Court of Human Rights
Human Rights Law Centre Bulletin, Vol.70 (February 2012)
An application has been lodged with the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man who was convicted of murder in Bulgaria in 2009, who faced inconsistencies throughout the court process in Bulgaria. Mr Palfreeman appealed unsuccessfully against both his conviction and sentence to the highest court in Bulgaria. Mr Palfreeman’s application to the European Court is based on a violation of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights which enshrines the right to a fair trial. In particular, Mr Palfreeman claims that the Bulgarian courts failed respect his right to a fair trial by:
failing to respect his right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in violation of Article 6(2) of the Convention;
placing the prosecution at an unfair advantage in breach of the principle of ‘equality of arms’ enshrined in Article 6(1) of the Convention;
not providing him with adequate facilities for the preparation of his defence in breach of Article 6(3)(b) of the Convention; and
failing to provide reasoned judgments in violation of Article 6(1) of the Convention.
Mr Palfreeman is being provided with pro bono assistance by the HRLC, DLA Piper and Peter Morrissey, Julian McMahon, Ruth Shann and Phoebe Knowles of counsel.
reposted it:
solidarity from hamburg
I really feel for this kid but what I have never heard explained is why he was carrying a knife in a foreign country?
The question has been explored before. Watch the episode of Australian Story. In court proceedings on July 2, 2009, Jock stated:
If you have a genuine interest, I suggest you read this [PDF] and other court transcripts.
He went to a foreign country and murdered a teenager. The moron deserves to be in prison.
@Steve Jobs
That’s a little harsh – a quick glance over the “facts” would tend to suggest manslaughter, not murder, even if he is a screaming oneworlder antifa fascist hellbent on weeding out “racists”. l will have a quiet word with someone in Bulgaria and politely beseech them to commute his sentence in the interest of peace and non gender specific love.
Oh hai trolls,
As I see it, assuming it was Jock’s knife that delivered the relevant blows, the most appropriate crime under Bulgarian law to which he should be subject is murder in self-defence. Otherwise, Jock never had a chance in the Bulgarian criminal justice system; it remains to be seen if the ECHR provides a more appropriate forum for the facts to be examined.
The guy defending culturally subversive political agitators, and violent criminals, calls other people trolls. That’s rich.
Haven’t the Bulgarians suffered enough from communists?
You troll good troll lol.
Self defence? Oh like Josue Estebanez? If you go out into public with a knife then you’re going to end up in shit sooner or later.
Faux ignorance is about as appealing as open bigotry.
From all that I’ve seen this case is extremely dodgy. I haven’t seen it brought up in a while, and I thought it’d flown under the radar. This also highlights the issues of institutionalised racism within Bulgaria and much of Europe in regards to the Roma minority. A problem, unfortunately, that will prove a devil to fix. Centuries of fixed ideas and behaviours take quite a lot to shift.
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So can I carry a knife and stab some sucker because I don’t like his political ideals?
Let’s start telling some truth here. Jock was a nasty little knife carrying thug who had just joined the British army.
Keep him inside.