[Update : (January 19, 2017) : Activists claim to unveil leader of ‘alt-right’ website the Right Stuff, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, January 18, 2017; Mike Enoch, the neo-Nazi blogger behind (((echoes))), has a Jewish wife, Tom McKay, mic, January 17, 2017; Neo-Nazi blog struggles after founder’s wife is revealed to be Jewish, Brian Lisi, New York Daily News, January 17, 2017.
Update (January 16, 2017) : While recriminations on the #AltRight keep flying thick and fast and Mike’s wife has been revealed to be Jewish(!), the (((media))) has begun to pick up on the story. See : Does Neo-Nazi Media Kingpin Live on Upper East Side?, Dan Friedman, Forward, January 15, 2017; The alt-right eats its own: Neo-Nazi podcaster “Mike Enoch” quits after doxxers reveal his wife is Jewish, Matthew Sheffield, Slate, January 16, 2017 (‘Bad day for the Fourth Reich: Founder of popular alt-right blog The Right Stuff resigns after foes expose him’).]
In the last coupla weeks, various nazi dingbats active on the #altright in the US have been doXXed — seemingly as a result of some internecine online warfare.
The latest casualty in this war is Some Guy called Mike Peinovich, AKA ‘Mike Enoch’. Peinovich is the lvl boss of a popular altright site called ‘The Right Stuff’ (TRS), established in December 2012, which hosts podcasts ‘Fash The Nation’ (August 2015–) and ‘The Daily Shoah’ (August 2014–).
According to IGD (No Honor Among Trolls: ‘The Right Stuff’ Gets Doxed By Their Own ‘Movement’, January 10, 2017):
It all started when Red Ice Radio hosted a discussion with the pseudonymous “Reactionary Jew” asking if reactionaries Jews had any place in the alt-right. Many meme hardened Nazi keyboard warriors were angered that the question was even being considered, and took to the alt-right Internet to denounce Red Ice’s capitulation to the Jewish agenda. Some regular posters from the 504ums (the private forum of The Right Stuff, home to The Daily Shoah, Fash the Nation, and our old pal Ghoul) took the side of Red Ice in the face of these attacks.
This was enough to set off a trollstorm on other boards, leading to TRS heavies, including Mike Enoch (founder of TRS), Seventh Son, and Bulbasaur, to be roundly accused of being soft on Jews and gays, of using message boards to “shill” for their own site (based simply on a few folks having shared some links), and of course, of being secret Jews or gays themselves. This touched off a puerile feud between boards, consisting mostly of idiotic trolling, immature accusations, and denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
TRS was given an ultimatum: apologize on the air, or face a doxing. As defiant screencaps from the 504um were leaked by TRS insiders onto other sites, Bulbasaur from TRS allegedly responded to a dox threat by daring people to try it. They called his bluff. When the dust settled, two prominent hosts of The Daily Shoah, including Bulbasaur, had been doxed by their own white nationalist “comrades.” This release of info also comes as another prominent Alt-Right celebrity, Millennial Woes has reportedly fled Scotland after having their information released as well.
Apparently, ‘Millennial Woes’ is Some (Angry, Depressed) Guy called Colin Robertson, ‘Bulbasaur’ is Van Bryant II, and ‘Seventh Son’ — catchphrase Put ‘em in the oven! — is Jesse Craig Dunstan (AKA Jesse Bjorn, Jesse C. Densten). I’d never heard of the ‘Millennial Woes’ bloke, but this vid gives a pretty good breakdown of his batshittery:
As for Mike, originally published on Medium, the article ‘outing’ Enoch/Peinovich — Meet Mike Peinovich, the Upper East Side’s Neo-Nazi Media Kingpin — has since been unpublished by the site. The text reads as follows. Note that, for various reasons, I’ve removed some identifying content […] which the curious can probably find online elsewhere …
Mike Peinovich (alias “Mike Enoch”) is the founder and leader of The Right Stuff (TRS), an online hub of podcasting and networking for “Alt Right” neo-Nazis. TRS prides itself in its “edgy” podcasts, delighting in taking Alt Right politics to their logical conclusion, including favorable references to the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing, gaybashing, Islamophobic hate crimes, police shootings of black youth, and much more, often couched in a sizeable canon of hateful neologisms that require their own TRS-written lexicon to decipher. But don’t let the goofy jokes and veneer of irony fool you — TRS is dead serious, and central to a hard-core, explicitly neo-Nazi tendency in the Alt Right movement.
Peinovich’s pseudonym, taken from the white nationalist statesman Enoch Powell (and from removing a few letters from his own last name) is not as well known as the names Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin, [Milo Yiannopoulos], and others who have forsaken private life and seem to revel in notoriety. But this does not make Peinovich any less important to the Alt Right than these figures. The only difference is Peinovich covets his anonymity, fearing the loss of his lucrative tech job
(last listed as a company called Vook, which was renamed to Pronoun), backlash in his Upper East Side neighborhood, and alienation from his liberal family, rooted in the affluent suburb of Montclair, New Jersey. Far from the spotlight, Peinovich has created a dangerous neo-Nazi media and social network, out of […] a quiet street in Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
[Grammar Nazi says : ‘He misspelled professional!’]The TRS podcast “network” invokes a fictitious call number WKKK1488 FM, a reference to the KKK, the “14 words” of white nationalism, and the greeting “heil Hitler”. The network is home to the popular Alt Right podcast “Fash the Nation”, among many others with explicitly fascist, white nationalist, and neo-Nazi themes. Peinovich hosts TRS’s flagship podcast “The Daily Shoah” (a pun on the Shoah, or Holocaust), where he regularly rants, using every slur under the sun, in faux-intellectual stentorian monologues about the inferiority of anyone who is not a heterosexual white man. Peinovich and his fairly large cohort of radio hosts, bloggers, and activists advocate creating an “ethno-state” in the US by any means necessary, including the forced removal of all non-whites, Jews, and “deviants”, and a return to the patriarchal rule of white, heterosexual men.
Unsurprisingly TRS has been wildly supportive of Donald Trump, though they understand him not so much as the leader of their movement, but a great historical figure who has created an opening for their organization and related groups to function more effectively, while preparing the masses of white Americans for their message. As a part of their deliberate movement-building, TRS has provided an online platform for notorious white nationalists and Nazis such as Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer, Greg Johnson of Counter Currents, Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network, video blogger Colin Robertson (aka Millennial Woes), and many other heavy hitting haters, including the Nazi dork himself, who is a big supporter of the project. In short, TRS is no fash in the pan operation. Since its beginnings in 2013, the network now boasts over 100k listeners each week for The Daily Shoah alone.
Peinovich’s The Daily Shoah is also the source of the (((Jewish Name))) meme, which originated from making Jewish names echo on the air, and was subsequently translated into anti-Semitic online harassment on Twitter and elsewhere, a self-conscious digital incarnation of the notorious star Nazis forced Jews to wear to identify themselves. Until dropped by the online seller, TRS devotees could order t-shirts subtly celebrating the crematoriums of Auschwitz, the “helicopter rides” in which dictator Augusto Pinochet murdered activists, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, allowing TRS devotees to safely advertise their affinities in daily life. Enoch is also responsible for the “white student union” hoax and maintains a noxious Twitter presence as @ThaRightStuff, instigating hateful trolling amongst his nearly 25k followers. In November Peinovich appeared in the closed session of Richard Spencer’s National Policy Institute (NPI) conference, prior to Spencer’s now-notorious toast of “hail Trump”, in a rare public appearance. Peinovich opted out of the regular conference programming out of fear of losing his cherished anonymity, and was given a platform to fund-raise last-minute by his friend Spencer, as he had been the year prior when he appeared alongside TRS associates Henrik Palgren and Lana Lokteff of the neo-Nazi Red Ice Radio. Most recently, Peinovich (as Mike Enoch) joined the board of directors of the 501(c)3 Center for the Marketplace of Ideas, an explicitly “Alt Right” non-profit organization run by white nationalist lawyer Kyle Bristow.
Through building a private Facebook group and the TRS messageboard, Peinovich has been central to a growing national network of activists who network at regular “pool parties” (real life meetups for TRS-affiliates) aimed at building an activist presence off the Internet, where TRS has mostly lived since its inception. Members of this network recently joined the Traditionalist Youth Network and the National Socialist Movement, for a “White Lives Matter” rally in Chicago, marking a turn in TRS from the shadows of pseudonymous podcasting and Tweeting, toward street mobilization.
This comes as other prominent co-hosts of The Daily Shoah have been outed: Cooper “Ghoul” Ward (also a member of the American Vanguard, another group trying its hand at a public presence), Van “Bulbasaur” Bryant II, and Jesse “Seventh Son” Dunstan. While Ward and Bryant quickly disappeared from social media and TRS, with Ward even offering to give up information on TRS in exchange for his identity being protected, Dunstan continues to Tweet and podcast as “Seventh Son”, joking about his doxing, and advertising his recent purchase of a shotgun. In any case, TRS clearly has aspirations far beyond pseudonymous podcasting and Tweeting, and it is very likely that Peinovich, its founder and leader, will remain central to this project even after his identity has been revealed. To this effect, the group is said to have prepared for this possibility for a long time, and Peinovich has stated that with the rise of Trump, he expects the Alt Right to be able to shed its pseudonymous existence in the near future. This means the pressure must be put on, and kept on, to deprive these scumbags of any platform or comfortable existence aboveground.
Mike’s most recently listed employer is a publishing start-up called Vook (renamed Pronoun). [Note : In May 2016, major publishing company Macmillan, itself a subsidiary of the Stuutgart-based Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, announced that it had purchased Pronoun.]
Mike’s personal email address is [email protected], and his most recently listed phone number is (917) 747–9239.
In 2010 Peinovich had a whiny anarcho-capitalist blog called “The Emptiness.”
Mike P.’s avatar is Mike Enoch’s CURRENT YEAR Facebook image.
Peinovich wrote this article for the Mises institute: https://web.archive.org/web/20160514080423/https://mises.org/library/burning-down-house-0
It was referenced at 13:25 of a July 24th, 2015 episode Red Ice Radio, featuring Enoch and Seventh Son (who we previously revealed as Jesse Dunstan of Fishkill, NY).
And in terms of a smoking gun, this Wayback Machine digital archive of TRS’s edgy lexicon from 2013 shows a Paypal link that goes to [email protected]:
Lastly, we’d like to thank Ghoul for the tips!
You can read a whole bunch more about Enoch/Peinovich and the Alt-Right on the site ‘Angry White Men’: (((Tracking the Alt-Right))).
PS. Pronoun has stated (https://twitter.com/pronoun/status/820403765794799618) that Mike does not work for and is not affiliated with the company:
PPS. Mike has apparently published a statement regarding his doXXing:
Is this another Shoah?
Hi, my name’s Joe. Dox me and me and organize a protest outside my home or workplace. It will be fun. Can’t wait to hear from you.
“Fash in the pan”. I love it. Whoever thought that one up can have a round of drinks on me.
One thing we have in our favour on the Left is that our sectarianism has abated considerably in recent decades. That doesn’t mean people don’t have disputes concerning organisational advantage rather than political principle, but it does mean that the behaviour to which people descend in those disputes doesn’t reach the depth that it does on the ultra-Right. Let’s keep it that way, by acting in a principled manner at all times, even when provoked.
A few things:
1) I first became aware of the Enoch d0x by way @NYCAntifa. A few days ago, it published a link to the Medium article. The article was taken down in less than 24 hours, presumably as the result of a complaint, so I decided to publish a (slightly edited) version. Apart from removing Enoch/Peinovich’s address, I also removed refs to his wife, Ames Friedman-Peinovich, AKA Ames Friedman, AKA Lisbeth Ames, as at that stage it was unclear if she had any knowledge, let alone approved of, her husband’s political activities. It’s subsequently come to light that she was both aware and approved of her husband’s activities, and even contributed to them by way of The Daily Shoah. This is despite the fact that she’s Jewish and her (other) online activities would otherwise suggest she’s a liberal Democrat. Strange, but true.
2) It’s unclear who exactly is responsible for Enoch’s d0xxing. His exposure is complicated by the fact that: a) in the weeks previous to the publication of his d0x a number of other men involved in The Right Stuff have also been d0xed; b) it’s become clear that rumours to this effect have been circulating among the AltRight in the US for some time. The Salon article states:
‘Peinovich’s doxxing — a term referring to revealing someone’s private information online — was largely the work of anonymous left-wing users on the Medium blog site, in a post that has since been deleted. Word spread like wildfire throughout the alt-right’s many web forums and message boards over the weekend, as TRS fans and detractors battled over whether the information was legitimate or not.
That initial report had an air of credibility, since the identities of Peinovich’s fellow “death panelists” on the podcast had been revealed earlier in the week. That doxxing was done by members of a rival website called 8chan, who attacked TRS for supporting the principle that non-Jewish white nationalists had common interests with extreme right-wing Israelis, which is anathema to hardcore neo-Nazis and anti-Semites.’
Actually, on my reading, TRS goaded 8chan into d0xxing them; it was presented as a challenge, which was (naturally) accepted. In other words, the d0xxing wasn’t a simple matter of a difference of political perspective but rather a result of TRS shilling on the site (which is regarded as being in very poor form). Further, 8chan had access to the TRS 504um (the contents of which were naturally shared to 8chan), in which 504um users talked shit about 8chan and — again — dared them to Do Their Worst.
3) Sectarianism remains a feature on Teh Left, it simply doesn’t normally assume these forms. Partly, this is as a result of there being a certain culture which mitigates against such actions, but also Teh Left’s more general seriousness and the fact that many on the AltRight are n00bs, ie, lack a certain political maturity. Otherwise, it would be wrogn to overlook the fact that, historically speaking, left sectarianism has sometimes been very bloody … though I suppose referring to this as ‘sectarianism’ obscures the real political differences and the real (material) interests at stake.
Ta, Slackbastard. Your comment basically aligns with how I see it. I have just one further comment:
“Otherwise, it would be wrogn to overlook the fact that, historically speaking, left sectarianism has sometimes been very bloody …”
Yes, when Marxists get their hands on a State, things can get very sticky. And Stalinists have a long & inglorious record of thuggery against their opponents, up to & including murder in some countries (Greece & the Philippines come to mind). With the decline of Stalinism, though, there has been also a decline in the level of poor behaviour motivated by sectarianism. This has included an improvement in the behaviour of both Anarchists & Trotskyists compared to what was frequent practice in the 1970s. Whether this is caused by developing political maturity, or is simply a reflection of the decline in the size & social influence of the Left, is a matter which will be settled when the Left next has a significant upturn.
I’m not sure this counts as far Right sectarianism. Surely this is fascist principle, their version of The Personal Is Political. Jewish wife = line in the sand. Like a far Right version of the betrayal of the social democrats in the first world war. For them, marrying someone jewish is like playing a role in the murder of Luxemburg and Liebknecht. A crime not to be forgotten or forgiven.
“Whether [the decline in sectarianism on the left] is caused by developing political maturity, or is simply a reflection of the decline in the size & social influence of the Left, is a matter which will be settled when the Left next has a significant upturn.”
Definitely not caused by a developing social maturity, Abolokeimet, but certainly a matter of being reduced to complete, and deserved, insignificance. The only competition between tendencies now is over which phone box to have the next meeting in. The “significant upturn” if/when it comes will just be the beginning of the next cycle of the same thing.
“The only competition between tendencies now is over which phone box to have the next meeting in. The “significant upturn” if/when it comes will just be the beginning of the next cycle of the same thing.”
Well, I disagree. On the other hand, I recognise that only facts, not arguments, will settle this disagreement. So we’ll see who is proven right by experience.
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